
  • 网络Shamanism
  1. 论苗族生成哲学与巫教文化

    On the Homogeneity Philosophy of the Miao People and the Witch Culture

  2. 巫教文化,亦可简称为巫文化,并列于佛教文化及道教文化等的宗教文化,成为中国文化现象中一个重要的方面。

    Shaman culture , along with Buddhist culture and Taoist culture , is among one of the most important cultural aspects in Chinese culture .

  3. 从古代食先祭的文化背景来看,与庖厨关系最为密切的是祭礼或其他相关的巫教仪式。

    From the ancient culture background & do sacrifice before eat , the Kitchen is a place connected with offerings and other related religious ceremony .

  4. 本文从玉礼器的起源入手,勾勒出了玉礼器早期发展线索,并对玉礼器与巫教、玉礼器与文明起源的关系作了进一步探讨。

    This articles outlines early developments of jade sacrificial wares from origin of jade sacrificial wares and further explores the relationship between jade sacrificial wares and sorcery as well as origin of civilization .

  5. 其奇艳的艺术特色除受当时的时代风气影响外,还与屈子对荆楚秀丽山川和楚地重繁饰的巫教的艺术体验有关。

    The gorgeous art characteristic was influenced by the general mood of that time , it was also related to QuYuan 's understanding about the beautiful landscape and the inexticable witchcraft in Chu area .

  6. 我们知道,夏、商、周三代特别是商代,国人都信奉巫教,从国家大事到生活中的琐事,都要占卜,具有明显的神本思想。

    We know , Xia , Shang and Zhou dynasty , three generations of americans have embraced , especially from state affairs , wu taught to life bagatelle , divination , has the obvious " god " ideology .