
  • 网络Wuxi;wuxi county
  1. 基于3S技术的三峡库区不同坡度带与坡向带的景观格局研究&以巫溪县为例

    Research on the landscape pattern of slopes with different gradients and directions in the area of Three Gorges Area based on 3S & A case study from Wuxi County

  2. 巫溪县286例麻风病资料分析

    Analysis on 286 Cases of Leprosy in Wuxi County

  3. 该方法已成功运用于重庆市巫溪县110m净跨的大宁河大桥的维修加固工程中,取得了很好的社会经济效益。

    The method has been successfully applied in the rehabilitation of Daning River bridge and presented remarkable social and economic benefits .

  4. 采用Petraitis生态位普遍重叠和特定重叠指数,研究了巫溪县红池坝地区华山松群落中10个主要乔木种群的资源利用状况。

    By employing Petraitis ' general and specific overlap indices , this paper analyzed the resources utilization of 10 main tree populations in Pinus armandii mixed forest .

  5. 重庆山区草甸草地作为一种特殊的草地类型,主要分布于巫溪县及巫山县海拔约2000m以上的山地地区,具有占地面积广、资源特色明显、开发潜力大等特点。

    Mountain meadow as a special type of grass in Chongqing city mainly distributes in Wuxi and Wushan County , at an elevation of above 2000 meters in mountainous areas , which covers an area with broad and obvious characteristics of resources and great potential for development .

  6. 重庆市巫溪县痴呆病调查结果分析

    Investigation report of dementia in Wuxi County Chongqing

  7. 为此,重庆市巫溪县正在修建中国首个巫文化博物馆,着力打造全国第一个巫文化部落。

    On the other hand , WuXi county of Chongqing is now being built the first Witchcraft culture museum , striving to create the first Witchcraft culture tribe .

  8. 上游的江津区和中游的忠县土地利用变化趋势同三峡库区(重庆)较一致,下游的奉节县和巫溪县同三峡库区(重庆)土地利用变化差异明显。

    Jiangjin district and the Three gorges reservoir area ( Chongqing ) had the same trend of the land use change , but it differed in Fengjie district and Wuxi district .

  9. 巫溪县有占全县面积0.7%的裸岩石砾地及7.8%的坡度大于25°的旱地,表明巫溪县人为活动形成了大面积的坡耕地;

    There are 0.7 % barren lands and 7.8 % dry lands with > 25 ° gradient in Wuxi county , which means human activities have shaped large area of cropland ;

  10. 巫溪县复杂的山地地势及受干扰的退化系统,形成了其斑块面积变异性大、形状不规则、破碎化程度高的景观特点。

    Owing to the complicated mountain terrain and disturbed degraded eco-system , the landscape characteristics of Wuxi county land use include great patches area variance , irregular shape and high fragmentation extent .

  11. 方法麻风病例诊断依据为《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和麻风防治手册规定的传染病标准,以1953~2002年经巫溪县麻风病院和卫生防疫站慢病科登记的病例档案为依据。

    Methods The diagnosis of leprosy was based on standards defined in the " Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases " and manual of leprosy prevention and treatment in terms of case record registered in dept.

  12. 长江三峡库区内的巫山奉节巫溪三县,由于位置、资源、经济、社会等条件的一致性,客观上形成了一个独立的、大山大峡旅游资源为特征的“金三角”经济发展区域。

    Due to the identity of geographic location , resources , and economy , the three counties including Wushan , Fengjie , Wuxi situated on Three Gorges Reservoir , have formed actually a unique Golden Triangle economic development region that makes a feature of high mountains and big gorges .