
  • 网络Wushan County
  1. 将离心模拟技术应用于三峡工程库区巫山县高度为57m超高加筋土挡墙研究中,对加筋土挡墙墙背土压力分布规律和拉筋的拉力分布规律进行系统研究。

    Centrifuge modeling test is made to study the support mechanism of reinforced earth wall with the height of 57 m at Wushan county in the reservoir area of Three Gorges Project .

  2. 重庆山区草甸草地作为一种特殊的草地类型,主要分布于巫溪县及巫山县海拔约2000m以上的山地地区,具有占地面积广、资源特色明显、开发潜力大等特点。

    Mountain meadow as a special type of grass in Chongqing city mainly distributes in Wuxi and Wushan County , at an elevation of above 2000 meters in mountainous areas , which covers an area with broad and obvious characteristics of resources and great potential for development .

  3. 三峡库区移民居住区人居环境建设初探&以巫山县大昌新镇移民居住区设计为例

    Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area

  4. 三峡库区巫山县工程地质环境信息系统

    Environmental assessment information system of engineering geology in Wushan area

  5. 重庆市巫山县牧草引种试验

    A Report on Forage Introduction in Wushan County of Chongqing

  6. 巫山县生态农业建设研究

    A study on Eco agriculture construction in Wushan County

  7. 巫山县新城区主要衍生地质灾害调查与评价

    Investigation and estimation on major derivative geological hazards in the new-built Wushan County

  8. 重庆市巫山县桃花铁矿地质特征分析

    Analysis on Geological Characteristics of Taohua Iron Deposit of Wushan Country in Chongqing

  9. 巫山县污水处理厂高填方地基湿化变形试验研究

    Experimental research on slaking deformation of high fill of Wushan municipal sewage treatment plant

  10. 重庆市巫山县污水处理厂工程自动控制系统

    Autocontrol System of Wushan County Sewage Treatment Plant

  11. 巫山县新城址地质环境质量分区评价

    A divisional valuation on quality of geologic environment of new Wushan County town site

  12. 基于RS/GIS的巫山县土地利用/土地覆被变化研究

    Studies on Land Use / Land Cover of Wushan County Based on RS and GIS

  13. 巫山县桃花赤铁矿地质特征及成因探讨

    Study on the geological characteristics and genesis of Taohua hematite deposit in the Wushan County

  14. 基于空间信息技术的巫山县土地利用时空变化分析

    An analysis on space-temporal variation of landuse in Wushan County Based on space information technologies

  15. 浅论旅游开发中的居民参与性问题&以重庆市巫山县为例

    Discussion on the Residents ' Participation in Tourism Development & a case study with Wushan County

  16. 重庆市巫山县医疗卫生资源配置状况与配置效能研究

    Research on the Condition and Efficiency of the Health Resources Allocation in Wushan County of Chongqing

  17. 整合卫生资源提高配置效率&重庆市巫山县卫生资源状况分析

    Integrating health resources to improve the efficiency of allocation-analysis of the health resources status in Wushan County of Chongqing

  18. 三峡库区巫山县新城址工业区滑坡的成因机制研究

    Occurrence mechanism of landslide industrial zone of in the new town of Wushan county , the Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  19. 巫山县改灶降氟效果9年动态监测报告

    A monitoring report on the 9 year dynamic comparison of the effects in improving the kitchen ranges to reduce fluoride

  20. 用常规三轴仪,研究了巫山县集仙中路1号加筋土挡墙加筋填土在不固结、不排水条件下的变形破坏机理和抗剪强度性质。

    The deformation failure mechanism and shear strength characteristics of reinforced filling soil in Wushan county are studied with triaxial apparatus .

  21. 重庆市巫山县新城污水处理厂位于巫山县新城长江边二道沟内,场地地形地貌险恶,水文地质条件十分复杂。

    The wastewater treatment plant of new town in Wushan county is situated within the second channel beside the Yangtze River .

  22. 巫山县农业结构调整是一个动态的不断高级化的过程,其理论、目标、调整方向、思路、对策都需要在实践中不断丰富和完善。

    Finally , it is necessary to point out that the strategic readjustment of agricultural structure of Wushan county is a dynamic and continuously advanced procedure .

  23. 三峡库区巫山县新城址巴东组三段形成的大型复杂滑坡特征及成因机制

    Features and Genesis of Large Complex Landslide Developed from 3rd Member of Badong Formation in the Newly Built Wushan County Seat , Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  24. 基于认知地图的城市建筑物利用适宜性评价定量研究巫山县大昌古镇拟选搬迁新址适宜性评价研究

    The quantitative study on the amenity evaluation of the buildings utilization based on cognitive cartographic SUITABILITY OF NEW SITE FOR LOCATING DACHANG ANCIENT TOWN IN WUSHAN COUNTY

  25. 第五部分,以土地利用分区新思路为指导,对重庆市巫山县土地利用综合分区进行研究。根据自然地理条件建立基础分区。

    Part V described the practical studies of comprehensive land-use zoning of Wushan County in Chongqing Municipality , with the guidance of the new methodology of land-use zoning .

  26. 该技术是在巫山县移民拆迁工程中,根据当地建筑物的周边环境、地形地势和建筑物结构特点研究制定并进行应用的。

    This method was applied successfully in Wushan county immigration project according to the building peripheral environment , the terrain topography and the unique feature hold by the building itself .

  27. 以较为典型的巫山县新城烟厂滑坡治理工程为例,探讨了此类地质灾害的综合治理方法。

    With the typical landslide remediation project at the Xincheng tobacco factory in Wushan County as an example , a new method for comprehensive remediation of the geologic calamity is discussed .

  28. 四道沟滑坡的综合工程地质研究具有十分重要意义,因此论文选择巫山县四道沟滑坡稳定性分析和防治措施作为研究的主题。

    General engineering geology study on the landslide is of very importance , thus in this dissertation the stability and prevention measure of this landslide have been chosen as the research topic by the author .

  29. 巫峡位于四川省巫山县与湖北省巴东县之间,全长42公里,山高入云,有巫山十二峰擅奇全国。

    Wu Gorge is located in Wushan County , Sichuan Province and Badong County in Hubei Province , 42 km in length , goes into the high mountains , there are12 peaks Wushan good at all surprising .

  30. 本研究根据2001~2006年重庆市巫山县卫生统计年鉴和卫生事业发展简报以及基层卫生组织情况调查等资料来分析、探讨上述问题。

    This topic would analyze and discuss those issues according to the statistical materials like the Health Statistics Yearbooks , Health Development Briefings and the surveys on Basic Unit Health Organizations of Chongqing Wushan , year 2001 to 2006 .