
liè tóu
  • headhunter;head-hunting;job-placement
  • headhunt
  1. 几年前,我曾在光辉国际(KornFerry)呆过一天,自称是个猎头。

    A few years ago , I spent a day at Korn Ferry pretending to be a headhunter .

  2. 他原先是田纳西州富兰克林Healthways公司的业务分析总监,2011年一家猎头公司挖他,他便辞掉了这份工作。

    He left his job as director of business analysis for Healthways , a Franklin , Tenn. , company , after a headhunter recruited him in 2011 .

  3. 猎头公司服务能力测评与对策&以G公司为例

    Assessment and Evaluation of Service Capabilities of G Company : a Case Study from Headhunting Industry

  4. 高管猎头公司光辉国际(Korn/FerryInternational)副总裁丹尼斯•凯利认为,在未来三到五年内,将会有新的高管职位出现。

    Dennis Carey , vice chairman of executive search firm Korn / Ferry International , believes several new C-Suite titles will be created in the next three to five years .

  5. 事实上,让我跳槽的猎头就在那儿,就在后面。,Jane,McCarthy,is,in,the,back,there。,她能到这儿我简直太高兴了。

    Actually the head hunter who got me there , Jane McCarthy I was flattered that she came .

  6. 他说:当你主动联系HR或猎头时,他们常常会浏览你的个人主页。

    When you contact HRs and headhunters , they often look at your page , he said .

  7. 在线搜索“jobclubs”或“careerclubs”,就可以找到如何与当地猎头取得联系的线索。

    Search online " job clubs " or " career clubs " to find leads on how to connect with other local job-hunters .

  8. 一家猎头公司VitalityGroupExecutiveSearch的总裁肖恩·戴斯格罗斯勒建议应聘者参加面试时手上一定要拿点东西——随便什么都行,这样能让你保持专注。

    Shawn Desgrosellier , president of VitalityGroup Executive Search , coaches job candidates to go into an interview withsomething anything in their hands . The step maintains focus .

  9. 然而,首先他要效仿那些猎头巨擘LinkedIn和Monster。

    But first he is going after the jobs giants , LinkedIn and Monster .

  10. 根据国际猎头协会associationofexecutivesearchconsultants(aesc)本月早些时候发布的数据,有几个行业的招聘活动有望转强。

    According to data released earlier this month by the association of executive search consultants , several sectors are expected to strengthen .

  11. 和大多数猎头一样,莎拉利用ATS搜寻其猎头公司的简历库。

    Like most recruiters , Sarah uses an ATS to search her recruiting companys resume database .

  12. 加利福尼亚猎头公司RivieraPartners创始人迈克尔莫雷尔(MichaelMorell)说:

    Michael Morell , a founder of recruiting firm Riviera Partners in California , says :

  13. 特别是我国加入WTO以后,中外人才猎头公司纷纷出动,以其最优惠的条件招揽高素质卫生人才;

    Especially at the country 's entry into the WTO , the " personnel-seeking " companies both internal and abroad take actions to excavate our qualified personnel with the most favorite payments .

  14. 他们雇用的大型高管猎头公司经过数月努力,终于找到了董事会心仪的CEO人选。

    They hired a major executive-search firm to find a CEO for their startup , and after months of looking , the board chose its man .

  15. 罗盛咨询(RussellReynolds)是一家高管猎头公司,该公司是使用Boardex软件的250多家公司之一。

    Russell Reynolds , an executive search firm , is one of the more than 250 companies that use Boardex 's software .

  16. 美国资深猎头罗素雷诺兹(RussellReynolds)表示,董事将必须要更为见多识广,也更加无私。

    Russell Reynolds , the doyen of American headhunters , says directors will have to be both more knowledgeable and more selfless .

  17. 约翰•伍德也赞同这种观点。他是另外一家高管猎头公司海德思哲(Heidrick&Struggles)的副总裁兼全球执行股东,负责CEO与董事会业务。

    John Wood , vice chairman and global managing partner of the CEO and board practice at Heidrick & Struggles , another executive search firm , agrees .

  18. 史宾沙管理顾问公司(SpencerStuart)的猎头詹姆士•西特林(JamesCitrin)补充称,工程师擅长‘架构性思维’和解决逻辑问题。

    Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers excel at ' architectural thinking ' and logical problem solving .

  19. 大多数的人力资源经理认识到像Pinnacle这样的猎头在招聘的流程中起着有价值的作用。

    Most HR directors recognize that headhunters such as Pinnacle play a valuable role in the recruitment process .

  20. 此外,由于猎头常常在社交媒体网站上搜索人才,因此,一定要确保你在商务社交网站LinkedIn上的简历完整并及时得到更新。

    Since headhunters often troll for talent on social media sites , make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date .

  21. 猎头公司史宾沙(SpencerStuart)发现,61%的新任董事是现任或已退休的董事长、总裁或CEO。

    Executive search firm Spencer Stuart found that 61 % of new directors were current or retired chairs , presidents , or CEOs .

  22. “中国确实是就业机会的沃土,相对于他们自己的国家,”身为中国和香港的MRI中国集团香港猎头公司的经理的克里斯沃特金斯说。

    " China is really the land of opportunity now , compared to their home countries ," said Chris Watkins , manager for China and Hong Kong of MRI China Group , a headhunting firm .

  23. 但全球高管猎头和咨询公司OptionsGroup首席执行官迈克尔•卡普(MichaelKarp)表示,在第一季度业绩公布后,这些可能就会开始裁员。

    But Michael Karp , chief executive of Options Group , the global executive search and consulting business , says they might pull the trigger once their first-quarter results are published .

  24. 猎头公司AaronWallis的董事总经理罗布•斯科特(RobScott)向推荐其他人的候选人提供旅行激励,从伦敦的航班到蹦极,不一而足。

    Rob Scott , managing director of Aaron Wallis , offers candidates who refer others day-out incentives ranging from flights over London to bungee jumps .

  25. 猎头公司SpencerStuart领导力顾问部门负责人迈克尔·安德森(MichaelJ.Anderson)说,前卫的艺术藏品也许表明该企业鼓励创新。

    A cutting-edge art collection may demonstrate that a business encourages innovation , said Michael J. Anderson , head of leadership advisory services for recruiters Spencer Stuart .

  26. 我们为IT/电信、IT、金融、制造业、地产等主流行业提供系统性、定制化和专业化的VIP职位猎头服务、中高级职位猎头服务。

    We are IT / telecommunications , IT , finance three major industries , systematic , customized job search and professional VIP service , high-class job search services .

  27. 猎头公司SwannGlobal的亚洲常务董事彼得阿科尔认为,可口可乐提供的补贴表明这家公司在招募和留住在华工作员工时遇到了麻烦。

    Peter Arkell , managing director Asia for recruitment firm Swann Global , said the Coca-Cola allowance showed the company was having trouble retaining and attracting staff to China .

  28. 美国研究公司史宾沙(SpencerStuart)驻北京的猎头KittyZheng说,能够成功适应这一变化的比例不到50%。

    The success rate is less than 50 % , ' said Kitty Zheng , a Beijing-based recruiter for Spencer Stuart , another major U.S. search firm .

  29. 埃琳娜•巴季奇是会员制职业网站和猎头公司IvyExec的CEO,她总是会问推荐人,(如果有机会的话,)是否会再次雇用那位求职者。

    Elena bajic , chief executive of ivy exec , a member-based career site and recruiting firm , always asks references if they would hire a candidate again .

  30. 据猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(armstronginternational)的一项调查显示,在兼并收购,私人银行和商品交易等行业的佼佼者,其年终奖将增加30%。

    The best performers in mergers and acquisitions , private banking and commodities trading are set to receive 30 per cent increases in their year-end pay packets , according to Armstrong international , an executive search firm .