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  • deerstalker
猎鹿帽[liè lù mào]
  1. 而在雷斯伯恩和之后的各个版本中,福尔摩斯任何时候都戴着猎鹿帽,包括在室内。

    However , Rathbone and subsequent Holmeses wore it everywhere , including indoors .

  2. 佩吉特画中的福尔摩斯只在乡村戴猎鹿帽,从不在伦敦戴。

    Paget 's Holmes wore it in the country , never in London .

  3. 误解:人们常常认为福尔摩斯戴着猎鹿帽,抽着葫芦烟斗。

    Misconception : Holmes is always seen with a deerstalker cap and calabash pipe .

  4. 我是说现在不是猎鹿帽是福尔摩斯帽了

    I mean , this isn 't a deerstalker now , it 's a Sherlock Holmes hat .

  5. 不过,他们为什么没有现身的谜案,并不是那位带着猎鹿帽的神探通常需要面对的要抽足三斗烟才能解决的问题。

    However , solving the mystery of their no-show was not quite a three pipe problem the Deerstalker-wearing detective would normally have to solve .

  6. 佩吉特给了福尔摩斯一顶猎鹿帽和一件长披风,那些柯南·道尔书中没有的细节。

    It was Paget who gave Holmes his deerstalker hat and his inverness cape , details that were never mentioned in Conan Doyle 's stories .

  7. 不过,他们为什么没有现身的谜案,并不是那位带着猎鹿帽的神探通常需要面对的“要抽足三斗烟才能解决的问题”。

    However , solving the mystery of their no-show was not quite a " three pipe problem " the Deerstalker-wearing detective would normally have to solve .

  8. 那个侧影,戴着猎鹿帽的形象和故事一样深入人心。

    They just are . That silhouette , and the image of the deerstalker . It 's as iconic as any of the stories , really .

  9. 福尔摩斯戴着猎鹿帽,抽着葫芦烟斗的形象已经深入人心,也成为福尔摩斯这个人物的一大特征。

    The popular conception of Holmes with his deerstalker cap and calabash pipe has become so common that it is considered an iconic part of Sherlock 's Holmes persona .

  10. 也许这听起来有点吹毛求疵,但是猎鹿帽和葫芦烟斗却已经成为了福尔摩斯,或者是一般侦探的代名词,尽管这一形象并不属实。

    This might sound like nitpicking , but the calabash pipe and deerstalker cap combo have become synonymous with Sherlock Holmes , or detectives in general though it is entirely inaccurate .

  11. 阴冷的天空飘着大雪,夏洛克輠尔摩斯身披他标志性斗篷,头戴猎鹿帽,正走在回贝克街的路上。

    It 's a snowy , gloomy day , and Sherlock Holmes , dressed in his iconic Inverness cape and deerstalker cap , is on his way home to Baker Street .