
  • 网络Sherlock Holmes;Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows
  1. 导演盖•里奇(GuyRitchie)在2009年将《大侦探福尔摩斯》(SherlockHolmes)搬上了大荧幕,这部英美联制的电影邀请到了小罗伯特•唐尼(RobertDowneyJr.)出演福尔摩斯这一角色。

    In 2009 , film director Guy Ritchie released ' Sherlock Holmes , ' a British-American co-production starring Robert Downey Jr. in the title role .

  2. 这部电影,以及两年后发行的续集《大侦探福尔摩斯:诡影游戏》(SherlockHolmes:AGameofShadows)中的打斗场面,一部分就来源于沃尔夫的巴顿术协会(BartitsuSociety)收集到的巴顿-怀特的初始资料。

    The film -- and a sequel two years later , ' Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows ' -- included fight scenes based in part on Mr. Barton-Wright 's original texts collected by Mr. Wolf 's Bartitsu Society . '

  3. 他还在盖?里奇的《大侦探福尔摩斯》系列电影中扮演医生华生,他出演的HBO电视剧《年轻的教宗》目前正在播出。

    He also plays Doctor Watson in Guy Ritchie 's Sherlock Holmes films and can currently be seen in HBO 's The Young Pope .

  4. 《大侦探福尔摩斯》的第二部续集预计将于2011年12月16日上映。

    Holmes 2 is scheduled to be released December 16 , 2011 .

  5. 他主演的电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》和《钢铁侠》都取得了巨大成功。

    His movies like Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man were a huge success !

  6. 著名的大侦探福尔摩斯手里或嘴上总有一个烟斗。他仔细检查了水管。

    Holmes , a famous detective always with a pipe in his hand or mouth , examined the water pipe carefully .

  7. 而票房成绩并不理想的,由盖里奇(《大侦探福尔摩斯》的导演)执导的《摇滚帮》则排在非法下载榜单第三位。该片在全球范围内总收入还不到2600万美元。

    At the other end of the box-office scale , " Sherlock Holmes " director Guy Ritchie ` s " RocknRolla " ranked No. 3 . It grossed less than $ 26 million worldwide .

  8. 作为2009年《大侦探福尔摩斯》的续集,导演盖·里奇想让阿瑟·柯南道尔笔下的这位著名侦探,和他最大的敌人&教授莫里亚蒂(《广告狂人》中的杰瑞德·哈里斯饰)竞争。

    For the sequel to2009 's Sherlock Holmes , director Guy Ritchie wanted to pit Arthur Conan Doyle 's famed detective against his greatest adversary : Professor Moriarty ( Mad Men 's Jared Harris ) .

  9. 除这部漫画外,泰坦也是《福尔摩斯再历险》系列和《克苏鲁案卷》的出版商。前者讲述了大侦探福尔摩斯破解外星人袭击和吸血鬼之谜的故事,后者是詹姆斯·洛夫格罗夫的一部即将发行的作品,书中展现了超自然力量。

    Titan is also the publisher of the Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series , in which the detective variously deals with alien attacks and vampires , as well as James Lovegrove 's forthcoming Cthulhu Casebooks series , in which he takes on occult forces .

  10. 作为与犯罪分子斗智斗勇的大侦探夏洛克-福尔摩斯,他在调查中会经常遇到一些无耻之徒。

    As the crime-fighting super sleuth Sherlock Holmes , he has faced some pretty nasty characters during his investigations .