
yā shé mào
  • peaked cap;peaked(visored) cap;casquette
鸭舌帽 [yā shé mào]
  • [peaked(visored) cap] 帽顶的前部和月牙形帽舌扣在一起的帽子

鸭舌帽[yā shé mào]
  1. 若再换上一身休闲服,戴上一顶鸭舌帽,双手斜插在口袋里,留下一簇刘海,哇,真酷!

    If change a suit sportswear again , wear a peaked cap , both hands is inclined insert in the pocket , leave tuft bang , wow , true cruel !

  2. 我们拉着巨大的旅行箱背着运动包带着鸭舌帽和深色墨镜袖口向上翻卷着站在车站等待第一班公交。

    We dragged the big suit-case , carried the sports bag , put on the peaked cap and dark sun-glasses , put up the cuffs , stood at the station waiting for the first bus .

  3. 镇上的警察穿着深蓝色制服,戴着鸭舌帽。

    The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps

  4. 他有时会戴鸭舌帽,我会告诉自己,他绝对是伯尼医生的粉丝。

    Sometimes he wore a duck hat , and I would tell myself , he was definitely a ( n ) fan of Dr. Bernie .

  5. 公共安全奖:授予JohnSenders,以奖励他进行的一项实验。在实验中,一名驾车人的面前有一个鸭舌帽不断掉下来骚扰他的视线,干扰他的驾驶。

    PUBLIC SAFETY : John Senders for his experiments in which a driver on a major highway repeatedly has a visor flapped down over his face .

  6. 看著我的眼睛然后脱掉你那蠢到爆的鸭舌帽。

    And look me in the eyes take off that stupid fitted cap .

  7. 他把鸭舌帽拉到眼皮上,走了。

    And pulling his cap down over his eyes , he quitted the room .

  8. 我戴鸭舌帽不好看。

    I don 't look good in caps .

  9. 他戴上鸭舌帽,不顾死活地蹒跚着走出门口,就不见了。

    He pulled on his cup , lurched desperately through the doorway , and was gone .

  10. 小麦市场的圆顶是规模巨大的一顶英国赛马骑手的鸭舌帽。

    The dome of the wheat market is an English jockey cap , on a grand scale .

  11. 有人称之为棒球帽,玩朋克的人称它为鸭舌帽。

    Some people call it the baseball cap , while the punk crowd call it the dudette cap .

  12. 他穿上红色的灯笼裤,戴上白色的鸭舌帽,唱首歌儿走出森林,来到了公路上。

    He put on red baggy , wear white cap , sing song out of the forest , and came to the highway .

  13. 在学校开学当日,大批媒体守候在校园中,预备采访贾作胜。为了保持低调,贾作胜戴了一顶鸭舌帽。

    On opening day , he wore a hat to draw less attention to himself as an inflow of media waited on campus to interview him .

  14. 他悠荡到仁爱会修女院前面,蓦地停了下来,朝着耶稣会这位十分可敬的约翰。康米伸过一顶鸭舌帽,求他施舍。

    He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.

  15. 他重新把他的鸭舌帽压紧在额头上,机械地动手去把他的布衫拉拢,扣上,走了一步。

    He settled his cap more firmly on his brow , sought mechanically to cross and button his blouse , advanced a step and stopped to pick up his cudgel .

  16. 当他独自出门时,并且那总是在天黑以后,便经常穿一身工人的短上衣和长裤,戴一顶鸭舌帽,把脸遮起来。

    When he went out alone , which was generally at night , he was always dressed in a workingman 's trousers and blouse , and wore a cap which concealed his face .

  17. 确是一个男人,戴鸭舌帽的,走在马吕斯前面,相隔二十来步,虽然只望见他的背,却能看出他的灰白胡须。

    A man , in fact , wearing a gray cap , and whose gray beard could be distinguished , although they only saw his back , was walking along about twenty paces in advance of Marius .

  18. 可以看到比伯领先赛琳娜12码,和一名男性友人并驾齐驱,两人均反戴鸭舌帽,白T恤配牛仔裤的简单打扮。

    Indeed , Bieber could be seen a dozen yards ahead of Selena as he kept pace with a male friend , who matched the pop idol in a snap back cap , white T-shirt , and jeans .

  19. 也应可以说是因为这封信,促使我总是要求,课堂上的同学摘下鸭舌帽来听课,至少在学习的殿堂里。

    It is also , I should say , on the basis of this letter , which is why I ask people from time to time to remove their caps in the class room , from the House of Study .

  20. 其实他的小背包内同样有一顶滑稽、绿色的登山鸭舌帽,当他出发徒步攀登上千尺之前,在前往山脚时就会戴着它一般都会伴着一首乡村歌。

    In fact in his little knapsack he also had a funny green alpine cap that he wore when he got to the foot of a mountain , usually with a yodel , before starting to tromp up a few thousand feet .