
yā zuǐ lónɡ
  • duckbill dinosaur
鸭嘴龙 [yā zuǐ lóng]
  • (1) [duck-billed dinosaur]∶多种素食的鸟臀类恐龙中的任何一种,这些恐龙具有刀片状的牙齿

  • (2) [hadrosaur]∶鸭嘴龙属或鸭嘴龙科的恐龙

  1. 白垩纪晚期的鸭嘴龙的一属。很多恐龙是素食类的。

    Genus of duck-billed dinosaurs of late Cretaceous . Many were vegetarians .

  2. 在加拿大发现其带有皮肤的干尸化石的鸭嘴龙。

    Duck-billed dinosaur from Canada found as a fossilized mummy with skin .

  3. 白垩纪晚期的一种大的鸭嘴龙。

    Genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs ; late Cretaceous .

  4. 华东白垩纪鸭嘴龙类恐龙蛋化石的发现

    Fossil eggs of Cretaceous Hadrosaurs from eastern China

  5. 新发现的牙齿牙冠上发育有明显的第二、三副脊,这在鸭嘴龙中是罕见的。

    Well developed secondary and tertiary ridges on the lingual side of the dentary crowns are unusual in hadrosaurids .

  6. 崖埋鼻王龙是鸭嘴龙家族的一份子,这个家族的成员头上都有突出的峰骨。

    Rhinorex condrupus is part of the hadrosaur family , consisting of dinos with prominent bony crests atop their heads .

  7. 一只鸭嘴龙的身长足足有10公尺,似乎不太可能在地上挖个洞,跑到里面去冬眠吧。

    It seems unlikely that a 10-meter-long ( 35-foot-long ) hadrosaur dug a hole in the ground and went into hibernation .

  8. 侏罗纪时代图片集。古生物学家在中国河南省盆地发现了这窝蛋化石所奠定的侏罗系(嘴巴)象鸭的食草动物鸭嘴龙。

    Photo Gallery : Jurassic Period Paleontologists in China 's Henan Basin discovered this nest of fossilized eggs laid by the Jurassic duck-billed herbivore Hadrosaurus .