
dà xué
  • university;college;uni;The Great Learning
大学 [dà xué]
  • (1) [university;college] a [古]∶聚集在特定地点传播和吸收高深领域知识的一群人的团体

  • (2) 提供教学和研究条件和授权颁发学位的高等教育机关

  • (3) 大学的校舍

大学[dà xué]
  1. 三所学院合并成了一所新的大学。

    Three colleges have come together to create a new university .

  2. 学生应该充分利用大学的设施。

    Students should take full advantage of the university 's facilities .

  3. 离家上大学使我变得独立自主得多。

    Going away to college has made me much more independent .

  4. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。

    She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days .

  5. 她获聘为普林斯顿大学经济学教授。

    She was appointed to a professorship in Economics at Princeton .

  6. 她是利兹大学某个学科的教授。

    She 's a professor of something or other at Leeds .

  7. 我大学毕业后在外旅行了六个月。

    When I finished college I went travelling for six months .

  8. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。

    I didn 't want to go to a large university .

  9. 大学在河的左岸。

    The university is on the left bank of the river .

  10. 许多刚踏出大学校门的孩子可能面临着失业。

    For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons .

  11. 上大学是否为你的事业打下了良好基础?

    Was going to college a good preparation for your career ?

  12. 他已被列入斯坦福大学的美式足球奖学金等候者名单。

    He 's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford .

  13. 数据库可以用作大学里的一种教学辅助手段。

    The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges .

  14. 上大学可以算作自我发现之行。

    Going to college can be a voyage of self-discovery .

  15. 她找到一家愿资助她读完大学的公司。

    She found a company to sponsor her through college .

  16. 我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。

    My brother has a master 's degree from Harvard .

  17. 我已经存了些钱作大学学费。

    I 've put some money by for college fees .

  18. 在工程学领域上,这所大学位居本国第一。

    The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering .

  19. 在经济发展快速的20世纪90年代,有才华的大学毕业生可以发展很快。

    In the expansive 1990s bright graduates could advance rapidly .

  20. 大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负。

    The college 's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations .

  21. 她瞧不起没上过大学的人。

    She looks down on people who haven 't been to college .

  22. 他希望明年上大学。

    He 's hoping to go to college next year .

  23. 她决心要上哈佛大学。

    She 's set her sights on getting into Harvard .

  24. 她在大学时演过很多戏。

    She did a lot of acting when she was at college .

  25. 皇家学院于1967年获得升格为大学的特许状。

    The Royal College received its charter as a university in 1967 .

  26. 这所大学有理由为自己的纪录而自豪。

    The university can be justifiably proud of its record .

  27. 这个网站为你提供大学面试的窍门。

    The website gives you tips on interviewing for colleges .

  28. 现在,失业对大学毕业生是个实质问题。

    Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now .

  29. 我担心自己进不了大学。

    I worry that I won 't get into college .

  30. 她未获自己选择的大学录取。

    She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice .