
dà bú jìng
  • great disrespect to one's superior;great disrespect to one's seniors;to ignore the emperor's majesty;disrespect
大不敬 [dà bù jìng]
  • (1) [to ignore the emperor's majesty]∶旧时指对君主不尊敬的罪行

  • 触柱折辕,劾大不敬。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • (2) [disrespect]∶对人很不尊敬

大不敬[dà bú jìng]
  1. 你将之称作“玩具”是大不敬

    Well , in spite of you calling it a toy ,

  2. 不用说,这是大不敬的事。

    I need hardly say , a very grave offence .

  3. 真正的大不敬是不尊重别人的神。

    True irreverence is disrespect for another man 's god .

  4. 在坦桑尼亚,准时到达是大不敬的。

    In Tanzania , arriving to a function on time is disrespectful .

  5. 但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。

    It was revealed ! But it were irreverent to describe that revelation .

  6. 《假象的上帝》是一本大不敬之书。

    THE GOD DELUSION is an irreverent book .

  7. 他对她的智力持大不敬的看法。

    He didn 't respect her intelligence .

  8. 批评伍利简直是大不敬。

    Criticism of Woolley is sacrilege .

  9. 在那幢美丽的古建筑上安装霓虹灯将是件大不敬的事。

    It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building .

  10. 谁能够竟然大不敬地猜想出,他俩身上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢!

    What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both !

  11. 豪华汽车也是如此,对于豪华汽车而言,发动机小于八缸曾经被视为大不敬。

    That applies to luxury cars , too , where once it was sacrilege to have anything smaller than a V8 .

  12. 人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,认为他们也渴望得到永不停息的颂扬。

    Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise .

  13. 还有,如果这些真的是美国士兵,那么“北约士兵”的称呼真的是大不敬的行为。

    Also , if these troops were all from USA , then it is a real disservice to describe them as just " NATO " troops .

  14. 恐怖袭击事件中至少有四人重伤。这本讽刺漫画杂志在过去就因其报道的新闻时事大不敬而备受争议。

    At least four people were critically wounded in the attack . The satirical weekly has courted controversy in the past with its irreverent take on news and current affairs .

  15. 我一直在试图拒绝她的爱,连碰碰她的手都觉得不合适,仿佛那是一种纵容,是对死亡的大不敬。

    I had been trying to deny myself even the touch of her hand , assuming that affection was inappropriate , an indulgence , an irreverence in the face of death .

  16. 英国所有的野生疣鼻天鹅都被认为是王室的财产,杀死它们是一种大不敬的行为。

    The bird is believed to have been killed on Saturday evening . All wild mute swans in Britain are considered to be the property of the Crown and it is an offence to kill one .

  17. 在一位老人行将就木的时候,将他对人世间最后的期冀斩断,以绝望之心在寂寞中远行,那是对生命的大不敬。

    When an old man is dying in bed , if you cut off his last hope to the world and let him go away with a desperate heart in loneliness , that will be the greatest disrespect to life .