
liè bào
  • cheetah
猎豹[liè bào]
  1. 普遍认为猎豹是世界上跑得最快的动物。

    The cheetah is generally credited as the world 's fastest animal .

  2. 猎豹奔跑的速度有多快?

    How fast can a cheetah run ?

  3. 纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。

    Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock

  4. 猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达97公里。

    The cheetah can attain speeds of up to97 kph .

  5. 非洲猎豹把开阔的草原作为它们闪电猎食的理想处所

    The cheetah finds the open grasslands ideal footing for its lightning-quick sprints .

  6. 布拉德•斯通(BradStone)在亚马逊公司传记《一网打尽》(TheEverythingStore)中写道,贝索斯曾提出,亚马逊应像猎豹追逐羸弱的瞪羚那样对待小出版商。

    Mr Bezos once suggested that Amazon treat small publishers the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle , wrote Brad Stone in The Everything Store , his corporate biography .

  7. 布拉德•斯通(BradStone)在亚马逊公司传记《一网打尽》(TheEverythingStore)中写道,贝索斯曾提出,亚马逊应像“猎豹追逐羸弱的瞪羚”那样对待小出版商。

    Mr Bezos once suggested that Amazon treat small publishers " the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle , " wrote Brad Stone in The Everything Store , his corporate biography .

  8. 在多家中国互联网公司计划回归中国之时,中国最大的移动应用开发商之一猎豹移动(CheetahMobile)正在美国扩张。

    One of China 's largest mobile app makers is expanding in the US just as many of the country 's other internet companies say they are heading back to the mainland .

  9. 三家店铺之中我最不喜欢的是8号的“殖民概念”(ColonialConcept),尽管它是兽皮师的最爱。店里陈列着十几只孔雀标本和斑马头,墙边摆放着猎豹和狮子填充标本。

    My least favorite shop of the trio is Colonial Concept at No. 8 , although it is a taxidermist 's delight , with more than a dozen stuffed peacocks , zebra heads , a stuffed leopard and a stuffed lion lying on its side ;

  10. 摄影师Anup与ManojShah记录了肯尼亚MasaiMara国家保护区的一只母猎豹(与她的第一窝小豹)成长中的家庭。

    Photographers Anup and Manoj Shah documented the growing family of one female cheetah ( above , with first set of cubs ) in Kenya 's Masai Mara National Reserve .

  11. 而母猎豹则过着孤独的生活,除非她们有幼崽。

    Whereas female cheetahs live solitary lives unless they have cubs .

  12. 它的妈妈又把注意力转向猎豹。

    And its mother turns her attention again to the cheetahs .

  13. 鲨鱼就好比海洋中的猎豹和狮子;

    Sharks are the cheetahs and lions of the ocean ;

  14. 猎豹智能车无人驾驶系统总体设计

    General Design of Unmanned Driving System for Changfeng Intelligent Vehicle

  15. 这两只猎豹可能是兄弟或伙伴。

    These two are probably brothers and partners for life .

  16. 让一个女孩儿跟猎豹,黑猩猩一起玩?

    For a girl to play with cheetahs and chimpanzees ?

  17. 在泽西动物园中,一头成年猎豹正在草地上小憩。

    An adult cheetah rests in the grass at a Jersey zoo .

  18. 如果你回答是猎豹,那么你就答对了。

    Of students gave the right answer to this question .

  19. 猎豹是跑得最快的陆地动物。

    The swifts travel most quickly of all the animals .

  20. 我是一只快乐的猎豹。我喜欢交朋友。

    I am a happy leopard . I love to make friends .

  21. 狮子远不如猎豹跑得快。

    Lions are nowhere near as fast as the cheetah .

  22. 十四个月大的小猎豹在高高的草丛中玩耍,博茨瓦纳。

    Fourteen-month-old cheetah cubs play in tall grass , Botswana .

  23. 像这样的年轻公猎豹经常会成群结队。

    Young male cheetahs like these often team up together .

  24. 我和三只小猎豹在一起。

    There were these three cheetah cubs I knew .

  25. 他们有没有带着一只小猎豹?

    Did they have a cheetah Cub with them ?

  26. 因为它很可能是一只印度猎豹。

    A : Because it might be a cheetah .

  27. 猎豹跑得比猴子快。

    A cheetah can run faster than a lion .

  28. 就会报复性地把他们引往猛蛇或者是猎豹的巢穴。

    It will lead them to a snake or a leopard in revenge .

  29. 然而猎豹的最高时速,通常只能维持在400到500米之间。

    However , they can only maintain this speed for about 1500 feet .

  30. 除了动物保护主义者的保护,猎豹仍处于极大的危险之中。

    Despite the efforts of conservationists , the cheetah is still in peril .