
wān è
  • estuarine crocodile;crocodilus porosus
湾鳄[wān è]
  1. 现有的测量数据显示,湾鳄具有最强的咬合力,一些科学家推测它们的咬合力都能同已灭绝了的雷克斯霸王龙(Tyrannosaurusrex)相媲美。

    and some scientists suggest that this may rival the extinct dinosaur the Tyrannosaurus rex .

  2. 澳大利亚产湾鳄(Crocodylusprosus)背部皮肤的胚胎发生

    Embryonic development of the dorsal skin of Crocodylus prosus

  3. 毋庸置疑,湾鳄是现存最古老的爬行动物之一。

    They are currently one of the most ancient reptiles still in existence .

  4. 湾鳄会捕食一切靠近它的东西,包括人类。

    A saltwater crocodile will eat anything that comes too close , including humans .

  5. 同时,湾鳄也相当长寿,有些可以活到100岁。

    Saltwater crocodiles live very long lives , some live to be 100 years old .

  6. 目的研究湾鳄鳞甲提取物对小鼠肿瘤的抑制作用。

    Objective To study the inhibitory effects of the Crocodylus porosus extracts on murine tumor .

  7. 湾鳄还会游过浩瀚无垠的大海去开辟新领地。

    Saltwater crocodiles will also swim across vast expanses of ocean to reach new territory .

  8. 湾鳄精于伪装,它们会潜伏在水底,等待猎物出现。

    They are excellently camouflaged and will wait low in the water for prey to appear .

  9. 虽然一般来说人类不在湾鳄的菜单之列,但一旦触及“雷区”,也很容易成为饥肠辘辘的湾鳄的腹中餐。

    While humans aren 't usually on the menu , a human who gets too close to a crocodile risks becoming a main dish for a hungry croc .

  10. 湾鳄常出没于南太平洋沿岸的印度、东南亚地区及澳大利亚北部。尽管它们大都生活在浅海地区,但你也能在淡水域发现它们。

    Saltwater crocodiles are found mostly in the South Pacific in India , Asia and northern Australia . While they are happy to live in the sea , they are also spotted in fresh water .

  11. 湾鳄是世界上现存的最大型的鳄鱼,身长可达17英尺,体重可达1000磅,但人们曾发现过长23英尺、重2000磅的巨型鳄。

    The saltwater crocodile is the largest living crocodile in the world reaching 17 feet and up to 1000 pounds , but it is not unheard of to find a 23-foot crocodile weighing 2000 pounds .