
  • 网络public goods theory;the theory of public goods
  1. 公共物品理论研究的范式演变:从需求到供给

    Study on Public Goods Theory : A Shift from Demand Side to Supply Side

  2. 基于公共物品理论的中国西北生态脆弱区资源退化分析

    Analysis on the resources degeneration of the ecological fragile areas in northwest China based on public goods theory

  3. 公共物品理论及对我国铁路改革的启示

    Enlightenments on Deepening Chinese Railways Reform from the Theory of Public Goods

  4. 地方发行公债的理论依据有公共物品理论和财政分权理论。

    Then , the warrant of issuing local bonds is explained in theory .

  5. 公共物品理论与中国铁路改革

    Theory of Public Articles and Reform of China Railway

  6. 基于公共物品理论的政府信息资源共享研究

    On the Research of Governmental Information Resource Sharing Based on the Public Goods ' Theory

  7. 经济学理论中的公共物品理论为行政收费的存在提供了理论依据。

    The " common article " theory in economics theory has provided the theory basis .

  8. 一般而言,按照公共物品理论,政府是公共物品的主要供给者。

    Generally , according to the theory of public goods , government is the primary provider .

  9. 公共物品理论是一个被国内外学者广为关注的研究领域。

    Nowadays , the theory of public goods is a research field focused by native and foreign scholars .

  10. 基于公共物品理论的农村饮水安全问题研究&以江汉平原为例

    Research on Rural Drinking Safety Problem Based on the Public Goods Theory & A Case of Jianghan Plain

  11. 公共物品理论的发展,允许政府和市场联合提供准公共物品。

    The development of public goods theory allows the joint supply of quasi-public goods by the government and market .

  12. 论文研究的理论基础是公共物品理论和利益相关者理论等。

    The theoretical basis for the study contains theory on public articles , theory on interest correlators and so on .

  13. 城市轨道交通的经济学理论基础是公共物品理论,但城市轨道又不同于纯粹的公共物品,它具有部分的非排他性以及部分的非竞争性,属于准公共物品。

    But the urban rail transit is not pure public goods but quasi-public goods which has some non-excludability and some non-competition .

  14. 在公共物品理论中,如何确定公共物品的最优供给水平的问题受到了众多经济学家的关注。

    Among public goods theory , the problem how to confirm the optimum provision of public goods is focused by many economists .

  15. 本文以西方规制经济理论和公共物品理论为支持,选取具有典型特性的城市自来水供应政府规制入行了研讨。

    This article use the western regulation economics theory and the public goods theory , to research the urban water supply system .

  16. 接着,就义务教育信息资源配置的理论基础进行了介绍,包括公共物品理论、公平理论和效率理论。

    Then it introduces the theoretical basis of compulsory education information resources allocation , including public goods theory , equity theory and efficiency theory .

  17. 一是森林生态效益补偿制度的经济学理论依据,包括劳动价值理论,公共物品理论,外部性理论。

    First , forest ecological compensation system based on economic theory , including the labor theory of value , public goods theory , externality theory .

  18. 而从经济学角度来说,环境押金制度是建立在公共物品理论和环境外部不经济性的基础之上。

    From the perspective of economics , the environmental deposit system is built on the base of the theory of public goods and environmental externalities uneconomic .

  19. 因此,公共物品理论、外部性理论、管理学的激励理论和社会林业理论是林业生态工程建设引动机制的理论基础;第三章,林业生态工程建设的四轮引动机制。

    Therefore , the public goods theory , exterior theory , driving theory and the social forestry theory are theory basis of guiding and impelling mechanism .

  20. 公共物品理论是研究政府经济行为的一个核心内容,是为规范政府经济行为定位而引入的。

    The public goods ' theory is a core content of studying the governmental economic activities and is introduced for the localization of standardizing governmental economic activities .

  21. 但是真正的需求还是持续不断地演进变化下去。公共物品理论研究的范式演变:从需求到供给

    But the true requirements , the needed system , will continue to evolve . Study on Public Goods Theory : A Shift from Demand Side to Supply Side

  22. 科学界定了基础设施、农业基础设施及项目内涵、类型及特征和农业基础设施项目的特殊性,构建了以公共物品理论和项目管理理论为基础的农业基础设施项目管理研究的理论框架。

    The chapter defines the content , type and characteristics of the infrastructure , agricultural infrastructure and projects of the agricultural infrastructure projects and the specialty of agricultural infrastructure .

  23. 在我国经济体制转轨的今天,借鉴西方的公共物品理论,构建起一种新型的公共财政框架体系,当不失为一个明智的抉择。

    Today , in alternating of economic system in China , it is a good choice to construct a new public finance frame system using western public goods theory .

  24. 第3章为相关理论,主要包括公共物品理论、外部性理论、集体行动理论、计划行为理论和制度规制理论。

    Chapter three for the relevant theory , including the theory of public goods , externality theory , collective action theory , theory of planned behavior and system regulation theory .

  25. 本文在物品属性分析的基础上,运用公共物品理论解析物业产权,将物业管理产品分解为私人服务、体服务和公共服务。

    Based on the analysis of the attributes and the theory of public goods , this paper decomposes the housing estate administration product into private , collective , and public services .

  26. 摘要本文从公共物品理论的角度,以江汉平原为例,通过实地调研和收集的资料及数据对农村饮水安全的现状和成因进行了分析。

    By surveying and collecting the material and data in Jianghan plain , this paper analyses the current situation and cause for rural drinking water safety based on the public goods theory .

  27. 从公共物品理论层面探讨以县为主管理体制的理论基础,对农村基础教育的顺利发展有一定的作用。

    From the perspective of public goods theory , the study of management system with the county-level government as the main management body is beneficial to the smooth development of rural basic education .

  28. 本部分在公共物品理论的基础上,分别探讨了义务教育产品的基本特征和产品性质,指出义务教育产品是全国性的公共物品,提出义务教育产品应主要由政府提供。

    This part , based on the economic theory of public goods , explores the basic characteristics of compulsory education , draws a conclusion that the result of compulsory education is a public goods .

  29. 因此,公共物品理论中关于物品的分类供给模式对于构建与发展政府信息资源的分类共享模式具有指导性意义。

    Therefore , the public goods ' theory has the guiding significance in the pattern of goods classified sharing regarding to the construction and development of classified sharing pattern of the governmental information resource sharing .

  30. 应当根据公共物品理论,外部效益理论、可持续发展理论、环境公平理论,对我国森林生态效益补偿制度进行创新和完善。

    Compensation mechanism of forest ecological results of our country should be innovated and perfected according to Theory of Public Goods , Theory of External Benefit , Theory of Sustainable Development and Theory of Environment Fairness .