
sǐ wánɡ zhènɡ mínɡ
  • death certificate;proof of death
  1. Emma说:“我必须咬着嘴唇不让自己哭出来。在Hope的死亡证明上签字真的太难了。”

    Emma said : " I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying . Signing Hope 's death certificate was the toughest bit . "

  2. 需要出生或死亡证明?

    Need a birth or death certificate ?

  3. 根据他的死亡证明

    According to his death certificate ,

  4. 这是县验尸官出具的死亡证明清单。-是的。

    The death certificate inventory from the county medical examiner . - Yes , it is .

  5. 我发现了这张死亡证明。

    Came across this death certificate .

  6. 谁料,一名女医生前来发放死亡证明,发现遗体仍然温热,颇感奇怪。

    A doctor sent to sign the death certificate found it strange that his body was warm .

  7. 马卡里教授表示,这部分是由于患者的死亡证明上并未要求显示完整的信息。

    That 's in part because death certificates don 't ask for enough data , Makary said .

  8. 第三,我们迫切需要天气死亡证明世界上作物,尽快和尽可能有效。

    Third , we urgently need to weather-proof die world 's crops as soon and as effectively as possible .

  9. 最后,死亡证明文件在注明死者之后仍将继续存在很久。

    Finally , a death certificate on paper will continue to be around long after the person named on it .

  10. 由于不再有丈夫的任何消息,他的妻子在2016年设法为他办理了死亡证明。

    Hearing no news from her husband , his wife managed to get a death certificate for him in 2016 .

  11. 在这次裁决之前,一名俄亥俄州男子无法在丈夫的死亡证明上签上自己的名字。

    The ruling came after an Ohio man 's struggle to have his name placed on his husband 's death certificate .

  12. 在英国的三个大规模实验中,患者长期实验后随访情况从死亡证明以及登记情况获得。

    In three large UK trials , long-term post-trial follow-up of individual patients was obtained from death certificates and cancer registries .

  13. 研究者们使用死亡证明和人口普查数据作为参考资料,主要对象是20世纪初出生的人。

    The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century , using death certificates and census data .

  14. 美国加州圣克拉拉县公共卫生部门在周一发布了这份死亡证明,并由美联社进行了报道。

    The death certificate was released by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department on Monday the Associated Press news agency reports .

  15. XHTML2作为一种格式实际上已经死了好几年了;这次的宣布差不多可以看成是为它补发了一张死亡证明。

    The format had been as good as dead for several years ; this announcement was little more than a death certificate .

  16. 马卡里相信,死亡证明应该是有改善的空间的,以此确认死亡是否与医疗事故有关。

    Makary believes there should be a space on the certificate that asks if the death is related to a medical error .

  17. 律师:也就是说在签死亡证明时,你不能确定该男子是否已经死亡,是吗?

    Attorney : So , when you signed the death certificate , you weren 't sure the man was dead , were you ?

  18. 建议使用世卫组织的死因推断标准来改善那些没有医学死亡证明的系统的死亡原因的可比性。

    WHO standard verbal autopsy questionnaires are recommended to improve the comparability of causes of death from systems without medical certification of deaths .

  19. 离过婚的人需要提供离婚证明,配偶死亡证明或者婚姻废除证明。

    Yves : For people who have been married before , they 'll have to bring proof of divorce , death , or annulment .

  20. 但是要获得清朝时(1644-1911)出生亲人的死亡证明确实有点困难。

    But obtaining death certificates for relatives who were born during the Qing Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ) has proven a bit of a challenge .

  21. 据这位名叫徐义清的老人表示,这件事始于湖北省宜昌市政府拒绝在没有死亡证明的情况下把这处房产归到他的名下。

    Xu Yiqing said the red tape began when authorities in Yichang , Hubei Province refused to put the property in his name without death certificates .

  22. 根据《中国电子政务年鉴(2015)》,从出生证明到死亡证明,普通中国公民会被签发103个必需的证件、证明。

    According to China 's E-Government Yearbook ( 2015 ) , the average Chinese citizen will be issued 103 necessary papers - from birth to death certificates .

  23. 它也将连接到国家卫生部门,从而实现免疫接种和疾病登记,死亡证明处理,以及医疗执照续期。

    It will also link to the state Department of Health for access to the immunization and disease registry , death certificate processing and medical license renewals .

  24. 然而一名派来在死亡证明上签字的医生却诧异地发现,努比的身体还是温热的。经过进一步观察,她发现努比还活着!

    A doctor sent to sign the death certificate found it strange that his body was warm . At closer observation , she discovered he was still alive .

  25. 如果有关,他建议医生应当受一定的法律保护,即该死亡证明不应当导致医生被起诉。

    If the answer is yes , Makary suggests the doctor should have some legal protection so the certificate is not something that could be used in a lawsuit .

  26. 美国疾控中心收集了1999年至2014年期间国内死亡证明上的一些信息,并统计了其中关于美国人主要死因的系列数据,结果不容乐观。

    To create his chart , Yau used data from the CDC 's Underlying Cause of Death Database , a rather bleak collection of US death statistics from 1999 to 2014 .

  27. 根据莫扎特死亡证明上的官方记录,他死于“急性粟粒热”,即一种粟粒状的皮疹。

    On his death certificate it was officially recorded that the cause of death was hitziges Frieselfieber , or " heated miliary fever ," referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds .

  28. 为了确认你是不是已离世,公司会向两个“证明人”(你所指定的“死亡证明人”)核实并验证死亡证明。

    To determine whether you have passed on , the firm will check with two " 22 ) verifiers "( people you have designated to confirm your death ) and examine a death certificate .

  29. 据《辛辛那提问询报》报道,约翰·亚瑟希望他的死亡证明上显示,詹姆斯·奥贝盖非尔作为他的未亡配偶,可以享有一系列只提供给俄亥俄州异性夫妻的权利。

    The Cincinnati Enquirer reports John Arthur wants his death certificate to show James Obergefell as his surviving spouse , which were allowed for a number of rights only afford to heterosexual couples in Ohio .

  30. 尼尔·约翰逊博士和于尔根·穆勒博士2002年的一项研究表明,由于一些常见问题,如缺失记录、误诊或非医务人员汇编的死亡证明,先前的数字可能被低估了。

    A 2002 study by Dr Niall Johnson and Dr Juergen Mueller suggested that previous numbers may have been underestimated due to common issues such as missing records , misdiagnosis or death certificates compiled by non-medical personnel .