
  • 网络Mortality rate;specific death rate;specific mortality rate;specified mortality rate
  1. 在干预社区50岁以上高龄组死亡专率逐年下降的同时,35~45岁组死亡率却显示出上升趋势。

    It should be noticed that the age specific mortality rate in the age 35 ~ 49 group has been increased gradually in recent years .

  2. 妊娠合并心脏病,死亡专率为2.05/10万;

    Heart diseases , mortality rate is 2.05/100 000 ;

  3. 结论:新生儿窒息复苏培训对北京市新生儿窒息死亡专率的下降起了重要作用;

    Conclusion : Training for neonatal resuscitation play an important role in decreasing neonatal asphyxia specific mortality .

  4. 主要的评价结果指标:全死因死亡率以及恶性肿瘤、心血管疾病死亡专率。

    Main outcome measures All cause mortality and cause specific mortality with the main focus on cancer and cardiovascular disease .

  5. 围产儿死亡原因主要是畸形、早产,主要死因死亡专率前后5年差异有显著(P<0.005)。

    Main cause of perinatal deaths were congenital malformations and premature , the specific rate of death of congenital malformations , premature was declined significantly in east 5 years ( P < 0.005 ) .