• die
  • to the death;extremely;to death;implacable
  • 丧失生命,与“生”、“活”相对:~亡。~讯。~刑。~囚。~棋。~地。生离~别。~有余辜。

  • 不顾生命:~志(牺牲生命的决心)。~士(敢死的武士)。~战。

  • 固执,坚持到底:~心塌地。~卖力气。

  • 无知觉:睡得~。

  • 不活动,不灵活:~结。~理。~板。

  • 不通达:~胡同。~路一条。

  • 过时,失去作用:~文字。

  • 极,甚:乐~人。


(失去生命) die:

  • 病死

    die of illness;

  • 打死

    beat to death;

  • 他平静地死去。

    He died placidly.

  • 他死于公元前33年。

    He died in 33 B.C.

  • 她死于急性肺炎。

    She died from acute pneumonia.


(不顾生命; 拼死) to the death:

  • 死战

    fight to the death


(达到极点) extremely; to death:

  • 高兴死了

    be extremely happy;

  • 渴得要死

    be parched with thirst; be dying for a drink;

  • 累死了

    be tired to death; be dog-tired;

  • 死咸

    terribly salty;

  • 甜死了

    much too sweet;

  • 死一般寂静

    a deathly stillness;

  • 啊, 笑死我啦 !

    Oh, I'm dying of laughing.


(不可调和的) implacable; deadly:

  • 死对头

    sworn enemy


(固定; 死板; 不活动) fixed; rigid; inflexible:

  • 死规矩

    a rigid rule;

  • 死教条

    lifeless dogma;

  • 窗户钉死了。

    The window has been nailed fast.


(不能通过) impassable; closed:

  • 把漏洞堵死

    plug the holes; stop up loopholes

  1. 应该允许垂危病人死得有尊严。

    The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity .

  2. 有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。

    It was whispered that he would soon die and he did .

  3. 他死了以后,好像一切都无所谓了。

    After his death , nothing seemed to matter any more .

  4. 你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。

    Where have you been ? I 've been worried sick .

  5. 我仿佛觉得自己已经死了,进了天堂。

    I feel like I 've died and gone to heaven .

  6. 他妻子死后,他就酗酒了。

    After his wife died , he really hit the bottle .

  7. 他死后,我的生活就成了一个徒有其表的空壳子。

    My life has been an empty shell since he died .

  8. 他死后三个月她仍然感到心里很空虚。

    Three months after his death , she still felt empty .

  9. 呸!我的咖啡里有只死苍蝇!

    Urgh ! There 's a dead fly in my coffee !

  10. 我们不知道他是死是活。

    We don 't know whether he 's alive or dead .

  11. 他的死瞒了很长时间都没告诉她。

    For a long time his death was concealed from her .

  12. 我父亲死后,吉姆成了真正的顶梁柱。

    When my father died , Jim was a real support .

  13. 她没把她父亲的死归罪于任何人。

    She doesn 't blame anyone for her father 's death .

  14. 除非我死了,否则她别想搬进我们家。

    She moves into our home over my dead body .

  15. 五天里死了四十四个人。

    Forty-four people died in the space of five days .

  16. 人们发现她死在利兹她的家里。

    She was discovered dead at her home in Leeds .

  17. 他妻子在他死后本来想粉饰他的名声。

    His wife had wanted to whitewash his reputation after he died .

  18. 她几乎被浓烟呛死。

    She almost choked to death in the thick fumes .

  19. 她没死——她的心脏还在跳动。

    She 's alive ─ her heart is still beating .

  20. 他的死使那一整年都处在阴影之中。

    His death cast a blight on the whole of that year .

  21. 他进去时,房间里变得死一般的寂静。

    A deathly hush fell over the room as he walked in .

  22. 你这无休止的指责真让我烦死了。

    I 'm sick to death of your endless criticism .

  23. 她的死使我们极为震惊。

    Her death came as a terrible shock to us .

  24. 这出歌剧把爱与死的主题紧密结合在一起。

    The opera twins the themes of love and death .

  25. 秃鹫啄出了死羊的眼睛。

    Vultures had pecked out the dead goat 's eyes .

  26. 即使是我的死对头,我也不想他出那样的事。

    I wouldn 't wish something like that on my worst enemy .

  27. 她的死使我们所有人都感到非常震惊。

    Her death was a great shock to us all .

  28. 他的死是你的行为直接造成的后果。

    His death was a direct result of your action .

  29. 他母亲死后留下的空虚感永远没能填补上。

    The void left by his mother 's death was never filled .

  30. 大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。

    Most religions posit the existence of life after death .