
  1. 在上课前书写阅读回应是很重要的,大部分的学生应该可以毫无困难地完成。

    Having written Reader Responses prior to class , students for the most part have no difficulty with this .

  2. 说流利和完整的英语前,先练习书写。

    Before you speak fluently in proper English , practice writing first .

  3. 夏尔玛称,两年前他们独特的书写训练吸引了韩国研究人员,他们前来参观并对学生进行研究,以进一步研究双手书写。

    Mr Sharma said their unique dedication to handwriting led South Korean researchers to visit and study the pupils two years ago , to find out more about ambidexterity .

  4. 我听见有三千年前的诗人们书写的、好无损地流传至今的、印度教士传授给得意门生的、关爱情故事、争和格言。

    I hear the Hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves , wars , adages , transmitted safely to this day from poets who wrote three thousand years ago .

  5. 目的完善院前急救资料的书写与管理,为医患双方提供有效的院前急救原始资料,避免医疗纠纷的发生。

    Objective To improve the records and management of pre-admission first aid documentation , in order to provide effective original information both for patients and hospital , and avoid medical dispute .