
  • 网络prejowl sulcus;SulcuscraniaUs;anterior canal;parastria
  1. 大脑中央前沟与邻近脑沟毗邻关系的MRI形态学研究

    Morphologic relationship between precentral sulcus and its adjacent sulcus on MRI

  2. 根据实验结果,研究了沟道热载流子对于SOINMOSFET's前沟特性的影响。

    Based on these results , the influence of channel hot carriers on SOI NMOSFET 's front-chan nel properties is investigated .

  3. 研究表明:前沟和背面缺陷的耦合效应是SOI器件的特有现象,对SOI器件的退化构成潜在的威胁。

    It is demonstrated that the coupling between back-interface defects and front channel properties is a unique and very challenging degradation phenomena in SOI .

  4. 纵行的中央前沟出现于额下回岛盖部后方,为Broca区的后界。

    Area of Broca reaches its posterior limit as soon as the precentral sulcus appears behind the opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus .

  5. 结论:1中央前沟首次出现在豆状核及内囊前肢出现而前连合及背侧丘脑尚未出现的1~2个断面上。

    Conclusion : The precentral sulcus appears on the12 sections that the lenticular nucleus and anterior limb of internal capsule appear but the anterior commissure and dorsal thalamus doesn 't appear .

  6. 在中央前沟首次出现断面上,豆状核的出现率左侧97%、右侧100%。

    However , on the section the precentral sulcus firstly appeared , the appearing rate of the lenticular nucleus was 97 % on the left side and 100 % on the right .

  7. 实验结果表明:前沟道的热载流子应力在前栅界面不仅诱生相当数量的界面陷阱,同样产生出很大的界面电荷。

    The experimental results show that the hot carrier stress of front channel not only results in the strong generation of the front interface traps , but also in the significant oxide traps .

  8. 结果:1在豆状核首次出现断面上,中央前沟的出现率左侧33%、右侧30%。

    Results : ( 1 ) On the section lenticular nucleus firstly appeared , the appearing rate of the precentral sulcus was 33 % on the left side and 30 % on the right ;

  9. 结果:①颈椎前外侧沟位于颈椎前外侧,沟中点深为1.6~4.9mm。

    Results : ① The anterolateral sulcus of the cervical vertebrae is located at the anterolateral region of cervical vertebrae . The depth of the middle point of the sulcus is 1.6 ~ 4.9 mm .

  10. 颈椎前外侧沟的形态观察及临床意义

    The morphological observation and clinical significance of anterolateral sulcus of the cervical vertebrae

  11. 他头朝前跌进沟中。

    He had fallen head-first into the ditch .

  12. 方法:观察127套干燥颈椎标本的颈椎前外侧沟。解剖颈胸段脊柱标本15例,观察头颈长肌及间距。

    Methods : The sulcus of 127 dry cervical vertebae and cervical thoracic vertebrae of 15 specimens were observed .

  13. 结论:以颈椎前外侧沟为标志,两沟之间为颈椎手术前方入路安全区域。

    Conclusion : It is a safe region for the anterior approach operation in cervical vertebrae between the marks of bilateral anterolateral sulcus .

  14. 投产后,由于揭盖机的性能不理想等原因而废弃不用,炉前主沟不能封盖,造成出铁时的严重污染状况。

    After being put into operation , because of the open-such as the reasons for poor performance and disused , the front ditch was not blocks , caused a serious pollution .

  15. 研究发现地震前泥石流沟活动性评价结果与实际调查结果较吻合,体现了评价模型的可靠性;地震后泥石流沟活动性明显增强,可判定强震区泥石流活动频率将明显增加。

    Study found that debris flow activity before the earthquake evaluation results agree well with the actual survey results , reflecting the reliability of the evaluation model ; earthquake debris flow activity was significantly enhanced to determine the earthquake area will significantly increase the frequency of debris flow activity .

  16. 两组受试牙位治疗前采集龈沟液,记录龈沟液量,检查并记录临床指标,检测龈沟液中白细胞介素-6(IL-6)及雌二醇的浓度。

    Collect the gingival crevicular fluid ( GCF ) of the dental position of two groups before treatment , record the volume of GCF , check and record clinical index ( PL , SBI , PD , AL ), detect the density of IL-6 and estrogen in GCF .

  17. 学龄前儿童窝沟封闭术的行为诱导分析

    Analysis of Behavior Inducing Therapy on the Pit and Fissure Sealant of Preschool Children

  18. 最古老的后生动物痕迹化石?&对北京十三陵前寒武系常州沟组充填管状构造的探讨

    Are these the oldest metazoan trace fossils also ? - a probe into burrow-like tube filling structures in Changzhougou formation of the upper Precambrian in Ming Tombs district , Beijing

  19. 以未设置防寒沟和在前底脚设置防寒沟的辽沈Ⅰ型日光温室为例,对土壤温度变化规律进行了试验研究。

    Soil temperature changes were studied in solar greenhouse with cold - proof ditch and without cold - proof ditch in the fore foot .

  20. 2在前连合断面上,中央前沟的出现率左、右侧均为87%,且位于大脑半球额叶上外侧面中点附近。

    On the section through anterior commissure , the appearing rate of the precentral sulcus was 87 % on the both sides ;