
shé dú sù
  • Snake venom;ophiotoxin;snake toxin
  1. 在这一组中不需抗蛇毒素。

    No antivenin was necessary in this series .

  2. 抗蛇毒素包含从马或者羊动物身上的维生素。

    Antivenom contains proteins from animals such as horses or sheep .

  3. 现在当地使用的抗蛇毒素质量不好,也就是蛇毒素没有正确地制备。

    Existing supplies may not be high quality or developed correctly for local needs .

  4. 它的目标是让各国卫生部官员将抗蛇毒素纳入他们的特需品中。

    And it aims to help national health officials choose antivenoms for their countries'special needs .

  5. 自20世纪70年代以来,针对非洲蛇咬的抗蛇毒素生产厂家数显著减少。

    Since the1970s , the number of manufacturers of anti-venoms against African snake bites has dropped dramatically .

  6. 世界卫生组织赞扬了他为生产、调节、管理抗蛇毒素所做的努力。

    He praised efforts by the W.H.O.to establish common practices for the production , regulation and control of antivenom .

  7. 为了用X射线衍射方法测定细胞毒素的三维结构,我们尝试了生长适合于X射线工作的单晶体,用气相扩散方法得到了中华眼镜蛇细胞毒素的两种成分的四种晶型。

    In order to determine the 3-dimensional structure oi cytotoxin by X-ray diffraction . We have tried to growth single crystals of cytotoxin suitable for X-ray work . Four crystal forms from two cytotoxin components ( Naja Naja Atra ) have been obtained by vapour diffusion method .

  8. 改进离体豚鼠工作心脏标本及眼镜蛇心脏毒素的作用

    Improvement on isolated guinea pig working heart preparation and effect of cobra cardiotoxin

  9. 中华眼镜蛇心脏毒素对疼痛及记忆的影响

    Effects of Chinese Cobra Cardiotoxin on Pain and Memory

  10. ~(125)碘-眼镜蛇心脏毒素在大、小白鼠体内过程

    Disposition of ~ ( 125 ) 1 - cardiotoxin from cobra venom in mice and rats

  11. 中华眼镜蛇细胞毒素体外抑制膀胱癌细胞增殖活性的实验性研究

    The Proliferation of Two Bladder Tumor Cell Lines Inhibited by Four Cytotoxins from Naja Atra in Vitro

  12. 中华眼镜蛇细胞毒素基因克隆、表达及对肿瘤细胞作用机理的研究

    Cloning and Expression of Cytotoxin ⅲ from Naja Naja Atra and Its Mechanism on Inhibition of Tumor Cells

  13. 蝰蛇(蝮蛇)和响尾蛇产生血液毒素

    Vipers ( adders ) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison

  14. 蛇怎样产生毒素是一个谜。

    How it came about that snakes manufacture poison is a mystery .

  15. 33他们的酒是大蛇的毒液,是虺蛇残害的毒素。

    Their wine is the venom of serpents And the cruel poison of cobras .

  16. 广西眼镜蛇蛇毒细胞毒素的抗肿瘤作用

    Antitumor Effect of Guangxi Cobra Venom Cytotoxin

  17. 中华眼镜蛇细胞膜毒素CT-Ⅰ和CT-Ⅱ的400MHz~1H核磁共振比较研究:芳香残基共振峰的识别和活动性

    400-mhz ~ 1h NMR comparative studies of cytotoxin ct - ⅰ and ct - ⅱ from Chinese cobra ( naja Naja atra ): of resonances and mobility of aromatic residues