
xuè ān
  • blood ammonia
  1. 结果:1.观察组在降低血氨方面的疗效优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Efficacy in reducing blood ammonia aspects , the observation group than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 方法对137例合并高氨血症的肝硬化失代偿患者的Hp感染情况及血氨浓度进行观察,并探讨二者与肝硬化临床表现之间的关系。

    Methods 137 decompensated cirrhosis patients with hyperammonemia were investigated . Blood ammonia level was detected in all patients .

  3. 血氨均正常;头颅CT均显示显著脑肿胀,可见对称性基底核低密度病变。

    Blood ammonemia was normal , brain CT scans revealed peripheral or basal nuclei low-density areas .

  4. 根除HP对肝硬化患者血氨的影响及与肝功能分级的关系

    Effect of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication on Blood Ammonia in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and its Relation to Liver Function Classification

  5. 血氨、血pH值及血浆CO2CP的升高,是过食黄豆在血液理化性质方面的特征。

    The increase of the blood ammonia , the blood pH value , and the blood plasma CO2CP were the features of the physiology and biochemistry under soybean engorgement .

  6. 第二部分:诱导组大鼠肝脏有假小叶形成,肝硬化诱导成功,诱导组大鼠血氨值明显高于诱导前(P0.01)。内毒素注射后,诱导组大鼠发生HE,脑电图出现特征性曲线。

    Induction group rats ' serum ammonia obviously higher than before induced ( P0.01 ). after endotoxin injection , induced rats occurred coma , EEG appear characteristic curve .

  7. 提示EP及NCT对亚临床肝性脑病有诊断意意义,而血氨及EEG对诊断的价值不大。

    We conclude that blood ammonia level and EEG have no value for diagnosis of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy , while EP and NCT may be value .

  8. 结论胃中Hp弥漫性感染是导致肝硬化患者血氨升高的原因之一,针对Hp弥漫性分布的肝硬化患者,必须进行有效的Hp根治。

    Conclusion The diffuse distribution of H-pylori in the stomach contributes partly to hyperammonaemia in patients with liver cirrhosis , and the eradication of H pylori is effective in patients with hyperammonaemia with diffuse H pylori infection in the stomach .

  9. 亚临床肝性脑病组治疗前后血氨有非常显著性差异(P0.01),数字连接试验有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    In the subclinical hepatic encephalopathy group , the venous ammonia concentration after lactulose therapy is significantly higher than that before treatment ( P0 . 01 ) and the number connection test is significance of difference ( P0 . 05 ) .

  10. 观察患者临床症状、血清内毒素、细胞因子、肝肾功能、电解质、凝血酶原活动度(PTA)、血氨和血常规的变化以及治疗组与对照组疗效的比较。

    The results of serum endotoxin , cell factors , liver function , renal function , electrolyte , prothrombin time activity ( PTA ), blood ammonia , blood routine before and after the treatment were analyzed .

  11. 用药前后分别行数字连接试验(NCT)、数字符号试验(DS)检测及测定血氨,并随访有否发生临床型肝性脑病。

    Number connection test ( NCT ) and digit symbol test ( DS ) were performed in all patients before and after the treatment . The clinical mental status was also observed .

  12. 移植后治疗组血清ALT、TBiL及血氨水平降低,各时间点均低于对照组(P<0.05);

    The serum ALT , TBiL and blood ammonia levels decreased after hepatic stem cell transplantation , and lower than those in control group at each time point ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 测定了少年男子武术套路运动员组(12人)和普通对照组(5人)在连续递增负荷的蹬车运动中血氨、血乳酸、VEVO2指标的变化曲线。

    We investigated the variation features of blood ammonia and blood lactate and VE / VO 2 during progressive increase of load test between junior wushu roution athletes and the control group .

  14. 利用磁化传递成像(MTI)评价肝硬化病人不同脑区是否存在磁化传递率(MTR)的异常改变,其与静脉血氨值、苍白球指数(GPI)及神经心理学测试之间的相关性;

    To evaluate whether the patients with hepatic cirrhosis have abnormal cerebral changes using magnetization transfer imaging ( MTI ), and whether the changes have a correlation with venous ammonia , GPI , and neuropsychiatric tests ;

  15. 提示临床上应充分重视对合并Hp感染的肝硬化患者的抗Hp治疗,并应警惕此类患者长期单纯使用强抑酸剂有致血氨升高之虞。

    It is suggested that the anti Hp therapy clinically is very important for the patients of cirrhosis company with Hp infection and we should pay much attention to that the ammonia will be increasing if the strong antacid are only used to the patients for a long time .

  16. 跟一起参加的其他孩子一样,杰西患有先天性鸟氨酸甲酰氨基转移酶(OTC)缺乏症,他的肝脏无法代谢足够的血氨。研究人员尝试通过注射感冒病毒来治疗。

    Like the other children in the study , he had been born with a condition called " OTC " that prevented his liver from eliminating enough ammonia , which the researchers tried to fight by injecting him with a cold virus .

  17. 结果治疗组的NCT时间、脑电图以及肝功能血氨等生化指标较对照组改善,两组比较,有显著性差异(P<0·01)。

    Results The number connection test ( NCT ), electroencephalogram ( EEG ), liver function , blood ammonia were significantly improved in the treatment group than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 结果A组注药后48h血清天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、总胆红素、血氨和凝血酶原时间达最高峰,1周年生存率为17%,肝脏病理检查显示大量肝细胞坏死伴出血。

    Results In group A , the level of aspartate transaminase , total bilirubin , ammonia and prothrombin time reached to peak at 48h , and the 7-day survival rate was only 17 % . The postmortem liver specimens showed a severe hepatocellular necrosis with hemorrhage .

  19. 补饲颗粒料,可以提高粗料采食量及血液中的NH3浓度,但血氨浓度较对照组升高速度慢,不会造成中毒。

    The intake of crude fodder and the concentration of NH3 in blood increased by supplementary feeding pellet , but the speed increase of trial group was lower than that of the control , therefore , it won 't lead to poisoning in trial group .

  20. 检查血氨水平;行数字连接试验A(NCT-A)、数码符号试验(DST)和脑电图(EEG)检查,其中任一项异常即可诊断MHE。

    The plasma ammonia level was detected , psychometric tests ( number connection test A , NCT-A and digit symbol test , DST ) and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) were performed . The patient could be diagnosed as having MHE whichever of the three tests was abnormal .

  21. 血氨分析仪软件设计及校准方法

    The Software Design and Calibration Method of a Blood Ammonia Analyzer

  22. 肝硬化患者变形杆菌感染与血氨浓度的关系

    Cirrhotic sufferer proteus infection and its relation to blood ammonia levels

  23. 肝素对两种血氨测定方法干扰的研究

    Effects of Heparin on the Measurement of Blood Ammonia

  24. 检测两组的血氨浓度。

    Testing the serum Ammonia concentration of two groups .

  25. 急性失血患者大量输血前后血氨变化研究

    Change of Blood Ammonia in the Patients with Acute Hemorrhage after Massive Transfusion

  26. 浅析运动强度对运动员血氨值的影响及相关研究

    The Research of Sport Intensity Causing the Change of Athlete 's Blood Ammonia

  27. 对并发症的预防:在间发性的感染中应有医疗注意防止高血氨。

    Prevention of secondary complications : medical attention during intercurrent infections to prevent hyperammonemia .

  28. 益生菌制剂对肝硬化大鼠血氨和内毒素的影响

    Effects of probiotics on reducing blood endotoxins and ammonia of liver cirrhosis in rats

  29. 运动可以使血氨浓度升高。

    Xercise can increase blood concentration of ammonia .

  30. 建议在急性高氨血症发作期间与其他降低血氨的治疗联合应用。

    Use of other ammonia-lowering therapies with Carbaglu during episodes of acute hyperammonemia is recommended .