
xuè yè dài yònɡ pǐn
  • blood substitute
  1. 为探索一条研制猪血红蛋白(pHb)为基础的血液代用品新途径,开发了干膜超声法将猪血红蛋白和别构效应剂、超氧化物歧化酶等联合包埋于脂质体的技术。

    To exploit blood substitute based on the porcine hemoglobin ( pHb ), the hemoglobin combined with the allosteric effector IP6 and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) was encapsulated in the liposome .

  2. 血液代用品功能评价参数的研究进展

    Research Progress in Estimating Parameters of Blood Substitute Function

  3. 目的观察聚乙二醇修饰牛血红蛋白(PEGHb)是否理想的血液代用品。

    AIM To study whether polyethylene glycol-modified bovine hemoglobin ( PEG-Hb ) is a rational substitute of blood .

  4. 本研究以聚乳酸(PLA)为囊材采用两种不同的方法制备血红蛋白纳米微囊作为血液代用品。

    Two different methods were used in this study to prepare PLA nanocapsules containing Hb , which are used as blood substitutes .

  5. 目的考察以血红蛋白与人血清白蛋白偶联物(Hb-HSA)及其他复苏液为大鼠换血后,大鼠血压变化及其长期存活率情况,研究此新型血液代用品的有效性。

    OBJECTIVE To study the effect of replacement of rat blood with the conjugate of bovine hemoglobin and human serum albumin ( Hb-HSA conjugate ) and other resuscitation fluids on the blood pressure and survival .

  6. 失血性休克&微循环观测平台的建立及在血液代用品中的应用

    The Establishment of Hemorrhagic Shock-Microcirculation Observation Platform and Its Application in the Blood Substitutes

  7. 血液代用品的研究现状和进展

    Recent progress in research on blood substitutes

  8. 结论应用该法制备的猪血红蛋白纯度高活性好,适合作为血液代用品研究和开发用血红蛋白原料。

    The method is fit for preparing hemoglobin for the research and development of human blood substitutes .

  9. 讨论了这两种修饰衍生物应用于血红蛋白类人工血液代用品的可能性。

    The possible application of these porcine hemoglobin derivatives in the preparation of hemoglobin based blood substitutes is discussed .

  10. 传统的输血法不能完全解决临床医疗和战场急救等情况下存在的一些实际问题,血液代用品的研究应运而生。

    There are some practical issues to traditional method to solve all the clinical transfusion medicine and battlefield first aid cases , so study of blood substitutes emerge .

  11. 采用可生物降解的高分子材料制备的血红蛋白纳米微囊是新一代的血液代用品,具有与天然红细胞相似的性质,是一种很有潜力的氧载体。

    The biodegradable nanocapsules containing hemoglobin ( Hb ) have the similar characteristics to natural red blood cells , therefore as the potential to become a new form of oxygen carrier .

  12. 目的建立从新鲜猪血中分离纯化血红蛋白的方法,为血液代用品的研究和开发提供原料保障。

    AIM : To establish a method of hemoglobin isolation and purification from fresh porcine blood . To supply ample and eligible material for the research and development of human blood substitutes .

  13. 目的:研究人工红细胞功能及性质,并且建立免疫技术对体外重建红细胞膜结构蛋白研究的方法学,为血液代用品的研究提供新的参考。

    Objective : Researching on the function and properties of artificial red blood cell , and establishing a methodology about researching the membrane protein structure of erythrocyte which is reconstructed in vitro by immunological methods .

  14. 血源紧缺和病毒污染问题推动了血液代用品的研究,以血红蛋白为代表的红细胞代用品成为研究的重点。

    The problems of blood shortage and the virus infection risk of blood transfusion have promoted the study of blood substitutes . Modified hemoglobin has become the focus of the research because of its excellent oxygen carrying ability .

  15. 发展至今,人们已经研制出三代血液的代用品,其中,以第三代人工构建的红细胞与天然红细胞在结构、性质上更为接近,有趋于天然红细胞的携氧-释氧能力。

    Development so far , it has been developed three generations of blood substitutes . The third generation of artificial red blood cell is more close to natural red blood cell in its structure and properties , and has ability of carrying and releasing oxygen .

  16. 世界范围内的血液资源紧缺,再加上急救外科、地震的发生等,血液代用品的地位日趋重要。

    Because of the worldwide shortage of blood resources , emergency surgery , and earthquakes etc. , blood substitutes become more and more important .