
  • 网络blood volume
  1. 用受体阻断剂证明,DA增高胃粘膜表层微循环血液量的作用同兴奋DA1受体有关。

    The effect that DA increased blood volume in gastric mucosal superficial microcirculation was associated with its blockade of DA_1 receptor .

  2. 用反射光谱法,研究了组胺H2受体阻断剂Famotidine对急性失血大鼠胃粘膜血液量及血氧饱和度的影响。

    The effect of a histamine H_2 receptor blocker-famotidine on the changes of blood volume and oxygen saturation in the gastric mucosa of rats under hemorragic stress was studied with reflectance spectrophotometry .

  3. 干血痕的最小检出需要量为0.125μl血液量的血痕。

    The mininum amount for dectection is 0.125 μ lblood or blood stain .

  4. 按摩能够提神流向毛囊的血液量,提供充分的营养给头。

    It increases the blood flow to the follicle providing nutrients and oxygen to the hair .

  5. 出血轻微,但持续的时间很长。给定时间内通过腔室输出的血液量。

    The amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time .

  6. 问题是:所需的血液量是你全身血液量的5倍。

    Problem : That would take five times as much blood as you have in your body .

  7. 一个国家人口的1%就能满足其所需输血血液量。

    The basic blood requirements a country is supposed to meet requires only 1 % of its population .

  8. 冷水能够减少流到眼部的血液量,因此可以消肿。

    The cold cool water will help restrict blood flow to the area around the eye and decrease swelling .

  9. 说失水过多有害的最大原因就是,它能使你身体的血液量减小。

    The biggest reason it 's bad to lose too much water is that the actual volume of your blood goes down .

  10. 精油可以渗透到肌肉组织中,增加流回这个区域的血液量,从而可以促进绷紧的肌肉舒展和放松。

    The oils penetrate into muscular tissue increasing blood flow to the area , and encouraging the contracted muscles to expand and relax .

  11. 与小鼠相比,兔个体中等,血液量大,是研究心血管系统,肺部疾病,眼科疾病,药物毒性试验,代谢疾病的合适动物模型。

    Compared to mouse , rabbit has a relatively larger body size and blood volume , making it suitable for studies of the cardiovascular , pulmonary , eye , and metabolism systems .

  12. 但让我感兴趣的是,我得知桑拿或许也能提高一系列激素的分泌,包括生长激素和去甲肾上腺素。后者调节所谓的战斗或逃跑反应,增加流向骨骼肌的血液量。

    But I was interested to learn that saunas may also increase production of a range of hormones , including growth hormone and norepinephrine , which is behind the fight or flight response and increases blood flow to skeletal muscles .

  13. 纵隔引流量显示用药组术后6、24小时血液丢失量明显低于未用药组(P<0.01)。

    Cumulative blood loss 6 h and 24 h after chest closure was significantly less in the aprotinin groups ( p < 0 01 ) .

  14. 结论Tourmaline纤维具有独特的结构特征,它有改善高黏血症家兔皮下微循环血液灌注量的作用。

    Conclusions Tourmaline has a specific morphological characterization and a beneficial effect on improving cutaneous microcirculation perfusion in hyperviscosity rabbits .

  15. 目的比较蓝光试验、潜血试验和ATP生物荧光法测定血液残留量的灵敏度。

    Objective To compare the sensitivity of ATP bioluminescence assay with Endocheck test and occult blood test ( OB ) for detection of blood residue on medical instrument .

  16. SB治疗组较复合伤组小肠血液灌注量明显增加,同时Na+-K+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性增高。

    SB administration caused increase in blood flow volume , Na + - K + - ATPase and Ca2 + - ATPase activity as compared with combined radiation and burn injury group .

  17. 用含与不含Tourmaline(对照)纤维的棉絮包裹家兔胸腹部后测6、12及24h时剑突区、左上肢、左下肢固定点皮下血液灌注量变化(用激光多普勒血流仪)。

    The chest and abdomen of hyperviscosity rabbits were packed by a wadding with Tourmaline or without Tourmaline ( control ) . Then the cutaneous microcirculation perfusion on fixed area of xiphoid , upper extremity and lower extremity was measured using a Laser Doppler Flowmeter .

  18. 血站最佳血液库存量设定方法探析

    Study on method of setting the best stockpile quantity in blood station

  19. 抑肽酶对心脏手术血液保护量效关系的研究

    The Blood Conservation Research on Aprotinin Dosages and Effects in Cardiac Surgery

  20. 应用季节周期回归模型预测临床血液需求量

    Seasonal regression model applying for forecasting clinical blood demand

  21. 时间序列模型在预测临床血液需求量中的应用

    Time Sequence Analysis Applying for Forecasting Clinical Blood Demand

  22. 结论全血黏度升高可以使股骨头血液灌注量减少。

    Conclusion The blood supply of femoral head can be reduced by the rise of blood and plasma viscosity .

  23. 在最新的科学研究里,科学家发现被测试者有以下现象:如果他们感觉到他们被人拒绝的话,在人们熟知的大脑前环带皮层的血液流动量会增加。

    In a recent study , scientists observed that when the participants felt rejected , the flow of blood increased to the area of their brain known as the anterior cingulated cortex .

  24. 结果:1.00%、0.10%橙皮苷可以显著增加皮肤的血液灌注量,外用0.10%橙皮苷亦可使红细胞的血流速度显著增加。

    The velocity of erythrocyte showed a positive relationship with blood perfusion . Under capillary microscopy , it increased significantly . Topical application 1 % and 0.1 % hesperidin increases nail fold microcirculation .

  25. 为揭示氟砷共存时对子代宏量元素的影响,采用两代一窝繁殖实验的方法,测定大鼠暴露于氟砷后其子代血液中宏量元素的水平。

    In order to expose the effect of the fluoride arsenic exposure on the macro elements , the contents of macro elements in serum of rats ' offspring were determined with the method of two generation one nest reproductive test .

  26. 结论:就采供血机构而言,A、B、O、AB各型血液的库存量以保持在4~8×日平均量为宜。

    Conclusion : The advisable limit of each type of blood reserved should be 4 to 8 times the daily requirement average .

  27. 最近,自行车手服用人造的激素促红细胞生成素或称作EPO使耐力增强。EPO刺激红细胞生成,增大血液载养量。

    More recently , cyclists have boosted their endurance with the use of an artificial version of the hormone erythropoietin , or EPO , which stimulates red blood cell production and boosts the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood .

  28. 其库存量取决于临床对血液的需求量。

    The stockpile quantity is based on need of the clinical request .

  29. 目的探讨血液透析超滤量与心功能的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relationship between ultrafiltration volume and heart function .

  30. 自体输血是近年来快速发展起来的解决这一问题的有效方法,它可以减少外源血液的使用量,避免异体输血所引起的许多问题。

    Autologous blood transfusion which is fast developed in recent years may be a effective method to solve this problem .