
hū xī lǜ
  • respiratory rate
  1. 丙酮酸与三羧循环各中间产物等分别组合进行同时氧化时,可使线粒体的呼吸率接近或达到α-甘油磷酸的Q(O2)水平。

    Combinations of pyruvate with some of the citric acid cycle intermediates individually also significantly enchanted the respiratory rate of mitochondrial preparations , which may approach or reach the level of α - glycerophosphate oxidation .

  2. 方法对35例PD患者提取血小板线粒体后,测定其血小板线粒体的呼吸率和呼吸控制率以及复合物Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ的活性变化。

    Methods The platelet mitochondria of 35 patients with PD were extracted and the mitochondria respiratory rate and respiratory control rate were measured . Furthermore , the changes of activities of mitochondria complex ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ and ⅳ were observed .

  3. 温度驯化能导致速率补偿,表现为25℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率明显低于10℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率

    A respiration rate compensation throught thermal acclimation is demonstrated by E.

  4. 基于μPSD3234A单片机的心率呼吸率测量仪设计

    Design of apparatus for measuring the heart and breath rate based on μ PSD3234A

  5. lmg/kg多次唑嗪静脉注射使麻醉SHR血压迅速而持久下降,对心电图、心率和呼吸率无明显影响。

    Venous injection of 1mg / kg Doxazosin make the blood pressure of anesthetic SHR decrease rapidly and permanently , but no change significant in the EKG , heart rate and respiratory rate .

  6. 实验结果表明:2,4-DCP随其浓度的增加,微生物呼吸率明显地下降,严重地抑制着微生物的呼吸反应。

    The experiment result indicates that , with 2,4-DCP increases in concentration , the microorganism breathing rate descends clearly , it restrains the microorganism breathing reaction seriously .

  7. 呼吸率与摄食率及同化率均呈线性相关,其SDA系数介于摄入碳量的9.3%(m/m)或同化碳量的9.9%(m/m)。

    Respiration rate was also linearly related to ingestion and assimilation rate , respectively , SDA coefficient was 9.3 % ( ingested C ) or 9 . 9 % ( ingested N ) .

  8. 照度达到24001x时,呼吸率达到最小值,驾驶员比较平静。

    Illumination to 24001x , the respiration rate reaches a minimum , the driver relatively quiet .

  9. 本文介绍基于μPSD3234A单片机的心率呼吸率测量仪的工作原理、硬件结构和软件程序。

    The working principle , hardware structure and software program of μ PSD3234A based apparatus for measuring the heart and breath rate are introduced .

  10. 为防低氧血症,所有患者均应用HFJV,观察通气前和通气后11d内血气、呼吸率和脉搏等指标的变化。

    All the patients underwent HFJV to correct hypoxia . The changes in blood gas analysis , respiratory rate and pulse were recorded before and 11 days after the ventilation .

  11. 描述这种关系所用的模式有线性回归分析、Q-10关系式、幂关系式、Arrhenius关系式及其它关系式,但这些模式通常都不能准确地估计呼吸率。

    Models of the relationship including linear regression analysis , Q - ( 10 ) relationship , power relationship , Arrhenius relationship and others have been used , but usually , they cannot provide an unbiased estimate of respiration rate .

  12. 为保证检测结果的准确性,本系统采用ADμC7026进行各种补偿算法,包括限幅滤波、温度补偿以及非线性校正,同时利用气体浓度来进行呼吸率判定。

    In order to ensure the accuracy of test results , the system uses AD μ C7026 to do various compensation algorithms , including limiting filtering , temperature compensation and nonlinear correction . And also it can use gas concentrations to judge the respiratory rate .

  13. 对虾养殖生态系不同粒级浮游生物呼吸率和初级生产率测定

    Size-fractionated plankton respiration and phytoplankton production rates in shrimp culture ecosystems

  14. 三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯对小麦叶绿素和土壤呼吸率的影响

    Effects of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene on wheat chlorophyll and soil respiration

  15. 正常和染病幼虫呼吸率随温度升高而升高。

    The respiration rate increase with the experimental temperature .

  16. 在呼吸率、血氧饱和度方面无统计学意义;

    There were no significant difference in breath rate and oxygen saturation of blood .

  17. 石斑鱼工厂化育苗生态系不同粒级浮游生物呼吸率和初级生产率的测定

    Size-fractionated plankton respiration rate and phytoplankton production rate in Industrialized Grouper Larval Rearing System

  18. 温盐度对厦门港春季主要桡足类呼吸率影响的实验

    Influence of temperature and salinity on respiratory rate of spring 's dominant copepods in Xiamen Harbour

  19. 在一定温度范围内,土壤变暖提高土壤微生物活性及呼吸率。

    Soil warming in a range of temperature will increase soil microbial activity and respiration rate .

  20. 我增加呼吸率&调节胸部肌肉的收缩和舒张的速率。

    I step up the breathing rate & timing the contraction and relaxation of chest muscles .

  21. 哮喘:患者众多,你也可以通过检测花粉、空气质量、呼吸率来有效控制。

    Asthma : large number , we could detect things like pollen count , air quality , respiratory rate .

  22. 采后钙处理对中华猕猴桃果实过氧化物酶活性、呼吸率及乙烯生成的影响

    Effects of Calcium on Peroxidase , Respiratory Rate and Production of Ethylene in Actinidia chinensis Fruits with Calcium Treatments in Postharvest Stage

  23. 染病幼虫呼吸率和体重的变化相一致,均比正常幼虫的低。

    The experimental results also showed that the change of body weight of infected larvae was in accordance with that of respiration rate .

  24. 心率为658±102次/min,呼吸率20±30次/min。

    The heart rate was 658 ± 102 times a minute ar d the respiration rate was 209 ± 30 times per minute .

  25. 由于溶解氧过程模型中的呼吸率不易直接得到,将神经网络建模技术与溶解氧过程数学模型相结合得到溶解氧的混合非线性过程模型。

    Since the respiration rate is difficult to get , neural network modeling technique and DO process mathematic model are combined to obtain the hybrid model of DO .

  26. 本系统实现了三个生理信号的采集和数据处理工作,能够测量人体呼吸率、血压、体温这三个生理参数。

    It can not only measure human respiratory rate , blood pressure , and body temperature measurement , but also collect the three physiological signals for further processing .

  27. 飞利浦公司已经开发了一种生命迹象摄像系统。该公司声称,这个系统能够极其精确地测量心率和呼吸率,并且无需将探测器接触到被测者的皮肤。

    Instead of sticking sensors onto the skin , Philips has developed a vital-signs camera system which the Dutch company says can measure heart and respiration rates extremely accurately .

  28. 基本的情绪,比如愤怒和恐惧,会引起上胸部区域感觉增强,很可能同时会引起脉搏和呼吸率的增加。

    Basic emotions , such as anger and fear , caused an increase in sensation in the upper chest area , likely corresponding to increases in pulse and respiration rate .

  29. 双重任务时,反映情绪性变化的心率、呼吸率及肺通气量明显增加,与思维活动有关的眨眼率增加。

    The heart rate , respiration rate , and pulmonary ventilation volume associated with emotion laswell as the blink rate related with thinking process were increased in the dual task simulation .

  30. 生命体征包括对个人所测的下列客观数据:体温、呼吸率、心率(脉搏)和血压。

    Vital signs , or signs of life , include the following objective measures for a person : temperature , respiratory rate , heart beat ( pulse ), and blood pressure .