
hū xī jié lǜ
  • respiratory rhythm
  1. 实验旨在探讨一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)在基本呼吸节律产生和调节中可能的作用。

    This experiment was expected to test whether nitric oxide ( NO ) exerted significant effect onthe central respiratory rhythm .

  2. 目的:探讨N甲基D天门冬氨酸(NMDA)和非NMDA类受体在基本呼吸节律发生和调节中的可能作用。

    Aim : To study the possible role of the NMDA and non NMDA receptor on the generation and modulation of basic respiratory rhythm .

  3. 结论腺苷A1受体参于了哺乳动物基本呼吸节律的产生和调节中起着重要的作用。

    Conclusion Adenosine A1-receptors are involved in the modulation of rhythmical respiratory in neonate rat brainstem .

  4. 实验旨在探讨腺苷A1受体在对基本呼吸节律调制中的可能作用。

    This study was designed to investigate whether adenosine A1 receptors could modulate primary rhythmical respiration in mammals .

  5. 有证据显示:呼吸节律发生器和气道副交感节前运动神经元(airwaypreganglionicparasympatheticmotoneurons,APPMs)在解剖和功能上是相互藕联的。

    Some evidence has suggested that the respiratory rhythm generator and the airway preganglionic parasympathetic motoneurons ( APPMs ) may be coupled both anatomically and functionally .

  6. 舌咽神经对喉上神经及肺牵张感受器传入冲动的反应NMDA与非NMDA受体激动剂对新生大鼠延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电的作用

    Hypoglossal responses to superior laryngeal ( sl ) and pulmonary stretch receptor ( psr ) inputs effects of NMDA and non-NMDA agonists on the respiratory rhythmical discharge of the hypoglossal nerve in the medullary slice from neonatal rats

  7. 结果10只大鼠全部存活,于术后21~35d起都出现与呼吸节律同步的屈腕、屈指动作。

    Results All of 10 rats survived . Flexion of the left wrist and digits appeared with the same rhythm as respiration at day 21 ~ 35 after operation .

  8. 一氧化氮对呼吸节律性放电的调节作用

    Nitric oxide is involved in the modulation of central respiratory rhythm

  9. 自由活动大鼠睡眠状态和呼吸节律的同步监测方法

    The method of monitoring sleep state and respiratory rhythm in freely moving rats

  10. 儿童和女性的呼吸节律比男性快。

    The breathing rate is faster in children and women than in men .

  11. 面神经核对呼吸节律的影响

    Effect of the facial nucleus on the respiratory rhythm

  12. 本文尚就呼吸节律的发生机制做了讨论。

    In addition , the mechanism of genesis of respiratory rhythm was discussed .

  13. 昆虫的呼吸节律及其应用价值的初步研究

    A preliminary study of insects ' respiratory rhythms and the evaluation of their practical usages

  14. 关于胸膜腔内负压和呼吸节律机制的教学技巧探讨

    Probe on Teaching Skill of Negative Pressure in Intrapleural Space and Mechanism of Respiratory Rhythm

  15. 胶质细胞代谢对新生大鼠离体延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电的影响

    Effect of glial cell metabolism on respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in neonatal rat medulla oblongata slices

  16. 呼吸节律自动监测仪

    Automatic monitor of respiratory rhythm

  17. 兔延髓闩区微量注射谷氨酸钠对呼吸节律的影响

    Effect of microinjection of monosodium glutamate into the obex area of the medulla on respiratory rhythm in rabbits

  18. 新生大鼠离体延髓-脊髓标本的呼吸节律性放电及微切割延髓对其放电的影响

    Respiratory rhythmical discharge activity of medulla-spinal preparation isolated from newborn rat and effect of microsection of the medulla on the activity

  19. 心跳骤停或自主呼吸节律不齐,出现呼吸暂停或不规则呼吸者,均属于治疗无效。

    Cardiac arrest or spontaneous breathing rhythm arrhythmia , or irregular breathing and breathing pauses all this belong to the ineffective treatment . 5 .

  20. 甘氨酸在新生大鼠离体延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电及呼吸神经元电活动中的作用

    Role of Glycine in the Modulation of Rhythmical Respiration and Discharge Activities of Respiratory Neurons in the Medulla Oblongata Slice Preparation of Neonatal Rats

  21. 即使当人在静止坐着,我们也可以提取许多信息如呼吸节律,面部表情微小变化。

    Even when a person is sitting still , there 's a lot of information we can extract about their breathing patterns , small facial expressions .

  22. 由于呼吸节律的复杂性和不确定性,需要一种合理的数学模型来提高呼吸运动实时预测的精度。

    Because of the complexity and uncertainty of the breathing rhythms , we need a proper mathematical model to improve the accuracy of real-time prediction of breathing movement .

  23. 小婴儿低血钙引起的呼吸节律紊乱好发于冬春二季,且均发生在3个月以内小婴儿,特别是2个月者。

    The respiratory disorder happens in infants aged no more than 3 months , especially in infants aged 2 months , and frequently appeares during winter and spring .

  24. 科学家发现最让人感到恶心的反应和自然呼吸节律息息相关,人们会自然的通过动作及时调整呼吸。

    Scientists knew the most sickening motions closely match the rate of natural breathing ; they also knew that people naturally tend to breathe in time with a motion .

  25. 头颅瞬间旋转后即刻大鼠出现意识障碍及呼吸节律紊乱等脑干功能的异常,早期死亡率17%。

    All rats manifested some abnormalities of brainstem functions such as conscious disturbance and respiratory rhythm disorder immediately after their head was rotated . Early mortality of injured rats amounted to 17 % .

  26. 兔颈交感神经干动作电位的呼吸性节律

    Respiratory rhythm of the discharges in the cervical sympathetic trunk in rabbit

  27. 如果稍微加快或减慢呼吸的节律,而不是反复的提升座椅的话会感到更加舒服。

    They felt even better if they breathed slightly faster or slower than the cyclic heaving of the chair ;

  28. 对心律、ECG之QRS时间、T波、ST段、呼吸频率、节律和幅度无明显影响。

    No obvious effects on heart rate , ECG , cardiac rhythm , respiratory rate and rhythm in rats were observed .

  29. 5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT或seroto-nin)作为一种重要的神经递质,可通过其受体调节呼吸中枢的节律性变化。

    5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) or serotonin , as an important neurotransmitter , modulates respiratory frequency in the PBC via its receptors .

  30. 测定基线呼吸速度、节律和深度。

    Determine baseline rate , rhythm , and depth of breathing .