
jiàn fǎn shè
  • tendon reflex
  1. 职业性健康检查人数共54人,其中有3人腱反射减退或消失;

    Achilles 's tendon reflex of 3 workers were disappeared ;

  2. 反射功能评估临床常用者包括腱反射、皮肤反射和病理反射。

    Assessment of reflex function usually includes tendon reflex , skin reflex and pathological reflex .

  3. 两组间治疗后差值比较(P0.01),差异亦有统计学意义。在个别腱反射、肌张力及阵挛方面的结果差异亦均有统计学意义。

    The difference between after treatment of the treatment group and control group , is also statistically significant difference ( P0.01 ), and the individual results of tendon reflexes , tone or clonus are the same .

  4. 下肢肌张力增高,肌力Ⅳ级,腱反射亢进,髌、踝阵挛阳性,Babinski征阳性,屈性病理反射阳性;

    Hypermyotonia and ⅳ - level myodynamia in both lower extremities , tendon hyperreflexia , knee cap clonus ( + ), ankle clonuses ( + ), Babinski sign ( + ), and flexion pathologic reflexes ( + );

  5. 随病情的进展,均出现四肢痉挛性瘫痪,肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级,肌张力呈折刀样增高,四肢腱反射亢进,两侧踝阵挛及Babinski征(+)。

    As the disease progressed slowly , the patients presented with spastic paralysis of four extremities , reduced muscle strength ( 3 to 4 degree ), clasp-knife like of muscular tension , hyperactivity of tendon reflexes , ankle clonus and presence of Babinski sign .

  6. 扣手法和握拳法膝腱反射加强试验的临床比较

    Clinical comparison of clasping technique and grasping technique for knee reflex intensification test

  7. 帕金森病随意收缩时腱反射调节异常

    Paradoxical modulation of tendon tap reflex during voluntary contraction in Parkinson 's disease

  8. 利用膝腱反射重建膀胱功能的应用解剖研究

    Applied anatomical study for the operation of bladder functional reconstruction using knee jerk reflex

  9. 同时作股神经最大电刺激和定量髌腱反射时,肌电波幅减低程度之间的比较。

    The decreased extent of amplitude of femoral nerve maximal electrical twitch and quantitative patella tendon reflex were compared .

  10. 观察治疗前后自觉症状、腱反射和神经传导速度。

    Subjective symptoms , tendon reflex and nerve conductive velocity of the diabetic were observed before and after treatment .

  11. 踝阵挛及病理反射消失率100%,12例术前膝腱反射亢进的患者,术后膝反射减弱。

    All ankle clonus and pathologic reflexes disappeared . The brisk knee reflex in 12 patients became sluggish after operation .

  12. 临床表现以发热、腹泻、肢体感觉障碍、深部腱反射减弱或消失为主。

    The main clinic signs were fever , diarrhea , sensorial disorder of extremity , weakened or disappeared deep tendinous reflect .

  13. 共有症状:不同程度的对称性四肢无力及腱反射减弱或消失(100%)。

    The common Symptoms : symmetrical limbs weakness and attenuation or absence of tendon reflex with different degree ( 100 % );

  14. 主要临床表现为肢体远端肌无力、肌萎缩、感觉障碍、步态异常、腱反射减弱和消失等。

    Most of them had manifested distal muscle wasting and weakness , sensory loss , abnormal gait with reduced tendon reflexes .

  15. 结论建立“腱反射-脊髓中枢-膀胱”的人工反射弧途径来达到重建自控性膀胱功能是可行的。

    CONCLUSION It is feasible to reestablish autonomic bladder function by establishing the artificial reflex are of " tendon reflex-spinal cord-bladder " .

  16. 另外,定量髌腱反射肌电波幅的减低程度显著地大于股神经最大电刺激肌电波幅的减低程度。

    The decreasing extent of amplitude of quantitative patellar tendon reflex was statistically larger than that of maximal electrical twitch of femoral nerve .

  17. 但当双侧面瘫同时伴腱反射亢进时,则应考虑到诸如脑干脑炎、脑桥神经胶质瘤、卒中等脑部病变的可能。

    When bifacial weakness is accompanied by hyperreflexia , cerebral diseases such as brainstem encephalitis , pontine glioma , and stroke must be considered .

  18. 临床表现为腰痛伴有下肢放射性疼痛,直腿抬高阳性,部分患儿患肢腱反射减弱或皮肤感觉减退。

    Patients presented with lower back pain with radiation to the legs , positive straight leg raising sign , diminished tendon reflexes and sensation .

  19. 其临床特征是:(1)近端和远端肢体无力,腱反射减弱或消失;

    Clinical characteristics are : ( 1 ) weakness of the proximal a , well as distal limbs , diminution or loss of tendon reflexes ;

  20. 目的:比较扣手法和握拳法两种膝腱反射加强试验的临床优劣,推荐一种更好的试验方法。

    Objective : To compare the clinical advantages and disadvantages of clasping and grasping techniques for knee reflex intensification test and to recommend another better test way .

  21. 肢体远端有肌软弱,肌萎缩,腱反射减退或消失,常有爪状手及垂足。

    Limbs far end has muscle weakness , amyotrophy , tendinous reflex drops or disappear , often have " ungual state hand " reach hang down sufficient .

  22. 体检:3例均有四肢肌张力铅管样或齿轮样增高及伸性跖反射,2例双下肢腱反射活跃。

    As well as the lead-pipe or cogwheel rigidity of the limb muscles and extension plantar response : 2 patients had brisk tendon reflexes of lower limbs .

  23. 在此基础上,探讨利用人工神经网络对测量的系统参数进行分级和评定的方法及效果,证明这种方法对腱反射特征的定量评估是行之有效。

    The results indicate the potential values of this method in clinical practice as an approach towards quantification of the tendon jerk , a key clinical measure of spasticity .

  24. 临床特点为进行性四肢远端肌无力、肌萎缩,末梢型感觉障碍,腱反射减弱或消失,足部畸形(高弓足)。

    The clinical features were slowly progressive distal muscle weakness , atrophy and end-brush form sensory decrement , diminished or absent tendon reflexes , foot deformity ( pes cavus ) .

  25. 主要神经系统体征:瞳孔直接及间接对光放射消失,双侧眼外肌麻痹,水平眼震,周围性面瘫,共济失调,深、浅感觉减退,腱反射减弱或消失。

    The major physical sign included : disappearance of pupil direct and indirect light reflex , ophthalmoplegia externa , nystagmus , ataxia , hypesthesia , peripheral facial paralysis , and weak or disappeared tendons .

  26. 目的:建立犬膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧重建膀胱功能的动物模型,作为实验研究人工膀胱反射弧的基础。

    Objective : To establish an animal model of bladder functional reconstruction with the " tendon spinal cord bladder " artificial bladder reflex arc .

  27. 结果:5只家犬膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧均成功建立,刺激反射弧时膀胱压和尿道压都有升高。

    Result : Artificial bladder reflex arc was established successfully in all 5 dogs and the bladder pressure and urethra pressure were increased while the reflex arc was stimulated .

  28. 目的:观察组成膝腱脊髓膀胱反射弧的神经细胞,从形态学上寻找反射弧重建膀胱功能的证据。

    Objective : To observe the nerve cell composed of " knee tendon spinal cord bladder " reflex arc and it ′ s morphological character , so as to search the morphological evidence of the bladder reconstruction with the reflex arc .