
  • 网络acme;crisis;Fastigium;critical phase
极期 [jí qī]
  • (1) [fastigium]∶疾病(如发热性疾病)的症状最为明显的时期

  • (2) [acme]∶类族发展史中一个假设的进化活动最强的时期,它介于某族最初出现阶段与最终老化阶段之间

  1. 极期:包括肺部炎性渗出、肺实变和多器官衰竭(MOF)3个阶段。

    The climax stage included 3 sequential phases of pulmonary inflammatory exudation , pulmonary tissue consolidation and ARDS or multi-organ failure .

  2. 用放射免疫分析方法测定了32例小儿肺炎极期和恢复期血浆心钠素(ANP)浓度。

    Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide ( ANP ) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in thirty two childhood pneumonia and compared with those of 48 normal controls .

  3. 目的:探讨紫外线局部照射联合粒巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GMCSF)应用于造血干细胞移植极期所致口腔黏膜炎(OM)的效果,并与常规使用的口腔药膜比较。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of ultraviolet rays irradiation combined with granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor ( GM-CSF ) treating on oral mucositis of patients after haemopoietic stem cell transplantation and compare with conventional treatment of oral drug membrane .

  4. 方法:检测43例极期、恢复期HFRS患者及20例正常对照组的空腹血糖(FBG)、胰岛素(insulin)、胰升血糖素(glucagon)、皮质醇(cortisol)及生长激素(GH)水平。

    Methods : The levels of fasting blood-glucose ( FBG ), insulin , glucagon , cortisol and growth hormone ( GH ) were measured in 43 HFRS patients at acute and recovery phase , and in 20 healthy subjects .

  5. 在急性放射病极期(大鼠照后11d左右、猴照后14d到21d左右、比格犬照后14d左右),外周血白细胞、红细胞和血小板数目明显下降,血小板聚集功能下降。

    In the very period of acute radiation sickness ( about 11d after irradiation in rats , 14d to 21d after irradiation in monkeys and 14d after irradiation in Beagle ), WBC , RBC and platelet count decreased , platelet aggregation decreased .

  6. 缺氧是导致血浆irET-1升高的主要原因,重型肺炎极期血浆irET-1与血氧分压呈负相关。

    And they correlated positively with the seventy of pulmonary hypertension . 3 . Hypoxia is a leading cause in the increment of plasma irET-1 level and plasma irET-1 level had a negative correlation with arterial oxygen pressure at the acute stage of the 10 severe cases .

  7. 本文作者实验治疗研究结果表明,造血因子对急性辐射损伤有明显的治疗作用,但宜尽早给药,极期给药的疗效不如早期给药好。

    Our experimental treatment study showed that hematopoietic factors should be administered early after the radiation exposure .

  8. 于急性放射病极期血栓形成能力明显下降,但凝血四项指标有一定程度反应性加强。

    In the very period of acute radiation sickness thrombosis decreased but there is a certain degree of increased in the coagulation test .

  9. 结论采用层流室加全方位无菌护理的方法,可有效预防细胞极期感染的发生,为自体骨髓移植的成功起到了重要作用。

    Conclusion The adoption layer flows the room adds the all-directions having no the method of the germ nursing , can effectively the occurrence that prevent cell pole period from infection , is since marrow for the success that transplant important function .

  10. 除了那些让人不满的极寒期,即便是闲散的勒布朗,他的影响力和强壮的体型使得他成为一个更具威慑力的防守者。

    Even a disengaged LeBron , outside those outlier winter weeks of discontent , is a more impactful defender simply through the power of reputation and size .

  11. 其中在C17n·3n极性亚期内,最大沉积速率可达220.2mm/ka。这主要发生在三角洲前缘的沉积物卸载区。

    And the most deposital velocity was 220.2mm/ka during C17.3n sub-period , which mainly occurred at the unloaded area in the front of the delta .

  12. 水稻极晚抽穗期基因的鉴定和遗传分析

    Identification and Genetic Analysis of Gene for Extremely Late Heading Date in Rice

  13. 方法:回顾分析1999~2009年因重度、极重度COPD急性期合并多器官功能障碍而住院的患者临床资料。

    Methods : The clinical data of patients who was admitted to hospital for exacerbation of severe or very severe COPD combing with MODS in1999 to2009 were retrospective analyzed .

  14. 行贿罪是非常严重罪行,它可能导致极长的服刑期。

    Bribery is a serious charge which carries long prison sentences .

  15. 极早产儿在婴儿期患呼吸道疾病的危险因素

    Risk factors for respiratory morbidity in infancy after very premature birth

  16. 东南极格罗夫山泛非期麻粒岩相变质作用

    Pan-African Granulite Facies Metamorphism in the Grove Mountains East Antarctica

  17. 研究了环境温度、游离醛以及溶剂的极性对贮存期的影响。

    The influences of environment temperature , free formaldehyde and the polarity of solvent on resin storage life were also investigated .

  18. 分批播种试验结果表明,杂稻制种扬花季节的气候因子中,唯日平均气温与结实率回归关系达极显著,扬花期灾害性天气对结实率及产量影响极大。

    It was shown that the average temperature was the significant only factor to influence setting percentage among all weather conditions in flowering stage of rice , and calamitous weather affected setting percentage and yield heavily .

  19. 重型及极重型OKT4细胞百分比极期降低,其OKT8细胞百分比接近正常水平。

    At the crisis stage , the percentage of OKT4 decreased in the severe and very severe types while the percentage of OKT8 was close to normal level .