
  • 网络extremely cold
  1. 这样的洞穴通常在极寒地区发现,如南极洲或西伯利亚,但芦芽山和葡萄牙里斯本的纬度相近。

    Such caves are normally found in extremely cold areas such as Antarctica or Siberia , but Luya mountain is at a similar latitude to Lisbon in Portugal .

  2. 无土栽培除了用于农业之外,作为发展方向尚可用于极限条件下(极寒、酷暑、宇宙空间等)的植物生产。

    The soil-free cultivation besides uses in the agriculture , still permissible uses under the boundary condition ( is extremely cold , intense summer heat , space and so on ) the plant production as the development direction .

  3. 英国大部分地区遭遇极寒天气,最低气温降至零下11度,出现了只在北极和南极才有的“冰雪薄饼”。

    Unusual ' ice pancakes ' normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic have been spotted1 in Britain , as temperatures plunged2 to - 11C with almost the whole country in the grip of icy weather .

  4. 技术更先进的例子有法国Courrèges品牌几年前首次推出的内置加热器的外套,还有美国军方正在试验的能在极寒条件下发热的导电面料。

    On the more tech-forward end are examples such as French label Courr è ges , which debuted coats with built-in heaters a few years ago , and the US Army , which is experimenting with conductive fabrics that can generate heat in extreme cold .

  5. 极寒延伸天赋现在影响到冻结目标。

    Arctic Reach now also affects Deep Freeze .

  6. 但一些较新品种的蓝莓也能在极寒或很温暖的气候下生长。

    But some newer varieties do well in very cool or very warm climates .

  7. 卡德尔,极寒幽魂,是时光之外的冰冷投影。

    Kaldr , the Ancient Apparition , is an image projected from outside time .

  8. 本周美国各州都受到了极寒天气影响,北极的冷空气造成半个美国的降雪。

    Every U.S. state saw freezing temperatures this week and arctic air brought snow to half of them .

  9. 一些旅行社给游客提供参观该村庄的机会,让人们体验极寒天气下的寒极生活。

    Travel companies offer tourists the opportunity to visit the village and sample life in the freezing conditions .

  10. 我打开门,一阵极寒的冷风涌进车里,让我的脑子清醒起来。

    I opened the door , and the arctic draft that burst into the car helped clear my head .

  11. 无氧的酸性、极寒、极热和极干环境,都能使身体迅速脱水,停止腐烂。

    The oxygen-deprived acidic , cold , hot and dry conditions of these environments desiccate bodies and stop decomposition au natural .

  12. 探险活动将于3月份开始,他们将徒步穿越温度为-90℃的极寒地区。

    The expedition to start in March will cross areas where the temperature has fallen as low as - 90 ℃ .

  13. 那时加州理工学院的天文学家迈克布朗发现了一个微小极寒的星体,它的运行轨道比冥王星的远三倍。

    That was when Caltech astronomer Mike Brown found a tiny , frigid world orbiting some three times further out than Pluto .

  14. 极寒冰霜:这个天赋现在可以正确地增加霜甲术的移动减速以及攻击减速效果。

    Permafrost : This talent will now correctly increase the movement slowing effect of frost Armor instead of the attack speed slowing effect .

  15. 因此天文学家们正在号召民间的科学家来研究有关的图像从而帮助他们发现与冥王星毗邻的极寒天体。

    Because astronomers are calling on citizen scientists to eyeball images that will help them find the outermost icy bodies in Pluto 's neighborhood .

  16. 科学家们有待确证这具僧侣木乃伊保存如此完好的真正原因,一些人认为这是蒙古国的极寒气候所致。

    Scientists have yet to determine how the monk is so well preserved , though some think Mongolia 's cold weather could be the reason .

  17. 在零重力下,硬盘驱动器旋转的阻力变小了,而太空中的极寒环境意味着服务器不用担心过热问题,从而运转得更快。

    Zero-gravity allows the drives to spin with less resistance , and the extreme cold in space means the servers could process faster without overheating .

  18. 除了那些让人不满的极寒期,即便是闲散的勒布朗,他的影响力和强壮的体型使得他成为一个更具威慑力的防守者。

    Even a disengaged LeBron , outside those outlier winter weeks of discontent , is a more impactful defender simply through the power of reputation and size .

  19. 冻伤是当皮肤长时间暴露于极寒环境中而造成的损伤,多发于手、足、耳、鼻等易暴露部位。

    Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long . It mainly happens on the hands , feet , nose and ears .

  20. 今年的冬季极寒使美国天然气库存量较5年平均水平下降3%,但交易员充满信心,认为一旦下降季节结束,供应量将重新飙升。

    An extreme winter has us gas inventories 3 % below the 5-year average , yet traders are confident that supply will come roaring back once the drawdown season ends .

  21. 为了这部两个半小时的影片,迪卡普里奥在极寒的户外参与拍摄了七个多月。因为饰演的角色喉咙被熊抓伤,所以他在片中几乎不能说话。

    The actor carries the two-and-a-half hour film , which was shot in sub-zero temperatures over seven months , despite barely speaking after the bear rips out his character 's throat .

  22. 任何的北极项目(出去滑雪)你都不会在极寒和强风中暴露过长时间。

    You won 't be exposed to extreme cold and wind for a long time if you take part in any of the North Pole programs ( except for the ski trips ) .

  23. 在温带和热带水下150-1300英尺深度的极寒海域中都可看到它的身影。

    Also referred to as moonfish , the giants that can be found in both temperate and tropical seas reside at depths of 150 to 1300-feet where the waters can be extremely chilly .

  24. 他在这本书的中间部分附带援引了一项研究,该研究认为正是加拿大冬季残酷的极寒天气,培养了前几代加拿大人务实的、集体主义的精神。

    Halfway through his book , he inserted a sidebar citing research that suggests the brutal extremes of Canada 's winters fostered a pragmatic , collegiate spirit in earlier generations of Canadian society .

  25. 交通部副部长冯正霖在春运高峰前表示,全国交通运输部门要针对春运期间可能出现的冰冻、极寒、雾霾、大雪等极端恶劣天气,完善春运应急运输预案。

    Transport authorities across China should improve contingency plans targeting bad weather such as extreme low temperature , fog and heavy snow , Feng Zhenglin , vice-minister of transport , said ahead of the peak travel season .

  26. 航空专家认为,该男子在落地之前已经死亡,死于飞机起飞后不久起落架收起时的挤压,或者高空的极寒。

    Aviation experts say he was probably dead before he hit the ground either because he had been crushed by the retracting landing gear shortly after the plane took off or because of the extreme cold at high altitude .

  27. 英国民用航空局的理查德•泰勒认为,藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者没有机会幸存,有可能在飞机起飞后受起落架的挤压,或者难耐高空零下40度的极寒。

    Richard Taylor , of the Civil Aviation Authority , said a stowaway in an aircraft undercarriage was unlikely to have survive as he would either be crushed by the wheels after take-off or freeze in temperatures as low as minus 40C .

  28. 从电影《极寒之城》的预告片来看,查理兹?塞隆在其中扮演一名调查冷战期间一桩谋杀案的间谍,显然塞隆打斗起来毫不手软。

    Based on the trailer for the movie " Atomic Blonde , " in which Charlize Theron plays an undercover agent investigating a murder during the Cold War , it 's clear the actress isn 't shy about kicking ass and taking names .