
tòu shuǐ xìnɡ
  • water permeability
  1. 试验研究了粉胶比和集料级配对开级配沥青混凝土(OGFC)力学性能和透水性的影响。

    This paper studied the effects of the filler-asphalt ratio and the gradation on mechanical properties and water permeability of OGFC .

  2. 将SE-3用于皮革柔软处理,经处理后革样的各种感观指标如抗张强度、规定负荷伸长率、断裂伸长率、透水性明显优于原革样。

    After softening with SE-3 , various sensuous indexes of leather sample , such as tensile strength , given load extensibility , breaking extensibility and water permeability are obviously superior to the original ones .

  3. 因此将PVDF.PMMA和PVC共混,不但可以提高PVC膜的成膜性能,还能改善其韧性及亲水性能,从而制备出透水性好、机械性能好的聚氯乙烯膜。

    Therefore blending PVDF , PMMA with PVC , not only can improve film-forming property of PVC but also improve its toughness and hydrophilic , thus the permeability good preparation , mechanical property good PVC film .

  4. 草莓在透水性强的壤质土中生长良好。科罗拉多州立推广大学的CarlWilson教授提议在涂上中加入3%-5%的有机质更加适宜。

    Strawberries grow well in that lets water pass through easily . Carl Wilson at the Colorado State University Extension suggests mixing about three to five percent organic material into the soil .

  5. 针对许家崖水库取水口处溶蚀、透水性强的岩层渗水冒水的问题,对岩体采用GIN灌浆法进行处理。

    Aiming at solving the problem of rock seepage at the intake , the GIN Grouting Method is adopted for the construction of the Xujiaya Reservoir of the Feixian Power Plant .

  6. NIIC-1区段空心方块斜坡堤结构透水性对整治功能影响分析

    Effect of Permeability of Hollow-block Mound Breakwaters at Section NIIC-1 on Regulation Function

  7. 一般来说,鞘翅目昆虫与其它昆虫的不同之处就是体壁非常坚硬,透气透水性差,在同等条件下,较其他昆虫阴干的时间要长,阴干时间越长对DNA的质量越不利。

    The results : 1 . In general , the difference of Coleoptera insects from others is that the body wall is very hard , gas and water permeability is bad . Under the same conditions the time for drying is longer and the DNA quality worse than other kinds .

  8. 相反,CFG桩等刚性桩复合地基,虽然可以满足强度和变形的要求,但因为透水性差,地基固结速度慢,而且不能有效消除液化层的可液化性。

    In contrast , the rigid pile composite foundation , such as CFG pile , can meet the requirements of strength and deformation , but cannot effectively drain off water and the consolidation speed is slow due to the poor permeability , leading to little resistance to liquefaction .

  9. 实验结果表明该改性方法对膜结构影响很小,改性膜的亲水性和透水性明显增强,嵌入膜中的改性剂随着PPG分子量的增加而增加,改性效果益发显著。

    Characterization results revealed little influence on membrane structure was brought to membrane structure , while the membrane hydrophilicity and water permeability were significantly enhanced . Moreover , the mass of modifiers entrapped in membrane increased with increase of PPG molecular mass and hence led to more remarkable modification efficiency .

  10. 再生骨料透水性混凝土特性及其在路面砖中的应用

    Property of recycled aggregate water-permeable concrete and application in pavement brick

  11. 基于减小城市型洪水的透水性沥青路面的研究

    Study of Permeable Asphalt Pavement , Based on Decreasing City-type Flood

  12. 环保型无熟料高炉矿渣水泥透水性混凝土的特性

    Characteristics of permeability concrete of environmental No-clinker blast furnace slag cement

  13. 机织滤布透水性与织物结构参数关系的分析研究

    Analysis on Water Permeability and Structure Parameter for Woven Filter Cloth

  14. 透水性沥青混凝土的透水性能和力学性能试验研究

    Experiments on Water Permeability and Mechanical Performances of Porous Bituminous Concrete

  15. 正交分析透水性生态混凝土的影响因素

    Orthogonal Analysis of the Factors that Affect the Ecological Permeable Concrete

  16. 建筑垃圾再生混合骨料混凝土的受力性能及透水性研究

    Research on Force and Permeability Performance of Mixed Recycled Aggregate Concrete

  17. 河口整治工程空心方块结构透水性试验研究

    Experimental study on permeability of hollow block structure in estuarine projects

  18. 利用水泥制备高强透水性混凝土

    R & Dhigh strength and water permeability concrete using cement

  19. 港城路透水性沥青路面下排水通道的设置

    Setting of Drainage Channal for Pervious Bituminous Pavement of Gang Chen Rood

  20. 关于透水性沥青混合料的透水性与空隙率的关系

    Relation between Percentage of Voids and Hydraulic Permeability of Permeable Asphalt Mixture

  21. 微生物的活动能够明显降低污泥固化体的透水性。

    And microorganism activity could remarkably decrease the permeability of solidified sludge .

  22. 聚合物对透水性混凝土性能的影响研究

    Research on polymer 's influence on permeable concrete 's performance

  23. 透水性岩基上砼基重力坝灌浆帷幕的研究

    Study on Grout Curtain in Pervious Rock Foundation under Concrete Gravity Dam

  24. 骨料级配对透水性混凝土强度及超声波速度的影响

    Aggregate mixing ratio influencing the strength and ultrasonic velocity of Porous Concrete

  25. 利用水文地质边界附近抽水试验资料判定边界透水性

    Decision of boundary permeability using pumping test data near the hydrogeological boundary

  26. 利用城市垃圾焚烧溶融灰渣制作透水性砖块

    Producing Permeable Brick with the Ash Cinder Come from Burning Municipal Refuse

  27. 控水结构面透水性的模糊综合评价方法

    Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Methods for Water Permeability of Structure Plane

  28. 我国新近应用的透水性路面具有很好的工程前景。

    Recent-applied permeable pavement has a bright future in our countrys engineering .

  29. 土压平衡式盾构施工用泡沫混和土透水性试验研究

    Research on the permeability of the foamed-soil adopted in EPB shield tunneling

  30. 透水性聚丙烯纤维混凝土的耐久性研究

    Study of durability on pervious concrete mixing with polypropylene fiber