
tòu mínɡ zhǐ
  • cellophane paper
透明纸 [tòu míng zhǐ]
  • (1) [glassine;cellophane paper] 一种薄而致密的透明或半透明的纸张,空气与油酯很难透过

  • (2) [ice paper]∶一种用含结晶盐类的胶粘剂涂面的纸,当涂面干燥后纸面无光泽呈霜状

  1. 如何改善CH机的小盒透明纸包装质量

    How to Improve the Packing Quality of CH Cellophane Packer

  2. CH透明纸包装机透明纸辅助热封系统的设计

    Design of Auxiliary Seal Heating System in CH Cellophane Wrapper

  3. GD包装机条外透明纸检测装置的设计应用

    The design and application for testing device of Cellophane by GD packing machine

  4. PLC在CP-1透明纸小包包装机的应用

    Application of the PLC in the CP-1 Transparent Paper Packer

  5. 把这张新的纸样放到一张透明纸上再一次画下整个轮廓标出A点A1点和B点,为下一步骤做准备。

    Place this new bodice pattern onto a clean sheet of paper and redraw around the outline , marking in points A-A1 and B in preparation for the next stage .

  6. 本文介绍了CP-1透明纸小包包装机的工作原理及PLC对包装机的检测控制,并详细介绍了CP-1的输入输出检测控制信号。

    This paper introduces the principle of the CP-1 transparent paper packer and presents PLC control funtion for CP-1 . The singnals detection are discussed in details .

  7. 本文通过研究和分析,发现GD-X2机组中的CH透明纸包装机出现的一些包装质量问题,其产生的原因是机器的某些结构或部件存在设计缺陷。

    By researching and analyzing , we founded that the reason of the packing quality problem which appeared in the CH cellophane packer of the GD-X2 packer unit was according to the design bug of the machine configuration or the parts .

  8. YB55透明纸小包机使用拉带小卷筒时,通过人工旋紧螺纹夹紧卷筒,而且更换拉带次数频繁,停机时间长。

    When an ordinary reel of tear tape was used in YB55 wrapper , it was braked by fastening the clamping screw manually , which resulted in frequent machine stop for reel change and long downtime .

  9. 随动式条盒透明纸包装整形器的设计

    Evenness of paper sheet Paper Kites Design of Carton Overwrap Shaper

  10. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?树脂浸透纸面胶合板

    What 's the objection to Scotch tape ? resin impregnated paper-faced plywood

  11. 贴花纸,用于装饰或实用目的(不包括窗用透明纸)

    Decalcomania , for decorative or utility purposes ( excl. window transparencies )

  12. 是的,但是我要用透明纸复印一份。

    Yes , but I need the report copied on transparency paper .

  13. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?

    What 's the objection to Scotch tape ?

  14. 条烟外包装透明纸缺陷的视觉检测方法研究

    A research used visual detection method in the defects of article cigarette packaging cellophane

  15. 这本花卉画册页间夹了透明纸以保护其图画。

    The book of flower drawings was interleaved with transparent paper to protect pictures .

  16. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?这种药是透明的胶状物。

    What 's the objection to Scotch tape ? The medicine was a clear jelly .

  17. 小盒透明纸包装质量是衡量烟包外观质量的重要指标。

    The packing quality of cellophane packer is an important measurement about the surface quality of a cigarette packer .

  18. 这些皮影戏里,人物的身子是用长纸板做的,眼睛和嘴是透明纸做的。

    In these shadow plays , the figures are made of cardboard with translucent paper for the eyes and mouth .

  19. 把一张透明纸放在所需省道的位置上,这张纸要足以覆盖胸点和省道。

    Place a small sheet of transparent paper large enough to cover the BP and dart over the required dart position .

  20. 有一个包是用透明纸胶带封的。水平的(卧式)排污箱必须有两端带法兰的封头。

    One of these packages is sealed with Scotch tape . THE HORIZONTAL LIQUID SUMP SHALL HAVE FLANGED HEADS ON BOTH ENDS .

  21. 光面仿牛皮纸:有光泽的仿牛皮纸,是精美文件用纸。透明纸胶带有什么不行?

    Glazed vellum : Vellum paper with a glazed surface , used for decorative documents . What 's the objection to Scotch tape ?

  22. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?半透明纸:结实而半透明的纸。作保护用的包装纸或作正稿的盖面纸。

    What 's the objection to Scotch tape ? Glassine : Tough but partially transparent paper used for protective wrapping and for overlays on artwork .

  23. 通过一种使用将亚甲基蓝染色透明纸浸在甘油中或放在玻片之间的技术,可在粪便标本中发现肠血吸虫病的虫卵。

    The eggs of intestinal schistosomiasis can be detected in faecal specimens through a technique using methylene blue-stained cellophane soaked in glycerine or glass slides .

  24. 术后7天,以透明纸绘出皮瓣模型,将坏死区域涂成黑色,使用计算机图文分析系统计算出坏死面积。

    On day 7 , the models of flaps were drawn out by transparent graph paper , and the zones of necrosis were overlaid into black .

  25. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?本系列机械适应材料:丝带、棉带、胶带、尼龙带、纸带、不干胶带等卷装带类。

    This series of machine is suitable for materials including : riband , cotton tape , rubber tape , nylon tape , paper tape and adhesive tape .

  26. 你把遥控器用透明塑料纸包起来。

    You leave the plastic covers on your remote control .

  27. 要是它们用透明包装纸包着,请不要吃。

    If it comes in a cellophane wrapper , don 't eat it .

  28. 用透明塑料纸作包装纸

    Use transparent film as a wrap

  29. 我要透明的玻璃纸和蓝色缎带

    I want the clear cellophane and the navy ribbon .

  30. 每套产品用透明的玻璃纸(袋)包装。

    Each pack in a clear cellophane pack .