
tiě jiànɡ pù
  • forge;smithy;blacksmith's shop
  1. 在等待的间隙,他想来点啤酒,但人们告诉他这个铁匠铺没有售酒许可。

    Whilst he was waiting he demanded a beer but was told the smithy was unlicenced .

  2. 因此本镇成为了最优质箭矢的出产地,本镇的铁匠铺特异地专门生产这类武器。

    As a result the town has become the source of the finest arrows , atypically , the town smithy works exclusively on these arms .

  3. 在铁匠铺里,乔还有另一名铁匠帮他干活,

    Joe had another blacksmith working for him at the forge .

  4. 而且铁匠铺可以升级以购买额外的战争机器。

    As well as a blacksmith upgrade for purchasing additional war machines .

  5. 到铁匠铺去给格拉德威尔先生干活吧。

    Go and work for Mr Gladwell at the forge .

  6. 你干嘛拿到铁匠铺去?

    You took it to the forge . Why ?

  7. 这个铁匠铺很吵。

    The blacksmith 's shop is always noisy .

  8. 我看见威尔在铁匠铺钉马掌呢。

    I saw will over at the blacksmith 's shop , getting the horse shod .

  9. 他的铁匠铺离家有70码远,紧靠路边上的一个普通商店。

    His shop was seventy yards down the road , next beyond the general store .

  10. 当晨雾老早升起来的时候,我第一次离开了铁匠铺。

    As the morning mist had risen long ago when I first left the forge ,

  11. 我走了4英里的路回到铁匠铺,想起我所看到的一切。

    I walked the four miles home to the forge , thinking about all I had seen .

  12. 这家由铁匠铺改造的餐馆内部装潢精美华丽,从特制的家具,到格调高雅的标本。

    The interior of the former blacksmith shop is resplendently appointed , from the custom-built furniture to the tasteful taxidermy ,

  13. 我叫贾格斯,是一名律师,当到达铁匠铺时,他说,

    My name is Jaggers , and I 'm a lawyer , he said , when he reached the forge .

  14. 他拐进一个偏僻的街道,走进一条冷僻的小巷,向一家铁匠铺走去。

    Turning down an obscure street and entering an obscure lane , he went up to a smith 's shop .

  15. 因此,我离开铁匠铺,开始一种新生活,做了一名职员为克拉雷克斯,赫伯特的公司工作。

    So I left the forge , and started a new life , working as a clerk for Clarrikers , Herbert 's company .

  16. 星期一下午,我早早地到达了铁匠铺,乔卷着黑色的斗篷,正在屋子前面坐着。

    I arrived at the forge early on Monday afternoon . Joe was sitting in the front room , wrapped in a black cloak .

  17. 因此,我乘马车去了老家,像这样的做法以前有很多次,我来到铁匠铺。

    So I went by coach to the old town , as I had done so many times before , and walked to the forge .

  18. 正在那时,我姐姐在铁匠铺外面隐藏着,所说的话她都听到了。她从一个窗户口对乔喊道,你这个傻瓜!

    Just then my sister , who had secretly been listening outside the forge , called to Joe through one of the windows , You fool !

  19. 如果我已经能在铁匠铺里快活地工作,那是再好不过的。或许你和我在一起能消磨更多的时间,

    It would have been much better if I could have been happy working at the forge.Perhaps you and I would have spent more time together .

  20. 这一天,她呆在厨房里休息,而乔和奥立克在铁匠铺里一起和好地分享一瓶啤酒。

    She stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the day , and Joe and Orlick shared a glass of beer peacefully together in the forge .

  21. 我决定在铁匠铺过夜,这使乔十分高兴,我对自己提出这样做也感到高兴。

    I decided to spend the night at the forge , which pleased Joe very much . I was pleased with myself for offering to do so .

  22. 在一个养鸭池塘和铁匠铺之间,他看见了赋予这个小村名字的那棵树,一棵古老而高大的橡树。

    Between a duck pond and a blacksmith 's forge , he came upon the tree that gave the place its name , an oak ancient and tall .

  23. 因此,我跑到铁匠铺叫他。她搂着他的脖子,头扎在他怀里,看上去很快乐。

    And so I ran to the forge to fetch him.And she put her arms round his neck and laid her head on his shoulder , quite happy .

  24. 我们马不停蹄地跑到铁匠铺。在乔夫人的厨房里有一位医生、乔和一群妇女,

    We didn 't stop running until we reached the forge.In Mrs Joe 's kitchen there was a doctor , and Joe , and a group of Women .

  25. 他并没有接受命运的安排,而是在晚上研究魔法,直到他变得足够优秀可以离开铁匠铺,开始其征服生涯。

    Instead of accepting his fate , he studied magic at night until he was good enough to leave the forge and embark on a life of conquest .

  26. 要不是我姐姐突然对他产生了好感,他仍然可以留在乔的铁匠铺里,否则我早就设法把他辞退了。

    He had struck root in Joe 's establishment , by reason of my sister 's sudden fancy for him , or I should have tried to get him dismissed .

  27. 我决定回铁匠铺,去感谢他的一切帮助,并携带着我已经考虑了一会儿的一个计划。

    I decided to go back to the village , to thank him for all his help , and to carry out a plan I had been considering for some time .

  28. 伍甫赛先生走了进去,看看发生了什么事情,他转眼跑了出来,喊了起来,铁匠铺出事了,匹普!快跑!

    Mr Wopsle went in to discover what was happening , and after a few minutes rushed out , calling , Something wrong up at the forge , Pip ! Run !

  29. 我穿这身衣服觉得不舒服,在伦敦不自在,而我在铁匠铺、厨房、沼泽地自在得多。

    I 'm wrong in these clothes , and I 'm wrong in London , but I 'm fine at the forge , or in the kitchen , or on the marshes .

  30. 但是当他们在谈论什么时,时常要谈到他,因为我姐姐已经看出乔是不赞成我离开铁匠铺的。

    But he was often talked at , while they were in progress , by reason of Mrs Joe 's perceiving that he was not favourable to my being taken from the forge .