
tiě lù ɡōnɡ rén
  • Railway worker;railroad worker;railman
  1. 大多数铁路工人投票赞成恢复工作

    The bulk of the railroad worker vote to go back to work

  2. 归根结底:除非有证据表明他处于烂醉状态,不能对一个铁路工人在事故后进行测试。

    Bottom line : A railroad worker cannot be tested after an accident unless there is some evidence that he was stoned .

  3. 罢工的铁路工人和波兰政府间举行的谈判已经破裂了。

    Talks between striking railway workers and the Polish government have broken down

  4. 与其它行业工人相比,铁路工人的工作时间相对较少。

    And other industry workers , railroad workers have less time .

  5. 铁路工人罢工造成货物积压。

    There was a pile-up of goods because the rail strike .

  6. 你认识那位丈夫是个铁路工人的妇女吗?

    Do you know the woman whose husband be a railway worker ?

  7. 你肯定曾经在铁道公司当过铁路工人。

    You musta been a railroad man on that railroad .

  8. 铁路工人还是拒绝运输英国军人。

    The railway men are still refusing to transport arms .

  9. 铁路工人在罢工,因此我只好驾车去了。

    The trains were on strike so I drove instead .

  10. 平汉铁路工人们在这样的过程中,逐步团结在一起,形成了关于铁路工人的自我认同感。

    The workers gradually unite together to form their self-identity .

  11. 你的朋友们仍和铁路工人有联系吗?

    Do your Bund friends have contacts with rail workers ?

  12. 我看见了一个铁路工人在费力的维修着铁路。

    I saw a railway workers in the effort to repair the railway .

  13. 铁路工人的全面罢工使国家的经济陷于瘫痪。

    The general strike of the railway workers crippled the country 's economy .

  14. 部长同意接见铁路工人工会代表团。

    The minister agreed to receive a deputation from the railwaymen 's union .

  15. 华清池内,疗养的铁路工人。

    The railway workers recuperate in Huaqing Pool .

  16. 铁路工人意外伤害的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study on Unexpected Injuries of Railway Workers

  17. 因铁路工人罢工,所有车次都被取消。

    Owing to a strike by railway workers all train journeys have been cancelled .

  18. 铁路工人人数众多,收入高低不等,他们的生活状况也差别较大。

    A large number of railway workers , income level , their living conditions are different .

  19. 在与铁路工人的对抗中,政府在最后时刻作了让步。

    The government backed down at the last minute in a confrontation with the rail workers .

  20. 首先满足铁路工人,餐馆在城镇中的食物是完全陌生。

    First catering to railroad workers , the restaurants in towns where Chinese food was completely unknown .

  21. 20岁时,他当电工、开轮渡,后来又当铁路工人,没有一样工作顺利。

    When he was twenty , he changed his job from electrician to ferry staff to railway worker .

  22. 当得知我们同他一样也是铁路工人时,他开始对我们亲热起来了。

    When he found that we were railway workers just like him , he began to warm up .

  23. 第一位拉丁美裔教皇出生在阿根廷,是一个意大利铁路工人的儿子。

    The first Latin American pope was born in Argentina , the son of an Italian railway worker .

  24. 在明治天皇颁布一项法令后,警察、铁路工人和教师开始改穿西服。

    After an edict by Emperor Meiji , police , railroad men and teachers moved to Western clothes .

  25. 现在的美籍华人大多数都是一些早期矿工和铁路工人的后裔。

    Most of today 's Chinese Americans are the descendants of some of the early miners and railroad workers .

  26. 中国铁路工人是中国工人阶级最先进、最有组织的一部分。

    The Chinese railway workers are among the most advanced and best organized sections of the Chinese working class .

  27. 铁路工人,工作性质不同,工作时间、工作环境也有差异。

    The railway workers , the nature of the work , working time , the working environment there are differences .

  28. 当过农民、铁路工人、民办教师、电影放映员等。

    He used to be a farmer , railway worker , community school teacher , film projectionist and so on .

  29. 济南铁路工人高血压前期的发生率及影响因素研究

    Prevalence of prehypertension and its influential factors among railway workers Effect of electromyographic biofeedback on heart rate variability of prehypertensives

  30. 方法应用SCL&90对186名铁路工人进行评定并与全国常模比较。

    Methods The 186 railway workers were assessed with Symptom Check List-90 ( SCL-90 ) and were compared with Chinese norm .