
ān dìng tuán jié
  • stability and unity
安定团结 [ān dìng tuán jié]
  • [stability and unity] 指形势、秩序、生活安稳,民众气氛和睦

安定团结[ān dìng tuán jié]
  1. 维护安定团结是人心所向。

    To maintain stability and unity is the common aspiration of people everywhere .

  2. 安定团结是实现四个现代化的前提。

    Stability and unity are a prerequisite to the four modernizations .

  3. 我们已经实现了安定团结。

    We have already realized peace and unity on the mainland .

  4. 完善社会管理,维护社会安定团结。

    Improve social management and safeguard social stability and unity .

  5. 贯彻调整方针,保证安定团结

    Implement the policy of readjustment , ensure stability and unity

  6. 我看真正的安定团结是肯定的。

    I am confident that there will be genuine stability and unity .

  7. 这在社会上造成了很不好的影响,对于安定团结,发展经济是极为不利的。

    The situation is bad for the development of economic and society .

  8. 小麦是我国主要粮食作物之一,在提高人民生活水平和保障国家安定团结方面具有举足轻重的作用。

    Wheat is one of the major grain crop in our country .

  9. 我们国家十分重视安定团结。

    Our country set stability and unity at a premium .

  10. 要安定团结,也要生动活泼。

    In addition to stability and unity , we must maintain liveliness .

  11. 诸葛亮加强安定团结策略探析

    Zhu Ge-Liang 's Tactics on Social Stability and Unity

  12. 加强国内安定团结;

    To strengthen the domestic stable and unify ;

  13. 保持和促进社会的安定团结;

    Maintaining and promoting social stability and harmony ;

  14. 安定团结十分重要。

    Stability and unity are of prime importance .

  15. 我们必须促进安定团结。

    We must promote stability and unity .

  16. 第一,加强党的领导,安定团结是重要保证;

    Its important content is mainly : First , strengthen the leadership of the party ;

  17. 水库移民问题解决的好坏,直接关系到水库工程建设和运行管理能否顺利进行并发挥正常经济效益,直接关系到社会的安定团结。

    And economic benefit of the water conservancy project is relate to directly the social stability .

  18. 生动活泼也来之不易,但它是随着安定团结发展起来的。

    Liveliness has not come easily either , but it has grown along with stability and unity .

  19. 那就一定要在不妨碍安定团结的条件下实现生动活泼。

    We should try to achieve liveliness on condition that stability and unity are not adversely affected .

  20. 要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。

    In order to achieve stability and unity , we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit .

  21. 对老年人身心健康和社会安定团结都产生不利的影响。

    It has a negative impact on mental health and social stability and unity in old people .

  22. 要求安定团结,是不是会妨碍百花齐放呢?

    Will the maintenance of stability and unity hinder the policy of " letting a hundred flowers bloom "?

  23. 这不仅关乎社会的安定团结,而且关系到经济的竞争力问题。

    It matters every bit as much for social peace and cohesion as it does for economic competitiveness .

  24. 中小企业的发展关乎国家经济的发展趋势、社会的安定团结。

    The development of SMEs related to the trend of national economic development , social stability and unity .

  25. 沙区的经济发展、社会稳定及安定团结都对乌鲁木齐市全局影响深远。

    As the sandy areas of economic development , social stability and unity are far-reaching global impact of Urumqi .

  26. 让少数人继续在那里闹,能安定团结吗?

    How can stability and unity be achieved if a small number of persons are allowed to continue making trouble ?

  27. 总之,企业安全文化研究与建设有利于社会的安定团结、和谐发展。

    In summary , research and promotion of safety culture are beneficial to stability , unity , harmony and development .

  28. 稳定压倒一切,安定团结才能稳步发展,以和为贵,平安就是福。

    Stability overrides everything , can the steady development of stability and unity , peace , and peace is good .

  29. 如果说百花齐放、百家争鸣可以不顾安定团结,那就是对于这个方针的误解和滥用。

    If anyone thinks it can be implemented in disregard of stability and unity , he is misinterpreting and abusing it .

  30. 下岗和失业不仅影响着我国经济的持续发展,而且还影响着我国社会的安定团结。

    The problem of layoff and unemployment affects not only steady increase in our national economies , but also social order .