
xí fù
  • daughter-in-law;wife;sons wife;young woman;married woman
媳妇 [xí fù]
  • (1) [sons wife]∶儿子的老婆

  • (2) [wife]∶配偶中的女性

  • 小张娶了个媳妇

  • (3) [married woman]∶泛指已婚妇女

  • 村里年青的媳妇

  • (4) [young woman]∶指年轻女子

媳妇[xí fù]
  1. 她绝对不是许多人认为的那种愚蠢的小媳妇。

    She wasn 't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be .

  2. 这小媳妇儿长得好标致!

    What a pretty young wife !

  3. 张大娘春风满面地站在大门口,等待从城里来的儿媳妇。

    Aunt Zhang , her face radiating happiness , stood at the door waiting for her daughter-in-law who was coming from town .

  4. 把你娶媳妇应办的事早些料理料理,免得到时丢三落四的。

    You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding . We don 't want to find , when the time comes , that we 've forgotten this , that and the other .

  5. 那老太婆一天到晚地挑剔儿媳妇的不是

    The old woman nagged ( at ) her daughter-in-law all day long .

  6. 一位年轻的小媳妇深受村里上了年纪的老妈妈们的喜爱。

    There was a daughter-in-law who liked by the old women in the village .

  7. 第二天清早,小媳妇逐一向那些老妈妈告辞,并把这件事告诉了她们。

    The next morning , the daughter-in-law bided2 farewell to all the old women in the village , and told them what happened .

  8. 一天夜里,小媳妇家的一大块肉不见了,婆婆怀疑是她偷的,决定把她赶回娘家。

    One night , a piece of meat was missing from the daughter-in-law 's home , and her mother-in-law suspected that she had stolen it . So he decided1 to drive her out to her mother 's home .

  9. 11月时,又一名孕妇HIV检测呈阳性,一个老人和他的儿媳妇也是如此,这下村民们慌了,纷纷赶到这家医疗中心进行检测。结果数十人呈阳性。

    When another pregnant woman tested positive in November as well as an elderly man and his daughter-in-law , villagers panicked and stormed the health center to be tested .

  10. 因为你27啦,最接近儿媳妇角色的,就是那个犹太男孩Howard。

    Mom : Because you 're 27 , and the closest thing we have to a daughterinlaw is that Jewish boy Howard . Rajesh : Oh ...

  11. 第三天,加利利的迦拿有一家人娶媳妇,设宴庆贺。

    On the third day there was a wedding at Cana-in-Galilee .

  12. 我父母说再也找不到比她更好的媳妇。

    My parents say they could not find a better daughter-in-law .

  13. 娶个富家女不如讨个巧媳妇。

    Better a fortune in a wife than with a wife .

  14. 而最激烈的战斗总是发生在,媳妇和婆婆之间。

    but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law .

  15. 有个儿子、儿媳妇以及他们的三个孩子&。

    A son and his wife and their three children & .

  16. 媳妇儿像一陀大便,每个人都有另一陀。

    Life is like a shit-sandwich , everyday is another bite .

  17. 在你弟媳妇的家庭里也许有疯癫的遗传因子。

    There may have been madness in your sister-in-law 's family .

  18. 真不幸,我的四川特色菜在媳妇面前不战自败。

    Unfortunately my Sichuan food turned out to be a fiasco .

  19. 霍杜查认为我和他儿媳妇一样浪荡。

    Hortucha thinks we 're all sluts , like his daughter-in-law .

  20. 要是有个儿媳妇继承我的厨艺就好了。

    I wish I had a daughter-in-law to pass on my cooking .

  21. 你再敢碰我的儿媳妇海莉。

    And if you ever touch my daughter-in-law , haley , again .

  22. “媳妇,快包饺子,过年!”

    " Daughter-in-law , let 's start making dumplings for the festival !"

  23. 如果你坚持和你的儿媳妇生活在一起,我就不和你结婚。

    I wouldn 't marry you if you live with your daughter-in-law .

  24. 与您的儿子和媳妇一起说更好。

    It 's better to talk to your son and daughter-in-law together .

  25. 但我希望一郎能找个好媳妇。

    But I 'd like a nice wife for yogoro .

  26. 你是我媳妇,你嫁给我儿子了。

    You 're my daughter-in-law . you 're married to my son .

  27. 而媳妇们可能有更多抱怨的理由。

    But their wives probably have more reason to complain .

  28. 身边一个老太太叹息说:唉,多好的媳妇呀!

    An old woman seated near him sighed , what a daughter-in-law !

  29. 她未做到一个好媳妇应尽的义务。

    She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law .

  30. 我的儿子和媳妇在今年秋天来看我。

    My son and daughter-in-law are visiting me this fall .