
  1. 本论文针对沙漠环境模拟实验室(简称环模室)设计了由上位机(PC)和下位机(PLC)构成的控制系统方案。

    Firstly , the dissertation presents the design of automatic control system which consists of PC and PLC for the laboratory of desert environment simulation ;

  2. 领跑的男选手是摩洛哥人与约旦人,他们从小就适应沙漠环境,尽管领跑的女选手是瑞典人伊丽莎白巴恩斯(ElisabetBarnes,她也是今年的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛冠军)。

    The leading male runners are Moroccans and Jordanians , people used to the desert , though the women 's race is led by Swedish runner Elisabet Barnes ( who also won this year 's Marathon des Sables ) .

  3. 这会引起严重的问题,尤其是在沙漠环境中。

    That can cause big problems , especially in desert environments .

  4. 国外热带沙漠环境中石方爆破工程特征与实践解析

    Characteristics and Practice of Rock Blasting Project in Tropical Desert Environment

  5. 我国干热沙漠环境特点对电工电子产品的影响

    Dry-Heat Desert Condition 's Negative Influences on the Electric and Electronic Equipment

  6. 浅析沙漠环境对沙漠高速公路交通安全的影响及其对策

    Elementary Analysis on Influence and Countermeasures of Desert Expressway in Desert Condition

  7. 沙漠环境下米其林轮胎损坏的原因及预防

    Causes and Precaution of Michelin Tyre Damage in Desert Environment

  8. 关于沙漠环境演变几种研究指标的探讨

    The discussion about the several research indicators of the desert environment evolution

  9. 包神铁路修建对沙漠环境的影响

    The influences of constructing Bao-Shen line on desert environment

  10. 但骆驼却对适应沙漠环境得天独厚

    but the camel is uniquely equipped for desert survival

  11. 沙漠环境下人与交通安全

    Human Factor in Traffic Safety in the Desert Environment

  12. 沙漠环境人工气候室温度模拟技术研究

    Temperature simulation technology of phytotron on desert environment

  13. 基于模糊综合评判模型的沙漠环境下驾驶员安全特性评价

    Evaluation of driver safety characteristic in desert environment based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model

  14. 沙漠环境对沙漠公路工程的影响

    Influences of desert environment on Highway Engineering

  15. 沙漠环境模拟中太阳模拟器参数对辐照度分布的影响

    Influence of Solar Simulator Parameters on Distribution of Radiation Intensity in the Desert Environment Simulation

  16. 许多袋鼠都是食草和嫩叶的动物,喜欢四处觅食,适合在干旱的沙漠环境中生活。

    Many kangaroo species are grazers and browsers adapted to living in dry desert habitats .

  17. 高原沙漠环境下的液压系统油温自动控制装置

    Oil - temperature Auto - control Device of Hydraulic System under Highland - desert Environment

  18. 沙漠环境对公路及其防沙体系的影响及对策研究

    Study on Effects and Countermeasures of the Highway and Its Sand Preventing System in Desert Condition

  19. 推土机在沙漠环境中的使用

    Application of Dozer to Desert Environment

  20. 本实验结果为谢氏宽漠王在极端的沙漠环境胁迫下的抗逆适应性研究提供了理论基础。

    The present results provide new insights into adaption mechanisms of M.semenowi to extreme environment stress .

  21. 30种新疆沙生植物的结构及其对沙漠环境的适应

    The structures of 30 species of Psammophytes and their adaptation to the sandy desert environment in Xinjiang

  22. 它们所拥有的许多独特的生理适应特征,使其可以在沙漠环境下茁壮的生长。

    They also have a number of special physical adaptations that help them thrive in desert conditions .

  23. 晚冰期以来毛乌素沙漠环境特征的湖沼相沉积记录

    The Lake Swamp Sediment Records on the Environmental Characteristics of Mu Us Desert since the Late Glacial Epoch

  24. 戈壁沙漠环境对护理人员机体及护理操作技术的影响与对策

    The Effect of Environment of Gobi Desert on the Body and Nursing Skills of Nurse Staff and Countermeasures

  25. 一些地区,如沙漠环境,由于缺乏生火的木头,点火的想法是不实际的。

    Some areas , such as desert settings , are impractical for fires due to the scarcity of firewood .

  26. 干热沙漠环境石油工人血、尿、发中16种元素水平的研究

    The Investigation on the Levels of Sixteen Elements in Serum , Hair , and Urine of Oil Workers in Desert

  27. 即使到那时,军队和装备也会需要更多的时间来适应沙漠环境。

    Even then , more time will be needed for the troops and equipment to become acclimatized to desert conditions .

  28. 极地实际上是一个沙漠环境,平均月降雨量约相当于撒哈拉沙漠。

    The Pole is actually a desert environment , averaging about the same amount of monthly rainfall as the Sahara Desert .

  29. 沙漠环境行军者谷胱甘肽含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性的变化

    Changes of glutathione ( GSH ) contents and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity in marchers by stress marching in desert environment

  30. 在沙漠环境中,脂肪可比水要排得上用场,因为脂肪可以给骆驼提供新陈代谢和迈开步伐的能量。

    Fat works much better than water in the desert , because it provides camels with the energy they need to keep up their metabolism and keep moving .