
  • 网络Motivation and Personality
  1. 马斯洛《动机与人格》述评

    Evaluation of Maslow 's " Motivation and Personality "

  2. 论成就动机与人格

    The Relationship Between Achievement Motivation and Personality

  3. 大学生博客行为动机与人格特征的关系

    Relationship Between Blogging Motivation and Big Five Personality of Undergraduates

  4. 286名大学生网络使用行为、使用动机与人格之关系研究

    A Study on Correlation between Internet Using Behavior , Motivation and Personality in 286 College Students

  5. 因此,大学生网络使用时有一定的行为特性和相应的动机类型,大学生的网络使用动机与使用行为有一定的相关,网络使用行为、使用动机又均与人格特征有一定的相关。

    So , the college students have the characteristics of Internet using behavior and correspondent using motivations . Internet using motivation is correlated with using behavior , and Internet using behavior , motivation are also correlated with personality in college students .