
  • 网络Being needs
  1. 鉴于此,有必要从计算证券价格这一更直接的角度给出这一模型的一个较简单的证明,并探讨为了得到均衡的唯一存在性所需要的条件,从而可以重新审视CAPM的理论基础。

    Thus , it is necessary to provide a direct identification through calculating the security prices and studying the conditions of the existence and uniqueness of market equilibrium , which enable us to examine the theoretical foundation of CAPM closely again .

  2. 区分服务网络中,处于同一个带宽保证业务类中的多个TCP流由于各个流的特性差异,在实际获得带宽时存在公平性问题需要解决。

    In a differentiated services network , to delivery fairness share of bandwidth to TCP flows is still an issue to be addressed when multiple TCP flows with different flow characterizations respectively coexist within a bandwidth assurance service traffic aggregate .

  3. 很明显,酒精问题存在国际性,需要全世界公共卫生的关注。

    Clearly , alcohol problems are of an international scope and are a source of international public health concern .

  4. 这一问题在各上市公司间,既有共性,也存在个别性,需要在相关法律规定的指导下妥善、灵活地进行处理。

    This issue exists among all the listed companies , and shall be resolved properly with a guidance of related laws and regulations .

  5. 由于粒子群算法自身存在局限性,需要借鉴其他算法的特性来弥补。

    Because of the limitations of particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) itself , the characteristics of other algorithms are needed to compensate .

  6. 客观领域的制约因素与权利社会的现实需求之间存在的矛盾性需要对行政赔偿的范围重新进行科学构建。

    The contradiction between restriction factors in objective field and factual needs of right society demand the scientific reconstruction of the administration Indemnity scope .

  7. 由于市场调节和国家调节两种机制都存在局限性,需要一种新的国际调节机制来应对因全球化而形成的国际市场经济。

    The international market economy needs a new kind of regulation mechanism to cope with defects of market regulation and limitations of state economic regulation .

  8. 本研究在研究范围、研究对象、样本容量等方面还存在局限性,需要进一步改进。

    However , this paper has some limitations on the research content , research scale and sample size , which needs to improve in the future study .

  9. 本文针对公民参与的特性进行了充分地分析,认为公民参与本身也存在外部性,需要有一定的限度。

    This thesis will have a full analysis of characteristics for citizen participation , which considers the existing of " external " of citizen participation itself and it needs a certain " limits " .

  10. 如果一般性的正义规则在其施行中都存在局限性,需要正义主体具有一定的道德素质和品格,那么,全球气候正义的实现就需要美德的支撑。

    If general rules of justice have limits in their operation without some moral qualities and characters of subjects of justice , the realization of global climate justice need the supports of related virtues .

  11. 当然,肯定马克思主义价值思想的主体性特征,并不意味着排斥马克思主义价值一元论,或者说马克思主义价值理想不存在统一性,不需要或不可能实现统一。

    Affirming the subjective features does not mean to reject Marxist value monism , or no unity in Marxist value ideal , or no need or impossible to be united .

  12. 载人航天器舱内的流动换热及通风系统的研究对于航天器的正常运转非常重要,而目前载人航天器舱内的气流分布设计还存在着随意性,需要进行系统研究。

    The research on flow & heat exchange and ventilation system in manned spacecraft cabin is very important for normal operation of manned spacecraft . There have been random about airflow distribution design for spacecraft cabin , which needs systematic research .

  13. 最后,在文章结尾部分对本文做简要总结,指出本人的研究工作的作用和意义,同时指明文章中存在的局限性和需要改进的地方。

    Finally , in the end part of this article make a brief summary , pointed out that oneself the function and significance of the research work , and indicate the limitations that exist in the article and in need of improvement .