
  • 网络Storage business;SAN
  1. 与思科(ciscosystems)一样,该公司进入了服务器和存储业务,与ibm和惠普相分庭抗礼。

    Along with Cisco Systems , it has moved into the server and storage business against IBM and HP .

  2. 本文在对CT公司票据速递和存储业务外包模式进行深入分析研究的同时,望能给金融服务外包机构提供有益的思考和借鉴。

    The thesis studied and analyzed the bill courier and storage service outsourcing model in CT Company further , gave the ideas to financial service organization .

  3. SAP系统可以处理存储业务数据并提供流程层以便与数据一起工作。

    SAP systems take care of storing business data as well as providing the process layer to work with that data .

  4. •EMC据称投入4千万美元,获得了专利组合中与存储业务相关的部分。

    • EMC ( EMC ) reportedly paid $ 400 million in a side deal for a subset of patents related to its storage business .

  5. 最新消息是,赛门铁克(Symantec)很可能会分拆为两家分别从事安全与数据存储业务的公司。

    And most recently , Symantec 's potential split into security and data storage .

  6. 或者在家里坐着的时候想到了Dropbox这样的云存储业务,接下来就发现它价值10亿美元。

    Or you 're sitting around your house and have the idea for Dropbox , and the next thing you know it 's worth $ 1 billion .

  7. 通过详细分析用户管理需求,本系统确定采用基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)框架实现;中间层使用PHP技术实现业务逻辑,后端使用MySQL数据库系统存储业务数据。

    According to the detailed analysis of the users ' management demands , the system is based on the B / S ( Browser / Server ) architecture , using PHP to achieve business logic and using MySQL database system to store operation data .

  8. 实例:用于存储业务服务模型实例。

    Instance : Used to store Business Service model instances .

  9. 登记:用于存储业务服务登记信息。

    Enrollment : Used to store Business Service entitlement information .

  10. 但相反,个人存储业务目前是一个蓬勃发展的行业。

    On the contrary , the personal storage business is now a growing industry .

  11. 来存储业务数据。

    For storing the business data .

  12. 即使现在的银行提供免费存储业务,你是否每月还在继续为你的户头付费呢?

    Are you still paying a monthly fee even though your bank now offers free checking ?

  13. 此外,该公司也经营“特斯拉Powerwall”电池,这是一种供家用或者商用的太阳能存储业务。

    It also runs Tesla Powerwall , a solar energy storage business for homes and businesses .

  14. 容灾是数字存储业务连续运行和数据安全的最后一道防线。

    Disaster recovery operation is the last line of defense of Continuous operation of the digital storage business and data security .

  15. 有人估计,在斯诺登事件发生以后,由于其他国家选择将数据存储业务国有化,美国企业损失了价值1800亿美元的业务。

    By one estimate , post-Snowden moves by other countries to nationalise data storage could cost them $ 180bn in lost business .

  16. it公司看到了服务器和存储业务的潜力,云服务的拓展带动了这些领域的增长。

    IT companies see potential in the servers and storage business , with growth in these segments driven by the expansion of cloud services .

  17. 例如在存储业务领域,领先的存储提供商(在一定范围内)作出的性能方面的改善往往是可持续的。

    In the memory business , for instance , improvements in performance ( within a given range ) are often sustainable by the leading storage providers .

  18. 摩根大通要向政府支付19亿美元来购买华惠的贷款业务、分支机构和存储业务,贷款组合减记约300多亿美元。

    Morgan will pay $ 1.9 billion to the government for WaMu 's loans , branches and deposits , but expects to write down the loans by more than $ 30 billion .

  19. 现代物流是一个通过不同的经济活动(如计划、控制与实施),对资源从原产地到最终消费者的有关选址、移动和存储业务进行的优化过程。

    Modern logistics is an optimization process of the location , movement and storage of resources from the point of origin , through various economic activities ( such as plan , control and operate ), to the final customer .

  20. 轻量级客户机最重要的一个功能是能够用存储在业务程序中的数据准备XML交易。

    One of the most important features of a lightweight client is the ability to prepare XML transactions with the data stored by a business application .

  21. 本文主要介绍中国公用传真存储转发业务网(CHINAFAX)、电子数据互换业务网(CHINAEDI)和电子信箱业务网(CHINAMAIL)的网络结构、规模、业务功能及用户接入方式。

    In this article we mostly introduce the network structure , scale , service functions and user access method for China Public Fax Store & Forward Service Network ( CHINAFAX ), Electronic Data Interchange Service Network ( CHINAEDI ) and Electronic Mail Service Network ( CHINAMAIL ).

  22. 数据预处理模块包含对存储的业务数据的清洗、集成和变换等过程。

    The data preprocessing module contains processes on the effective information data including purification , integration and transformation .

  23. 文档库在其后端存储序列化业务组件标识符;在相应的表中为其预留一个字段。

    The document library stores the serialized business component identifier in its back end ; a column in the corresponding table is reserved for this .

  24. 在接收到一个请求时,适配器使用存储在业务对象中的信息以及来自交互规范属性的元数据,在内容管理系统上执行一个操作。

    When a request is received , the adapter uses the information stored in the business object and metadata from the interaction specification properties to perform an operation on the content management system .

  25. 各个模块中的数据库表、数据存储以及业务流程都进行了优化,并且通过增强模块间的并行执行以及表同步以实现模块之间的低耦合和模块内部的高内聚。

    In each module , database tables , data storage and business process is optimized , and strengthening the implementation and synchronization in order to achieve low coupling between modules and module with high internal cohesion parallel modules .

  26. 近年来,随着IT技术的发展,越来越多的信息系统在各企业中建立起来,各企业内部通常都是通过这些系统来管理存储相关业务数据。

    Recently , with the development of the IT technology , more and more information systems have been built across an enterprise , and various data sources have been constructed for those systems to store and manage critical business and operational data .

  27. IBMIndustryModels是一组相互相关的模型,它描述了应用程序、数据存储或特定业务领域的集成解决方案的分析与设计的不同方面。

    The IBM Industry Models are a collection of interrelated models addressing different aspects of the analysis and design of applications , data storage , or integration solutions for a particular business domain .

  28. 因此,在开发不同的SCA组件时,常见的问题是如何存储和查询业务对象。

    Therefore , it becomes a common problem on how to store and query business objects when developing different kinds of SCA components .

  29. 强加式ESB模式(轮辐式ESB的一种更极端特例)适合所有服务都集中控制的存储/分支业务设计。

    The Imposed ESB pattern , a more extreme version of the Hub and Spokes ESB , fits a Store / Branch business design in which all services are centrally governed .

  30. 电子请假系统基于ASP.Net技术开发,采用三层架构,同时使用DAO的对象设计技术,出于效率的因素运用存储过程进行业务处理。

    Eleave System is developed on ASP . Net technology within 3 layer architecture . DAO object design technology is used for logic object and stored procedures are adopted for efficiency .