
  • 网络A Star Is Born
  1. 维维恩•朱莉-皮特:《玛琳菲森》一个明星诞生了!

    Vivienne jolie-pitt : maleficent a star is born !

  2. LadyGaga《一个明星的诞生》

    Lady Gaga , A Star Is Born

  3. LadyGaga因出演布莱德利·库珀翻拍的好莱坞音乐剧《一个明星的诞生》而广受好评。

    Lady Gaga is being praised for her performance in Bradley Cooper 's remake of Hollywood musical A Star Is Born .

  4. 凭借在《一个明星的诞生》当中的表演,LadyGaga获得了金球奖最佳女演员的提名。

    Lady Gaga 's performance in A Star is Born has landed her a best actress nomination at the Golden Globes .

  5. Pink以5200万美元的收入排名第四,而“新晋影星”LadyGaga凭借《一个明星的诞生》,以5000万美元的收入挤进前五名。

    Pink came in fourth place with $ 52 million and newly proclaimed movie star Lady Gaga , thanks to A Star Is Born , filled out the top five with $ 50 million .

  6. 然而,在本月初于美国上映的电影《一个明星的诞生》中,人们终于看到了一个更切合现实的LadyGaga。

    However , in the movie A Star is Born , which came out in the US earlier this month , people finally get to see a more down-to-earth version of Lady Gaga .

  7. 出演《一个明星的诞生》的女演员LadyGaga于10月15日星期一在比佛利山举行的“Elle好莱坞女性”活动中发表的演讲中证实了她与经纪人的订婚。

    The A Star Is Born actress confirmed her engagement to the agent in a speech at the Elle Women in Hollywood event in Beverly Hills on Monday , October 15 .

  8. 知情人称,在12月份她因在电影《一个明星的诞生》饰演主角而名声大噪的时候“Gaga已经非常开心了。”

    An insider told that ' Gaga is so over the moon at the moment ' in December with the buzz surrounding her role in A Star Is Born .

  9. 2008年,人口不足300万的牙买加经历了男性和女性田径超级明星的诞生:尤塞恩•博尔特(UsainBolt)和谢莉-安•弗雷泽-普赖斯(Shelly-AnnFraser-Pryce)。

    Jamaica , a country with fewer than three million people , experienced the emergence of male and female superstars in track and field in 2008 : Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce .

  10. 因影片《一个明星的诞生》而提名最佳女演员的嘎嘎,穿着AlexanderMcQueen黑色礼服,戴了一条亮闪闪的黄色钻石项链。这枚宝石奥黛丽赫本曾在《蒂凡尼早餐》宣传海报中佩戴过。

    The A Star Is Born Best Actress nominee teamed the dazzling yellow jewel , famously worn by Audrey Hepburn in her promotional shots for Breakfast At Tiffany 's , with a sculptural black gown by Alexander McQueen .

  11. 《一个明星的诞生》预计在10月5日(美国公映时间)上映。

    A Star Is Born is scheduled for release on 5 October .

  12. 布莱德利·库珀《一个明星的诞生》

    Bradley Cooper , A Star Is Born

  13. 嘎嘎小姐在《一位明星的诞生》这部电影中的表现非常出色,在这之后,她要重返大银幕了。

    Lady Gaga is returning to the big screen after her incredible performance in A Star Is Born .

  14. 人们不仅可以享受优美的音乐,同时更有幸见证新明星的诞生!

    In these musical festivals , you can not only enjoy the wonderful music , but also have a great chance to witness the wonderful performance of the singers !

  15. 《副总统》出人意料地以六项提名领跑,超过了《一个明星的诞生》、《宠儿》和《绿皮书》这些更加备受期待的电影,这三部电影各获五项提名。

    Vice , surprisingly leads the pack with six nominations , ahead of more expected fair like A Star Is Born , The Favourite and Green Book , which all have five nominations each .

  16. 罗斯顿表示,设计过程的真实情况是,明星产品的诞生是整个团队的努力结果。

    The reality of the design process , is that it takes a full team to produce stellar products , Mr Rolston says .