
  • 网络Ming and Qing furniture
  1. 中国明清家具用材之美学特征

    Aesthetic Characteristics of Ming and Qing Furniture Material

  2. 明清家具作为我国艺术史上的瑰宝,在世界上享誉盛名。

    Ming and Qing furniture , art history as a treasure of China , renowned in the world .

  3. 3DS与家具设计中国明清家具与当代家具设计

    Furniture Styles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Contemporary Furniture Designing in China

  4. 其中雕刻装饰在中国古典家具中广泛应用,特别是在明清家具中。

    Sculpture decoration has been widely used in Chinese classic furniture .

  5. 中国明清家具略论

    Of the Furniture of China in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  6. 明清家具对西方现代家具的影响

    The Influence on Western Modern Furniture from Ming & Qing Dynasty 's

  7. 明清家具雕刻装饰图案现代应用的研究

    Study on the Modern Application of Carved Ornaments on Ming & Qing Furniture

  8. 第一届明清家具艺术研讨会在京召开

    First Forum on Furnishing Art Works of the Ming and Qing Dynasty Held in Beijing

  9. 明清家具花纹装饰寓意

    The Implication of the Decorative Patterns on the Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  10. 妍媸成体瑕瑜互见(上)中国明清家具的材质研究之三·红木

    Studies of the Materials of Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties : Red Wood

  11. 和式家具与中国明清家具一样,是东方传统家具的瑰宝。

    Furniture Market Yamato furniture and Ming furniture are both the gem of orient tradition .

  12. 只有这样,才能辉古耀今,中国家具的未来将重振昔日明清家具的辉煌。

    Only in this way can Chinese furniture revitalize its previous brilliance in the future .

  13. 龙凤纹样的审美价值在明清家具雕饰中的视觉表达

    Visual Expression of Aesthetic Value of Dragon and Phoenix Patterns in Ming and Qing Furniture Decoration

  14. 融进了现代设计理念的中国明清家具令生活变成了一种艺术。

    The Chinese Ming-and Qing-style furniture blended with modern designing ideas is changing life into art .

  15. 中国传统吉祥图案及明清家具装饰图案数据库系统开发

    Development of Database System on Chinese Traditional Propitious Pattern and Ming and Qing Dynasties Furniture Decorative Pattern

  16. 中国传统家具的黄金时代&探究明清家具的杰出成就

    Golden Age of Chinese Traditional Furniture : the Outstanding Achievements of Furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  17. 微缩榫卯结构明清家具创新设计的现实意义及实现方法

    Practical Significance and Accomplishment Method for Innovative Design of Scaled-down Ming and Qing Dynasty Furniture with Tenon and Mortise Structure

  18. 本文通过对明清家具雕刻装饰图案的收集与分类整理,建立图案数据库,定量化分析图案题材与雕刻装饰部位之间的关系;

    We had collected large numbers of ornaments which were carved on Ming & Qing Furniture to establish an ornaments database .

  19. 当越来越受瞩目的具有中国民族风韵的古典明清家具遇上爱折腾的有着无限创意的现代人时,纯粹的古典主义被大胆地重新演绎。

    The pure classicism of ancient furniture has received bold new annotations when meeting modern people who are restless and with limitless original ideas .

  20. 除了明清家具,瓷器,屏幕往往包含在一些老革命的生活设备,漫画书和印刷品。

    In addition to the Ming and Qing furniture and porcelain , the screen often contains some old living equipment , comic books and printed materials in the Revolution .

  21. 首先对明清家具与现代居住空间两个研究对象的特征进行详细的研究,为后面的研究提供物质基础。

    First , the Ming and Qing furniture , modern living space with the characteristics of the two subjects to conduct a detailed study to provide the material basis for subsequent research .

  22. 明清家具典型地体现了中国古典家具所具有的极其精湛的工艺价值、极高的艺术欣赏价值、丰富的历史文化价值和收藏价值。

    Ming and Qing furniture typically reflects the classical Chinese furniture which has a very sophisticated process value 、 high value of art appreciation 、 rich historical and cultural value and collection value .

  23. 各国文化间都有相通之处,环美家具的古典系列之一,822系列就是一套融合明清家具与美式古典家具风格的力作。

    States have similarities among cultures , the United States central series of classical furniture , the822 series is a fusion of classical Ming and Qing Dynasty furniture and American furniture style works .

  24. 明清家具装饰纹样题材丰富、加工工艺精湛并且蕴含着深厚的文化意蕴,在世界家具发展史上占有重要的地位。

    Ming and Qing furniture , decorative patterns rich subject matter , processing technology skills , and contains deep cultural meaning , the history of furniture in the world , occupies an important position .

  25. 明清家具数据库系统收录了大量的明清家具资料,存有每件家具的名称,时期,类型,结构特点,造型特征,收藏地点,备注信息及图片信息。

    The Database System of Ming and Qing Dynasty Furniture collects a lot of information of Ming and Qing dynasty furniture , contents furniture name , period , type , features of structure and sculpt , stored place , pictures and other information .

  26. 本文主要研究如何将中国的传统文化元素融入到现代家具设计中,以明清家具为例,主要讲传统雕刻装饰图案在现代中式家具设计中的传承与发展。

    This essay mainly studies on how to integrate the traditional cultural chemical element of China to the modern furniture design . With the furniture of Ming and Qing for example , it mainly tells the development of a traditional carvings pattern in modern Chinese furniture .

  27. 明清民间家具的装饰语言

    Decoration Language of Folk Furniture during Ming and Qing Dynasties

  28. 京城有名的明清古典家具店「广汉堂」。

    Guanghantang , a famous shop specialized in Chinese Ming and Qing furniture .

  29. 盘古堂明清古典家具公司成立于1980年,建筑占地面积500平方米。

    Pangea Tong Ming and Qing antique furniture company founded in1980 , the building covers an area of500 square meters .

  30. 第四章介绍了明清古旧家具修复和保护工作中运用的材料及修复工艺中运用的工具及设备。

    The forth chapter has introduced the traditional materials , hand tools and modern equipment used in the work of conservation and restoration .