
  • 网络mahogany furniture;furniture of rosewood;Hongmu furniture
  1. 北京红木家具市场现状与发展趋势

    Present Conditions and Developing Trend of Mahogany Furniture Market in Beijing

  2. 红木家具,复古风格。

    The mahogany furniture recovers the traditional classic style .

  3. 关于大涌红木家具产业集群升级的路径选择

    Route Selective of Cluster Upgrading of Rosewood Furniture Industry in Dayong

  4. 红木家具的产流程要求十分峻厉。

    The annatto furniture production flow demand is very greatly lawless .

  5. 红木家具还可以从油漆上鉴别优劣。

    Annatto furniture still can differentiate actor bad from paint .

  6. 高价出让旧红木家具,价格面谈。

    Ancient padauk furniture for sale at high price through face-to-face negotiation .

  7. 他买了一件维多利亚时代的红木家具。

    He bought a piece of Victorian red wooden furniture .

  8. 红木家具企业应引入现代先进的管理模式和营销理念。

    The company should introduce advance model of management and marketing theories .

  9. 红木家具,至尊典雅,帝皇气派。

    Padauk furniture , respectaBle and elegant , with an imperial air .

  10. 红木家具的制作是用入榫方法,不用钉子。

    Rosewood furniture is made by tenons , not nails .

  11. 宫灯红木家具与灯饰的嫁接

    Palace Lantern : Grafting of Padauk Furniture and Lights

  12. 红木家具改良设计的创新方法及其应用

    Innovative Method of the Improving Design of the Mahogany Furniture And Its Application

  13. 历史的跨越盛誉京城&大涌红木家具进京展巡礼

    Be Famous in Beijing City beyond History & Da Chong Mahogany Furniture Expo Beijing

  14. 论红木家具复兴的时代文化意义

    Cultural Significance of the Reviving of Redwood Furniture

  15. 作为家具中得权威-红木家具算是比较贵的家具了,因此要好好的养护。

    As an authority in furniture-Mahogany furniture is more expensive furniture , so take good conservation .

  16. 区域技术创新平台研究&大涌红木家具专业镇的技术创新平台建设

    On the Regional Innovation Platform

  17. 本课题就红木家具转型的瓶颈问题展开研究。

    The thesis is on the research of the problems that rosewood furniture has during the transition .

  18. 近几年,中国传统家具产业快速发展,尤其是红木家具企业。

    In the recent year , the traditional furniture industry develops rapidly , especially the rosewood furniture industry .

  19. 红木家具配西洋沙发,电话收音机各种新的东西总是最先出现在这个城市。

    The western-styled home , decorated with rosewood furniture , imported couches was favoured by most of them .

  20. 中国大力发展红木家具战略,从而带动中国家具行业设计的发展和产业的转型。

    The development of Chinese furniture design industry and transition are aroused with the strategy of developing rosewood furniture .

  21. 该机构预测,红木家具的价格2014年将稳中有升,这一预测迄今为止似乎已经得到证实。

    And it predicts a steady rise in prices in 2014 , a forecast that so far appears on track .

  22. 那家饭店廉价出让。高价出让旧红木家具,价格面谈。

    The restaurant was offered at a song . ancient padauk furniture for sale at high price through face-to-face negotiation .

  23. 红木家具也有花瓶、瓶座、宫灯等工艺产品,习惯称为“红木小件”。

    There are also many so-called " Small Rosewood Items ", which contain vases , bottles Block , and palace lambs .

  24. 至少从大约600年前的明代开始,红木家具在中国就已经备受推崇。

    Rosewood has been highly prized for fine furniture in China since at least the Ming dynasty , about 600 years ago .

  25. 沉闷的餐厅里,摆放着笨重的红木家具,它们似乎也在等待着被处置。

    The dreary dining-room itself , with its heavy mahogany furniture , looked as if it were waiting to be done away with .

  26. 红木家具根植于中国,复兴发扬光大,正是时代赋予我们这代人的共同责任。

    Considering the lengthy history and cultural significance , we should consider reviving the redwood furniture as a duty entrusted by the time .

  27. 此外我公司还代理玻璃工艺品、橡塑制品、纺织品、红木家具等产品的进出口业务。

    In addition , we also agent glass handicraft , product of rubber and plastic , fabrics mahogany furniture ect goods import and export trade .

  28. 红木家具的故事,如数家珍,中国自古就有以玉截德、厚德载物的传统,睹物思情,红木家具早已超越了单纯实用的功效,而是负载了更深、更大、更美的文化内涵。

    As a carrier of traditional Chinese culture values , redwood furniture conveys deep grand cultural connotations , which is far beyond its practical functions .

  29. 产业群实施品牌战略,营造良好的品牌环境,推动和规范中国红木家具产业的可持续发展。

    Industry cluster carries out brand strategy so as to create a better environment for promoting the sustainable development of rosewood furniture industry in China .

  30. 大涌红木家具产业群已经形成一定规模,但是其产业生产仍没有脱离传统的生产模式,没有跟上时代的步伐。

    The Dayong rosewood furniture industry zone has formed to certain scale , without getting rid of the traditional production model in production and falling behind the pace .