
hónɡ xiá
  • red clouds at sunrise and sunset
  1. 天空红霞映照。

    The sky was reddening .

  2. 红霞映山崖呃!

    Oh , look at the red glow over the cliff-face !

  3. 东方地平线上出现了一抹淡淡的红霞。

    A faint pinkish glow was visible along the horizon to the east .

  4. 她红扑扑的脸蛋宛如黎明的红霞。

    Her complexion has a flush , just like that of the dawn .

  5. 红霞渐褪日西沉,暮天覆地翳空林;

    Day is dying in the west , Heaven is touching earth with rest ;

  6. 黄昏时分天空红霞灿灿。

    The evening sky was suffused with crimson .

  7. 深蓝的天空镶嵌着落日时的红霞。

    The sky was a deep blue shot with pink from the setting sun .

  8. 有人偶然起了一次早,就对黎明的红霞挑剔开了。

    Some would find fault with the morning red , if they ever got up early enough .

  9. 今年我将我的赤红霞葡萄品种留在葡萄藤上以便使其质量达到平常的高水平。

    I left my Cabernet on the vine this year to get the quality up to par .

  10. 你就是那个风姿绰约的桃花仙子,轻轻掠起一片娇羞烂漫的红霞!

    You are the Peace to all that grace graceful , gently Lueqi a shy and artless Hongxia !

  11. 转眼间天边出现了一道红霞,慢慢地在扩大它的范围,加强它的亮光。

    Soon a strike of pink dawn broke over the horizon , expanding gradually and becoming brighter and brighter .

  12. 黑暗消散了,天空带着淡淡的红霞,使自己明澄得象一颗绝无瑕疵的珍珠。

    The darkness lifted , and , flushed with faint fires , the sky hollowed itself into a perfect pearl .

  13. 这时太阳已经沉到地平线以下,大地边沿那片红霞已褪成了淡粉郄的暮霭。

    The sun was now below the horizon and the red glow at the of the world faded into pink .

  14. 太阳落下了山坡,只留下一段灿烂的红霞在天边,在山头,在树梢。

    The sun retreated behind the hills , leaving brightly colored clouds hanging in the sky , over the hills and trees .

  15. 在我们向他大喊大叫又挥手之后,他又很得意地向西飞去,消失在日落时分的红霞中。

    We shout hello and wave , and he then gently glides towards the setting sun and disappears again into the magical evening clouds .

  16. 在那个一片血腥、亡与战火的疯狂世界。天边绽出一小片红霞,血红、发亮。

    In that mad world of blood , death and fire . A patch of red cloudburst over the horizon , blood-red , and glowing .

  17. 沉入陕北高原侧后的夕阳先点燃了一条长云,红霞又撒向河谷。

    The evening sun , now sunk behind the Northern Shaanxi Plateau , had ignited a strip of clouds , which now scattered over the canyon .

  18. 看你远远飞翔而无计可施,捕鸟人的眼光徒劳眷顾;满天红霞把你映衬,暗黑的身影飘飘飞舞。

    Vainly the fowler 's eye Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong , As , darkly painted on the crimson sky , Thy figure floats along .

  19. 如今太阳在弗林特河对岸的群山后面一起汹涌的红霞中缓缓降落,四月白天的温暖也渐渐消退,隐隐透出丝丝的凉意。

    Now that the sun was setting in a of behind tin lulls across the Flint River , the warmth of the April day was into a faint but balmy chill .

  20. 不一会,贝思和艾美也醒来了,翻寻到各自的小书一本乳白色,另一本蓝色四姐妹于是坐着边看边讨论,不觉东方已泛起红霞,新的一天又告开始。

    Presently Beth and Amy woke to rummage and find their little books also , one dove-colored , the other blue , and all sat looking at and talking about them , while the east grew rosy with the coming day .

  21. 这种交谈渐渐变成低语,内容都是些海洋的危险之类的。然而,当灰色的东方出现红霞,在黎明那神秘的庄严和静寂中传来小鸟欢快的歌声时,大家的谈话也欢快了许多,我们的情绪也逐渐高昂了起来。

    and kindred matters ; but as the gray cast began to redden and the mysterious solemnity and silence of the dawn to give place to the joy-songs of the birds , the talk took a cheerier tone , and our spirits began to rise steadily .