
hónɡ sè zhènɡ quán
  • Red regime;revolutionary political authority;communist power
  1. 二中国红色政权⑹发生和存在的原因

    Reasons for the emergence and survival of red political power in China

  2. 论红色政权区域的道德变化

    The Morality Changes under the Control of Red Political Power

  3. 因此,小地方红色政权得以乘时产生出来。

    Thus opportunities are provided for the rise of Red political power in small areas .

  4. 而延安红色政权,在某种意义上,为意义失落的个体实现其生命意义提供了一种确定性的担保。

    But Red political power provided a commitment for the meaning of life in a sense .

  5. 这是没有找出这种红色政权所以发生和存在的正确的解释的缘故。

    The reason is that they have not found the correct explanation for its emergence and survival .

  6. 让我们继续刺激红色政权吧,这样我们的军队和军火就有用武之地了。

    So let 's keep inciting the reds so our military can put their toys to use .

  7. 中国红色政权照搬俄国苏维埃政权模式的教训

    Lessons from Mechanical Application of Russian Soviet Regime to the Construction of China 's Red Political Power

  8. 〔6〕中国红色政权在组织形式上,和苏联的苏维埃政权是相同的。

    The organizational form of China 's Red political power was similar to that of Soviet political power .

  9. 有些同志在困难和危急的时候,往往怀疑这样的红色政权的存在,而发生悲观的情绪。

    In difficult or critical times some comrades often have doubts about the survival of Red political power and become pessimistic .

  10. 第四,相当力量的正式红军的存在,是红色政权存在的必要条件。

    Fourth , the existence of a regular Red Army of adequate strength is a necessary condition for the existence of red political power .

  11. 史学建设作为当时红色政权制度建设中的一环,实已具有一种新文化体制的特征。

    As an important link of the " red political power ", the historical science construction has already had the characteristic of a new cultural system ;

  12. 在为建立和坚持红色政权所必须的各种条件尚不完备的地方,便有被敌人推倒的危险。

    In areas where all the necessary conditions for its establishment and persistence are not fulfilled , red political power is in danger of being overthrown by the enemy .

  13. 随着这两对矛盾的解决,个体的生命意义得以实现,同时形成了对于延安红色政权的政治认同。

    As the resolution of these two pairs of contradictions , individual meaning of life was to achieve . So people supported to Red political power in yan ' an .

  14. 1930年以后,在江西中央苏区和延安革命根据地,他负责红色政权的教育工作,对初等、中等、高等职业教育,都有许多适应当时国情的办学思想和宝贵经验。

    After 1930 , he was in charge of education work in Jiangxi Central Soviet Area and Yanan Revolutionary Base Area , he still expressed his thought and experience about running primary , middle and higher vocation suitable for the condition then .

  15. 这是因为,1978-79年间他被迫作的画与此大相径庭,他被囚禁在S-21监狱数月,S-21前身是金边市内一所法国高中,后被红色高棉政权改造成为关押其宣称敌人的刑讯地。

    That was because , in 1978-79 , he had been made to paint quite different pictures . In those months he was interned in S-21 prison , a former French lyc é e in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a torture-compound for alleged enemies of the Khmer Rouge regime .

  16. 本周,前红色高棉政权之审开庭。

    THE tribunal to try former Khmers Rouges began its real proceedings this week .

  17. 1979年1月,一支越南军队扫清红色高棉政权,凡纳也停止了画人像。

    When a Vietnamese invasion swept the Khmers Rouges from power , in January 1979 , his portrait-painting ended .

  18. 他寻求将罪责归咎于越南。越南在1978年入侵柬埔寨并在一年后推翻了红色高棉政权。

    He sought to shift the blame to Vietnam , which invaded Cambodia in1978 and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime a year later .

  19. 根据他的女儿漆叻沙(ChrinReaksa)的描述,红色高棉政权1979年倒台后的那些动荡年头中,他在一所难民营接受了护理培训,并在那里服务。

    He trained and practiced as a nurse in a refugee camp during the convulsive years after the fall of the Khmer Rouge in 1979 , according to his daughter , Chrin Reaksa .

  20. 得益于陕北红色根据地政权稳固后所形成的解放区文学,陕西文学于二十世纪四十年代中期真正开始,进而依凭这一现代革命资源与历代文化渊源发展成为中国当代文学的重镇。

    Benefit from the " liberated literature " which was formed after the solidify of Northern Shaanxi Red base regime , Shaanxi Literature really began in the mid-1940s , then becomes an important town in Chinese Contemporary Literature , depending the modern revolution resources and culture origin of past dynasties .