
  • 网络red earth;red land;red dirt
  1. 他没有注意到在一块玉米地上正有人在那新鲜的红土地上挖出个洞,来埋葬尸体。

    He did not seem to notice a small cornfield where someone had dug a burial mound of fresh red dirt .

  2. 追寻激情燃烧的红土地

    Looking for Red Land Full of Enthusiasm

  3. 都是山丘和绿色,边着富饶的红土地。

    It was hilly and green , bordered with rich red soil .

  4. 你会在桃瑞园这块红土地上重新获得力量的。

    You get your strength from this red earth of Tara , Scarlett .

  5. 南澳的库纳瓦拉有两样举世闻名,一是它独特的红土地,二来便是优良的赤霞珠红酒。

    Coonawarra in South Australia , is world famous for its unique red soil and exquisite Cabernet .

  6. 午后的寂静和远处那些从红土地里归来的大车的声音,更使人悠然神往。

    Afternoon and hush and the far-off sound of the wagons coming in from the spiraling red fields .

  7. 罗克韦尔城的红土地中学在八年中第三次获得杰出监绶带奖。

    Redland middle school in Rockville has received a blue ribbon of excellence for the third time in eight years .

  8. 叫思嘉过久地离开她所爱的那片红土地,那是不可能的。

    It does n 't do for Scarlett to stay away too long from the patch of red mud she loves .

  9. 二是运用归纳与演绎的方法,提出闽西红土地精神的内涵。

    Second is to use inductive and deductive approach , putting forward the spirit of the connotation of Red Earth in western Fujian .

  10. 目前,重庆市地铁6号线的红土地站,距离地面60米,要乘坐3分钟电梯才能到达。

    Currently , the Hongtudi Station on Line 6 in Chongqing takes 3 minutes on an escalator to reach the platform , which is 60 meters below ground .

  11. 这座尚未被命名的车站位于红土地车站之下,深度将近94.5米,差不多相当于地下31层楼的高度。

    The yet-to-be-named stop , being built below Hongtudi Station , is being dug at approximately 94.5 meters below the surface . This is the equivalent of 31 stories underground .

  12. 李娜继续在澳网这个大舞台上汲取经验,并已经在罗兰加洛斯的红土地上进行一些强大事件。

    Li has continued to gain experience on the big stage at grand slam events , and has had a couple of strong events on the clay leading into Rolland Garros .

  13. 4参加红土地比赛为主的运动员,在平时的训练中应增加第一发球的旋转和角度增加发球的稳定性为发球后的抢攻和相持阶段奠定基础,提高运动员的相持和防守能力。

    Fourth , players mainly participating in clay court competitions should pay attention to the stability of serving by adding spinning and serving angle in order to lay a foundation for attacking and the locked stage , improving players ' defending ability .

  14. 从实践和理论层面作为切入点,对如何结合江西红色文化资源建设富有红土地特色的足球球迷文化进行了积极探讨,旨在为促进江西足球运动发展和体育文化建设提供参考。

    Discussed how to combine the Red culture resource of Jiangxi Province to constructing the Red Land characteristic soccer fan 's culture from the sides of practice and theories . For provides the reference in prompting Jiangxi province soccer sport and sport cultural work .

  15. 随着李娜上周末狂喜地躺倒在罗兰加洛斯的红土地上,目睹历史上首位亚洲人赢得大满贯单打冠军的全球网球行业高管们,必定也同样地兴奋。

    As Li Na collapsed in the clay of Roland Garros in rapturous joy on Saturday , the sight of the first Asian to ever win a Grand Slam tennis singles title must have been almost as exciting for executives in the global tennis industry .

  16. 她们也不关心,这些天知道从哪里冒出来的人,她们似乎永远生活在事物的表面,没有关于战争、饥饿和打仗的共同记忆,没有扎进同样的红土地中和共同根底。

    They didn 't care , these people from God-knows-where who seemed to live always on the surface of things , who had no common memories of war and hunger and fighting , who had no common roots going down into the same red earth .

  17. 三是运用比较分析法,分析了开展红土地精神教育的重要性,进而提出了构建红土地背景下的大学生思想政治教育体系。

    Third , the use of comparative analysis , based on analysis of the importance of carrying out the education of Red Earth spirit , then presents a proposal of building the ideological and political education system for college students in the context of of Red Earth spirit .

  18. 在各项技术中,其稳定性发球最高,在红土与硬地网球比赛中,各项技术的稳定性方面,接发球、反手击球成显著性差异(p0.05)。

    Clay and hard court tennis match , the stability of the techniques , the chopping reveal an obvious difference .

  19. 结果表明,与红黄土相比,红土和黄土地种植的谷子籽粒蛋白质质量较高,主要氨基酸含量分别高25.4%和21.4%;

    The re-sults have proved that the quality of protein for millet grains grown in red soil and loess soil was high .

  20. 在反手击球、截击、其它技术方面不成显著性差异。3在红土、硬地网球比赛中,发球、接发球、正手击球、反手击球的稳定性红土场地明显大于硬地场地。

    In the backhand , volley , other technologies are not a significant difference . 3 on clay and hard court tennis game , serve , return of serve , forehand , backhand shot stability in the larger than clay site venue hard .