
guān zhù
  • follow with interest;pay close attention to;show solicitude for;concern;attention;regard;interest;concentration;involved;concerned about;care;publicity
关注 [guān zhù]
  • [concern] 关心重视

  • 我们密切关注事态的发展

  • 我国政府对这一地区事态的发展表示严重关注

关注[guān zhù]
  1. 在这个问题的研究中,人们普遍关注的问题是如何组织协调Agent之间的关系,让各Agent充分发挥作用,使系统处于最佳状态。

    Research on the problem , the people universal follow with interest question is how organize and coordinate relations of between agent , which is let agent bring into full play and send system to make the best state .

  2. 美学与哲学所关注的想象更多的是一种诗性智慧与诗意生存。

    However , imagination that aesthetics and philosophy follow with interest is more like a poetic wisdom and poetical living .

  3. 这桩离婚案是在舆论的密切关注下进行的。

    The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity .

  4. 恐怖主义问题重新受人关注。

    The issue of terrorism is back on the radar screen .

  5. 总之,这些是人们主要关注的方面。

    These , then , are the main areas of concern .

  6. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。

    It was the main focus of attention at the meeting .

  7. 近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。

    This issue has had a high profile in recent months .

  8. 这位演员参加任何一项活动,都引起媒体的广泛关注。

    Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage .

  9. 政府不可不关注舆论。

    The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion .

  10. 我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。

    We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer .

  11. 各校重新受益于公众的关注。

    Schools are riding a wave of renewed public interest .

  12. 我们大多数人的内心都藏着一个呼求关注的小孩。

    Inside most of us is a small child screaming for attention .

  13. 对遭学校开除的儿童人数之众,人们越来越表关注。

    Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school .

  14. 这篇报道引起大众对未成年人饮酒危害的关注。

    The report flagged up the dangers of under-age drinking .

  15. 当然,环境问题人们极为关注。

    Quite rightly , the environment is of great concern .

  16. 我不能一心一意地关注这个方案。

    I couldn 't give the programme my undivided attention .

  17. 他始终密切关注商机。

    He 's always on the qui vive for a business opportunity .

  18. 令人关注的是,此类发作记录在案的病例很少。

    Interestingly , there are very few recorded cases of such attacks .

  19. 对环境的关注是我们政策的核心。

    Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies .

  20. 这项建议引起了他的主顾们的关注。

    The proposal had made his clients sit up and take notice .

  21. 排行居中的子女往往得不到充分的关注。

    Middle children tend to get lost in the shuffle .

  22. 难得有一场辩论吸引这么多的媒体关注。

    Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention .

  23. 社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。

    Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas .

  24. 他们的离婚引起了多家全国性报纸的关注。

    Their divorce filled a lot of column inches in the national papers .

  25. 作为一名作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?

    What are your main concerns as a writer ?

  26. 身为幼女,她一直是大家关注的中心。

    As the youngest child , she was always the centre of attention .

  27. 这个问题突然引起人们的密切关注了。

    The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus .

  28. 我们关注那个孩子的福祉。

    We are concerned about the child 's welfare .

  29. 这项建议引起众多的关注。

    The proposal has generated a lot of interest .

  30. 她始终关注慈善工作。

    She has always interested herself in charity work .