
  • 网络possible reserve;Possible
  1. 其中,SPE/WPC根据储量评估不确定性的相对程度将储量划分为证实储量、概算储量和可能储量。

    According to the relative degree of uncertainty in reserves estimation , SPE / WPC classifies reserves as proved reserves , probable reserves and possible reserves .

  2. 用概率分布方法进行风险性评价,评价出凝析油的三种经济可采储量即可能储量、概算储量、证实储量分别为119.9×104t,115.4×104t,108.1×104t;

    Risk assessment is carried out by applying the probability distribution method ; three economically recoverable reserves , i.

  3. 据美国能源情报署(UnitedStatesEnergyInformationAdministration)估计,南海的石油储量为110亿桶,天然气为190万亿立方英尺(约合5.4万亿立方米)。这些数字包括已探明的和可能的储量。

    The United States Energy Information Administration has estimated that 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas lie below the seabed , including both proven and probable reserves .

  4. 新能源金融首席执行官迈克尔利布莱希(MichaelLiebreich)认为,可再生能源的成本会随着技术的改进而不断下降,而矿物燃料的成本则很有可能随着储量的消耗而不断上升。

    Michael Liebreich of NEF argues that the costs of renewable energy will fall as technology improves , while the costs of fossil fuels are likely to rise as reserves are depleted .

  5. 南中国海拥有多条重要航道,可能还拥有储量丰富的天然气和石油。

    The sea is home to critical shipping lanes , and may hold significant reserves of natural gas and oil .

  6. 该气田的探明天然气储量为5万亿立方英尺,不过,对2000平方公里气田的进一步勘探,可能会找到更多储量。

    The field has proven reserves of 5000bn cu ft of gas , although further drilling in the 2000 sq km area could yield more .

  7. 最佳的直线和最可能的原始地质储量和水侵系数,可以利用最小的标准离差和最大的相关系数法加以确定。

    The best straight line , and the most possible values of originally in-place and water influx coefficient can be determined by the method of the minimum standard deviation and the maximum correlation coefficient .