
  1. ESB的目录服务的地址(它可能派生于ESB的根地址)

    The address of the ESB 's directory service ( which can probably be derived from the ESB 's root address )

  2. 多数时间里,基因组在一层楼和二层楼发挥作用,但在进化的过程中(数百万年)这些阁楼中的杂物可能派上用场。

    Most of the time , the genome is acting on the first and second floors but over evolutionary time [ millions of years ] the clutter in the attic may be useful .

  3. 在上文我说过,人造土壤技术在印度、巴西、美国和俄罗斯可能派不上什么用场,但是对于人多地少的我国却是雪中送炭。

    As I have stated before , artificial soil may not be very useful in India , Brazil , the U.S.A.or Russia , but it will provide timely help in China who has a large population but little land .

  4. 有趣的是,这款应用的iOS和Android版本既包括英式英语版本,也包括美式英语版本,如果你主要面向英国或美国受众写文章的话,这种设计可能就会派上用场。

    Interestingly , there 's both a British English edition ( free on iOS and Android ) and an American English one ( free on iOS and Android ) , which may be handy if you find yourself writing mainly for one audience or the other .

  5. 有可能被派往国外工作吗?

    Is there a possibility of getting sent abroad to work ?

  6. 她可能被派到我们部门

    She 'll probably be assigned to one of us .

  7. 她可能被派到别处工作去了。

    Such a thing wouldn 't have happened elsewhere .

  8. 那可能可以派上用场。

    It might come in handy .

  9. 接下来,假如还有律师闲着——在布鲁塞尔这不是一个不可逾越的挑战——另一个纳税人资助的团队可能被派去考察欧洲科技公司的形成速度为何落在其他国家后面。

    Then , assuming there are still lawyers available - not an insurmountable challenge in Brussels - another taxpayer-financed squadron could be sent to examine why the rate of formation of technology companies in Europe trails that in other countries .

  10. 欧盟雇用的庞大律师和社会科学家队伍的其他成员,可能被派到专利库,去查看自1990年以来欧洲在关键领域的发明速度与中国和美国相比表现如何。

    Other lawyers and social scientists on the vast EU payroll might be dispatched to the patent filing libraries to see how the rate of European invention in critical fields has kept track with what has occurred in China and the US since 1990 .

  11. 至于赢得法国总统选举的弗朗索瓦奥朗德(franoishollande),他看上去不大可能成为改革派人物。

    As for Franois Hollande , who won the French presidency , he seems unlikely to be a transformational figure .

  12. 很可能就直接派到前线去了。

    He 's more likely to go straight to the front lines .

  13. 你可能是被派来探听我的最新设计的。

    You have probably been sent here to spy out my latest design .

  14. 当然也可能是其他派的,但总有一个获胜的。

    It could be some other card , but it 's always a card played .

  15. 今天有新迹象表明,美国战斗部队可能再次被派往伊拉克战场。

    New hints today that American combat forces could once again be sent to the battlefield in Iraq .

  16. 与各种位错机制作了比较,认为控制变形速率的过程很可能是克服派一纳力。

    After comparing with various dislocation mechanisms , it is shown that the deformation-controlling process is probably the overcoming of the Peierls-Nabarro force .

  17. 接下来,你有可能会被派到全国任何一个地方去当哨兵,并会在两年的军旅生涯中一直坚守着这个岗位。

    Then you may be sent to any part of the country as a sentinel and be expected to stick to your post for the rest of your two-year military service .

  18. 由于改革是沙皇自上而下进行的,不可能按照自由派活动家的要求对社会进行变革,因此改革很不彻底,其存在的矛盾和问题也一直没有得到解决。

    Reform was executed from top to bottom , tsar couldn 't give a comprehensive change to society , so reform was not complete , and conflict and problems were not solved .

  19. 在和年龄超过40岁的人聊天时不要批评苏联,他们成长于那个年代而且有可能是怀旧派。即使他们对现在的生活很满意,他们也不喜欢外国人谈论苏联。

    Don 't criticize Soviet Union when talking with people over 40 . They grew up at those times and might be nostalgic . Even if they enjoy modern life they might not like hearing foreigners talking about it .

  20. 但现在,NASA科学任务指挥署副署长约翰·M·格伦斯菲尔德(JohnM.Grunsfeld)表示,可能在2020年代派一艘航天器前往其中一个区域,也许会直接以寻找生物为目的进行一些实验。

    But now , John M. Grunsfeld , NASA 's associate administrator for science , talked of sending a spacecraft in the 2020s to one of these regions , perhaps with experiments to directly look for life .

  21. 你怎么可能要杀你派去卧底的人。

    You don 't kill somebody you 're trying to plant .

  22. 巴西人可能天生就是乐观派,就像斯利姆所说的那样。

    Brazilians may have an innate optimism , as Mr slim said .

  23. 现在你可能让你自己派上些用场了。

    Now you can put yourself to good use .

  24. 他们不可能向整个地区派警察。

    They can not police the whole area .

  25. 离婚法案使他不太可能再受到保守派的喜爱。

    The divorce measure isn 't likely to endear her any further to conservatives .

  26. 观察人士称,阿拉伯邻国的介入,可能会促使什叶派占据主导地位的伊朗设法协助巴林的抗议者。

    Observers said that regional Arab involvement could provoke Shia-dominated Iran to try to assist the protesters .

  27. 我记录在这里,希望可能来找你派上用场了。

    I am documenting it here in the hope that it might come in handy for you too .

  28. 如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能会想到苹果派或巧克力片饼干。

    If you have a sweet tooth , you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies .

  29. 最后“鹰派”将可能被“鸽派”所取代。

    At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace .

  30. 在认识到任何严肃的乌克兰政治家都不可能是亲俄派之后,俄罗斯政府已不再寄望于亚努科维奇此人领导着讲俄语为主的东乌克兰。

    The Kremlin has given up on Mr Yanukovich , the leader of largely Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine , realising that no serious Ukrainian politician can be pro-Russian .