
shén zhōu
  • the Divine Land;the Divine Land (a poetic name for China);the capital of a country
神州 [shén zhōu]
  • (1) [the Divine Land (a poetic name for China)]∶古时称中国为赤县神州(见于《史记.孟子荀卿列传》),后用神州做中国的别称

  • 神州大地

  • (2) [the capital of a country]∶指京城

  • 春风杨柳万子条,六亿神州尽舜尧。--毛泽东《送瘟神》

神州[shén zhōu]
  1. 另据悉,中国科学家将这类始祖鸟化石暂定名为神州始祖鸟。

    According to another report , Chinese scientists have temporarily named this type of archaeopteryx fossil " the Divine Land Archaeopteryx " .

  2. 相传在五、六千年前,神州大地发生了一次特大的水灾。

    It is said that at five , six thousand years ago , the Divine Land happened a serious flood .

  3. 基于GIS技术神州盆地的地貌分析

    The Analysis of Landform of Fuzhou Basin Based on GIS

  4. 神州在线工程中ISP计费系统的设计与实现

    Approach to the ISP billing system in Shenzhou - Online Project

  5. 神州天鸿民用网管系统包括陆地用户接入子系统、核心业务处理子系统、数据管理子系统、WEB子系统、系统及网络管理子系统、卫星接口子系统等部分。

    The web-managing center for CTC domestic web-managing system includes user access subsystem , core handling subsystem , data controlling subsystem , WEB subsystem and net management subsystem , satellite interface subsystem and others .

  6. 李:由于愈来愈多的跨国公司在神州设服务处,MBA(工商办理硕士)也随之成为热点。

    Li : Since more and more trans & national corporations are setting up offices in China , MBA is getting hotter .

  7. 与此同时,总部位于北京的制药商百济神州(BeiGene)正在与德国制药商默克(Merck)合作开发癌症药物。

    Beijing-based BeiGene , meanwhile , is developing cancer drugs with Merck of Germany .

  8. 前德克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)生物医学教授王晓东创办了生物科技公司百济神州(BeiGene),该公司上月在纳斯达克筹得1.58亿美元,用于加快4种很有前景的抗癌药物的研发。

    BeiGene , a company founded by Xiaodong Wang , former professor of biomedical science at the University of Texas , last month raised $ 158m on Nasdaq to accelerate development of four promising cancer drugs .

  9. 1915年庞德译作《华夏集》(或《神州集》,Cathay)的出版极大地推动了英美现代主义诗歌的发展。

    The publication of cathay translated by Ezra Pound in 1915 substantially promoted the development of the British and American Modern poetry .

  10. 比如,和黄中国医药科技正在跟阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)与礼来(EliLilly)合作,而百济神州与德国的默克(Merck)进行合作。

    China-MediTech , for example , is working with AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly , while BeiGene is paired with Merck of Germany .

  11. 对于滴滴来说,苹果这笔现金来得正是时候,该公司正陷入一场昂贵的补贴大战,另一方是优步中国(UberChina),以及易到(Yidao)和神州(Shenzhou)两家中国共乘应用初创企业。

    Apple 's cash arrives at a crucial time for Didi , as it is locked in an expensive subsidy war with Uber China , as well as two other Chinese ride-sharing start-ups , Yidao and Shenzhou .

  12. 通过对神州电信移动视频电话业务的商业模式设计,最终得出结论:神州电信的CDMA(码分多址)数据网络是其有别于中国移动的优势所在。

    Base on the business model design for mobile video service of Shenzhou Telecom , author drew the following conclusion : CDMA data network is the differentiate advantage with China Mobile , the market dominator in the mobile market .

  13. 神州电信作为此项业务价值链的主导者,通过有效的市场推广和宣传,此项业务会取得市场的成功,并为即将到来的3G业务竞争积累丰富的经验,占据竞争优势。

    As the value chain leader and organizer , we believe the mobile video service will successes on the market by effective market promotion . In addition , this service will accumulate valuable operating experience for the forthcoming 3G business .

  14. 方法:3株肿瘤细胞系在专门设计的常温细胞长期生存装置中培养,密封固定于卫星返回舱内,由神州4号运载火箭发射,在太空中飞行7d后回收。

    Methods : Three lines of tumor cells were cultured in the special designed outer space cell living system , and was sealed in the returning module of the shuttle , launched by the No. 4 Shenzhou carrying space shuttle , returning in 7 days after flying in outer space .

  15. 神州行用户的通话与短信行为研究

    Behavior Study of Calling and Using Short Message of PPS User

  16. 那个旋律最终变成了著名的《神州颂》交响曲。

    That melody eventually became the celebrated Ode to China symphony .

  17. 毫无疑问,神州7号是全中国的骄傲。

    Undoubtedly , Shenzhou VII is the pride of the nation .

  18. 要是你什么时辰在神州,请让我知道。

    If you are ever in China , please let me know .

  19. 神州之大,无恶不有。

    China is big , no evil not to have .

  20. 我一直用它,我的好多朋友也都用神州行。

    Aside from me , my friends are using Shenzhou pre-paid card .

  21. 不过,神州租车的股价上涨了三分之二。

    However , CAR Inc stock is up by two-thirds .

  22. 庞德《神州集》中的东方主义研究

    A Study of the Orientalism in Ezra Pound 's Cathay

  23. 第五章回顾了《神州集》在西方的接受情况,及其对现代文学的影响。

    The reception and influence of Cathay are reviewed in Chapter five .

  24. 苗族:神州土著机器人群的控制

    Miao People : " Shen Zhou " s Natives Control of Multi-Robot

  25. 中国神州号载人飞船返回舱防热材料现状及展望

    Status & Prospect of thermal protective materials on china 's Shenzhou spacecraft

  26. 神州8号向东移动,几乎和地球表面平行。

    The Shenzhou-8 traveled east , almost parallel to the surface of Earth .

  27. 该医疗保健用品,疗效显著,风靡神州。

    With significant curative effect , the health-care articles are spreading in China .

  28. 神州号内燃动车组动力车微机控制系统

    Microcomputer-controlled systems of railcars of Shenzhou diesel multiple units

  29. 著名自行车品牌饮誉中华,畅销神州大地。

    The famous-Brand Bicycle enjoys a good reputation and sells widely in China .

  30. 跨世纪的钟声敲响壮丽的神州河山。

    The bell sounded magnificent century China in Heshan .