
  • 网络Ba Ria;charpati;baria;Pascal Rabate
  1. 我磕磕巴巴地想说点儿什么。

    I fumbled for something to say

  2. 我干巴巴地说,你必须要有信仰。

    You 've got to have faith , I said dully .

  3. “别让我参加讨论,”他干巴巴地说。

    Do not include me in this discussion , 'he said dryly .

  4. 我们还没死哩,朱莉亚干巴巴地答道。

    ' We 're not dead yet , ' said Julia prosaically .

  5. 它并不是干巴巴地宣传中国的灿烂美食文化。

    It is not empty propaganda about China 's splendid food culture .

  6. 不用担心天花板上的洞。他干巴巴地说。

    Never mind the hole in the ceiling , he said drily .

  7. “我什么也不会说的。”海格干巴巴地说。

    I 'm sayin ' nothin , said Hagrid flatly .

  8. 每天三遍,饭后,斯蒂芬干巴巴地说。

    Three times a day , after meals , Stephen said drily .

  9. 他干巴巴地唱了那首歌。

    Lifelessly he performed the song .

  10. 首先,对巴地巫术产生的时代条件进行分析。

    The first aspect is to analyze the era conditions of the creation of Witchcraft culture of Ba .

  11. 他被不同人描述为“惊人地聪明”、直率、干巴巴地风趣、冷漠及傲慢。

    He is variously described as " spectacularly bright " , direct , drily amusing , aloof and arrogant .

  12. 该法官在其裁定中,干巴巴地注明“法庭承认这是个严酷的结果。”

    In his ruling , the judge drily noted , " the court recognises this is a draconian result . "

  13. 我干巴巴地观察道,它这种样子、以及这种极度活跃的状态是因为它是上下颠倒的。

    That , and the general air of hyperactivity , was because it was upside down , I observed drily .

  14. 第四部分,就巴地巫文化的挖掘保护提出对策,希冀对巴地巫文化的传承抢救提供切实可行的方案。

    The fourth chapter proposes the countermeasures to the excavation and protection of Witchcraft culture of Ba , hoping to put forward feasible way to rescue and inherit Witchcraft culture of Ba .

  15. 西方一位资深银行家干巴巴地表示:市场不再认为,因为你是一家国际性银行,所以你某种程度上就更出色。这是一种有趣的转变。

    " The market no longer thinks that because you are an international bank you are somehow better . That is an interesting change ," says a senior western banker with dry understatement .

  16. 最后,按照空间文化层理论分别从深层、中层、表层分层论述巴地巫文化在其后裔土家族的现代遗存。

    According to " Space cultural " theory , the last aspect discusses present remains of Witchcraft culture of Ba in its descendant & Tujia , from deep , middle , surface respectively .

  17. 最后对巴地巫文化对《楚辞》的影响进行分析,得出结论:巴地巫文化在文学艺术和神话传说两个方面影响了《楚辞》的创作。

    Draws the conclusion finally in the article : The Ba witch culture in the Ba song , the Ba dance and the myth fable two aspects has affected " Chu elegies " the creation .

  18. 黑魔王是不可能被说服的,我不会愚蠢到去做这种尝试。斯内普干巴巴地说,我不能假装说黑魔王没有生卢修斯的气。

    The Dark Lord will not be persuaded , and I am not stupid enough to attempt it , said Snape flatly . I cannot pretend that the Dark Lord is not angry with Lucius .

  19. 经在内蒙古巴地4井测试(油层套管177.8min×255.09m;射孔井段146.0~158.0m),证明其可行性。

    An actual test in Badi 4 well of Inner Mongolia ( production casing : 177 . 8mm × 255 . 09m , perforations : 146 . 0 ~ 158 . 0m ) proves applicability of the system .

  20. 政治上,巴地由一个奴隶制王国转变为封建国家统治下的郡级行政区,接受秦汉中央政府直接管理,促进了巴族社会进步,提高了巴人社会地位。

    On the politics , The Ba which transfromed the slavery kingdom into the Jun controlled by feudal state accepted supervision of the central government of the Qin and Han , which promoted the Ba 's social progress , and enhanced the Ba 's social status .

  21. 因此,在本文中,我想告诉读者,花点时间努力成为一个会讲故事的人,具有令人信服的理由。但愿更多的经理人和领导者能够学会讲故事,而不是干巴巴地摆数据、定方向、说一些陈辞滥调。

    So in this article I want to remind readers of the compelling reasons why it is worth your time to become an effective storyteller , in the hopes that more managers and leaders will just get busy learning to tell stories instead of just spewing out information , directives and platitudes .

  22. 随着手工业的发展,出现了一些私营大手工业主,如鲁国煮盐的猗顿,秦国巴地开采丹砂的寡妇清,冶铁业如魏国的孔家、卓家和赵国的郭纵等。

    With the development of handicraft industry , private entrepreneurs in some businesses were a-ble to acquire wealth and finances , like the salt producer Yi Dun of Lu , Widow Qing in the state of Qin owned mines producing cinnabar , ironworks of the families Kong and Zhou in Wei , and Guo Zong in the State of Zhao .

  23. 结果胡芦巴有效地抑制CCl4和D氨基半乳糖所致小鼠急性肝损伤的血清ALT和AST的升高,并呈现良好的剂量效应关系;

    Results Increase in serum ALT and AST in mice caused by carbon tetrachloride and D chondrosamine could be inhibited by fenugreek seed , with a good dose response pattern .

  24. 我说,你与洗巴均分地土。

    I have said , Thou and Ziba divide the land .

  25. 孩子们正眼巴巴地盯着糖果。

    The children were ey ( e ) ing the sweets .

  26. 玛拿西的子孙睚珥占了亚珥歌伯全境,直到基述人和玛迦人的交界,就按自己的名称这巴珊地为哈倭特睚珥,直到今日。

    Jair , a descendant of Manasseh , took the whole region of Argob as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites ;

  27. 最重要的原则,就是不要傻头巴脑地盲目追捧那些输的一败涂地的球队,以为他们总有一天会触底反弹。

    The rule of thumb is do not be stubborn to confidently place bets on teams that continuously lost and have the thinking that they would make a come back .

  28. 那时,我们夺了他所有的城,共有六十座,没有一座城不被我们所夺。这为亚珥歌伯的全境,就是巴珊地噩王的国。

    And we took all his cities at that time , there was not a city which we took not from them , threescore cities , all the region of Argob , the kingdom of Og in Bashan .

  29. 老巴比蒂笑眯眯地看着江湖骗子,向他保证自己会尽全力帮助他。

    Old Babbitty smiled at the charlatan and assured him that she would do everything in her power to help .

  30. 其余的基列地和巴珊全地,就是噩王的国,我给了玛拿西半支派。

    The rest of Gilead and also all of Bashan , the kingdom of Og , I gave to the half tribe of Manasseh .