
  • 网络sociocultural anthropology;Socio-cultural Anthropology;Social and cultural anthropology;Social & Cultural Anthropology
  1. 90年代后期,在进一步改革开放的形势下,作为跨学科的一个研究热点或社会学的一个分支领域,社会文化人类学又取得长足发展。

    In the second half of the 1990s , under the circumstances of further carrying out reforms and opening up , socio-cultural anthropology as a hot research focus across disciplines or a branch field of study of sociology further achieved a lot of progress .

  2. 社会文化人类学的语境问题

    The Problem of Context in Social and Cultural Anthropology

  3. 近年来社会文化人类学若干热点透视

    A Perspective of Some Hot Focuses in Recent Years ' Socio-Cultural Anthropological Studies

  4. 山野研究与走出山野&对中国社会文化人类学的反思

    Research on Social Culture of Minorities and the Importance of Going beyond It & Thoughts on Social Cultural Anthropology in China

  5. 我国社会文化人类学(民族学)研究一直是以少数民族社会历史文化为主要研究对象,这一研究传统是有其国外的学术传承渊源与国内社会历史背景的。

    Social cultural researchers in China have always been focusing their research on the social history and culture in Minority areas in terms of the social and historical background in China and the influence of the inheritance of foreign anthropological theories .

  6. 中国村落宗族社会是文化人类学研究的一个热点。

    The Lineage Society in the village has become the hot topic in the cultural anthropology research .

  7. 经济人类学在当代已成为理解社会与文化人类学的一个枢纽和核心领域。

    Economic anthropology has become a hub and the nuclear field of understanding social and cultural anthropology today .

  8. 近些年,人们对服装和时尚在社会文化和人类学中的角色有了新理解,这一领域的学问也随之发生了彻底改变。

    Scholarship in the field has been radically redrawn in recent years to accommodate an evolving understanding of the sociocultural and even anthropological role of costume and fashion .

  9. Halliday的系统功能语言学注重研究生物体之间的交际活动,重视从社会、文化和人类学的角度研究语言,具有很强的语境导向和功能导向,这一切正好适合外交演讲这种特殊的交际形式。

    Halliday 's Systematic Functional Linguistics attaches great importance to studying communicative activities of inter-organism , to studying language from social , cultural and anthropological perspectives .

  10. 综合运用艺术文化学,艺术社会学,文化人类学,文化生态论,民俗学等研究方法,借鉴相关鼓学的研究资料,发展他人的盘鼓研究理论。

    This study comprehensive used art sociology , cultural anthropology , cultural and ecological theory and folklore research methods .

  11. 这些理论视角大致包括:哲学、法哲学、法律社会学、文化人类学、法律功能主义等等。

    These theories include : philosophy , philosophy of law , legal sociology , cultural anthropology , law functionalism and so on .

  12. 通过对心理学、社会学及文化人类学取向的社会心理学的发展历程的分期研究,文章探讨了每个时期不同取向的社会心理学在理论和研究方法上的进展,以及不同研究取向的差异及其影响。

    This text carries on the research to the development process of the social psychology of the psychology , sociology and the cultural anthropology tropism .

  13. 心理学、社会学和文化人类学三种不同的社会心理学研究取向,决定了该学科具有边缘性的学科性质和不同的内容体系。

    The three aspects of social psychology , psychology , sociology and ethnology , Decide that social psychology is an interdisciplinary subject and has different content architecture .

  14. 在十月廿一日会议结束当天,代表们发表七点声明,建议为推进礼仪本地化,各地教会在研究本地化葬礼时,应寻求社会学、文化人类学、音乐和神学界专家的协助。

    To enhance these inculturation efforts , the forum recommended researching local traditions with the aid of experts in sociology , cultural anthropology , music and theology .

  15. 政治文化在性质上与社会学和文化人类学角度的文化具有一定重合性,故其不倾向于表现典籍文化的特征,而主要是表现心理性的一系列特征。

    Since it overlaps in nature with the culture in sociology and cultural anthropology , political culture tends not to show the culture in ancient books but that in psychology .

  16. 从民俗学、社会学、文化人类学的角度来看,节日是对既有文化系统诸要素之间关系的民俗式的记录与解读,又是历史的抽象化的现实影像;

    From the perspective of folklore , sociology and cultural anthropology , festival is regarded as a folk record and interpretation of cultural elements and the actual image of the abstract history .

  17. 当然,在我们进一步去挖掘媒介与妆饰行为之间的微妙关系时,我们也将不得不涉及有关符号学、心理学、社会学及文化人类学中的某些层面。

    When we go a step further to excavate the subtle relation of medium and adornment behaviour , of cause , it should have to involve some matters of semeiology , psychology and sociology .

  18. 在这种情况下,积极借鉴社会学、文化人类学的理论,建立科学的文化史学观,探索有效的比较研究方法是解决该问题的一条有益途径。

    In order to solve this problem , we should use sociology and anthropology for references to find scientific idea of cultural history , and explore effective method of comparision as soon as possible .

  19. 试图由相关学科(城市社会学和文化人类学)引进文化理论体系,在先驱们成果的基础上构建空间-文化的理论关联,并形成文化解释空间的理论框架。

    It attempted to introduce the cultural system through interrelated subject ( such as urban sociology and cultural anthropology ), to constitute the theoretical relation between space and culture , to form the cultural interpretation frame .

  20. 本文依据民俗学、民间文艺学、社会学、文化人类学等相关学科的方法,对山西非物质文化遗产传承人群体进行整体、动态、系统的研究。

    This article based on folklore , folk art , sociology , cultural anthropology and other related disciplinary approach , the inheritors of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Shanxi groups as a whole , dynamic system .

  21. 个人与社会文化的关系是人类学研究的一个重要议题,很多人类学家都对该问题进行过有意义的探索,得出了社会文化决定论、个体行动决定论和互动理论三种不同的学说。

    The relationship between individual and social culture is an important topic discussed by Anthropology . It represents " Sociocultural Determinism ", " Individual Behavior Determinism " and " Interaction Theory " concluded by many anthropologists through a useful effort for research .

  22. 在历史学内,历史人类学的形成亦经历了一个从社会史、社会文化史到历史人类学的演变过程。

    In history , historical anthropology experienced the process from social history to social cultural history and finally to historical anthropology .

  23. 关于国家与社会关系的研究,也涉及到众多的学科,如哲学、政治学、经济学、法学、社会学和文化人类学等。

    About the research of the relationships between country and social , involve numerous disciplines , for instance , philosophy , political science , economics , law science , sociology and cultural anthropology , etc.