
  • 网络social adjustment
  1. 道德是社会调整人们关系的一定行为准则,具有特殊规范性、广泛的渗透性、稳定性和实践性的基本特征。

    Morality is the relationship between social adjustment of people according to a certain code of conduct , which has features of special normative , a wide range of permeability , stability and practicality .

  2. 在现有的制度体制下,社会调整是缓解现存经济社会问题及其矛盾,并将其控制和保持在最有利于社会发展和生产力发展所必需的范围内的基本途径;

    Under the existing system-structure , the social adjustment is the alleviation to its existing economy-society problems and its contradiction , which should be controlled and maintained in the essential scope that must be of great advantage for the social development and the productive forces development ;

  3. 环境道德是一定社会调整人与自然之间关系的道德规范的总和。

    Environmenal morality is a set of moral rules regulating the relations between man and nature .

  4. 作为社会调整的基本规范,法与德冲突与互补同在,矛盾与互动并行。

    As the basic norm to regulate our society , law and morality conflicts and supplements each other .

  5. 社会调整机制以市民社会理论和实践为基础,市民社会主要由保护公民权利和公民政治参与的民间组织构成。

    Civil society composed mainly by civil organization whose function is to protect the right and politic participation of citizens .

  6. 刑法与道德伦理作为社会调整的两种不同手段,均具有其存在的重要价值。

    Criminal law and morals ethics , as two kinds of different means that society change , have its important existing value .

  7. 通过法律的社会调整就是通过反身法的调整,即通过法律系统的自我调整来调整其他系统。

    Social regulation through law is the regulation through reflexive law , namely , the regulation of other systems through self-regulation of legal system .

  8. 再论少杀慎刑与构建和谐社会调整有期徒刑对经济犯罪的刑期结构和刑法幅度标准;严格限制无期徒刑在经济犯罪中的适用范围等等。

    Re-discuss about Restrict Capital Punishment and Criminal Punishment with Caution , Reconstruct A Harmonious Society 1 . Abrogating capital punishment for economic crime .

  9. 前言:环境保护领域的“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”要求社会调整机制的引入。

    The failure of government and market in environmental protection requires the introduce of social regulation mechanism , which bases on the theory and practice of civil society .

  10. 法律与道德是社会调整体系中紧密联系的两类社会规范,又是治理国家、规范行为的不同方法。

    Law and morals are two kinds of social standard linked closely among the social adjustable system , and also are two different ways of governing the country and standardizing behavior .

  11. 横向比较国外经济公益诉讼制度的理论与实践,有益于构建我国经济公益诉讼制度和充分发挥经济法社会调整功能。

    Comparing the theory and practice of the overseas economical public interests lawsuit system will benefit the set - up of our own system and the full exertion of the adjustment function of the law of economics .

  12. 荣辱观自古以来就受到了人们的重视,它是人类社会调整自身的行为,从而符合社会道德和法律规范的重要途径。

    People have been concentrate on Concept of Honor and Disgrace since ancient times . It is the individual behavior of human society to adjust the individual behavior , so that the behavior can be in line with the social norms .

  13. 作为集体劳权的核心权利,集体谈判权已经被西方大部分市场经济国家的法律所承认,集体谈判也成为了现代工业社会调整劳动关系一项重要机制。

    As the core of collective rights , collective bargaining has been recognized by the laws of most of the western market economy of western countries , which has become an important mechanism for the adjustment of labor relations in a modern industrial society .

  14. 拉美国家社会政策调整评析

    A Review of the Social Policy Adjustment in Latin America

  15. 严重脑损伤后17年的社会心理调整

    Psychosocial adjustment 17 years after se-vere brain injury

  16. 上肢缩短缺损和使用肌电假手的瑞典儿童的社会心理调整

    Psychosocial adjustment in Swedish children with upper-limb reduction deficiency and a myoelectric prosthetic hand

  17. 社会结构调整:调适国家与社会关系的现实根源

    Adjustment of social structural : the reality-root-causes of adapting the relationship between the state and society

  18. 从发展条件的形成看,是一个与一定的经济发展阶段相适应的社会理性调整过程;

    From the conditions of development , it is rational adjustment process which adapts stages of economic development .

  19. 绝大多数债的关系由儒家思想和社会习惯调整。

    Three , the most of the relation of the debts were adjusted with the Confucianism and the social habit .

  20. 维系和平要求双方政府和社会大力调整各自的态度和行动。

    Peaceful cases required huge adjustments in the attitudes and actions of the governments and the societies of both countries involved .

  21. 从经济改革的角度出发,立足现实、考虑未来,按照阿坝州经济社会需要调整教育结构;

    In terms of economic reform it should stand by the reality and future , adjust the educational structure according to the social need ;

  22. 环境损害赔偿立法的必要性由现实社会关系调整的必要性和现行相关立法的不适应性所决定。

    The necessity of the legislation on compensation for environmental damages determines from current relevant legislation inadaptability and realistic necessity of adjusting social relationships .

  23. 本文通过对美国菲律宾裔移民的移民历史、社会经济调整、文化适应、种族认同等问题进行考察,揭示美国重要的亚裔群体之一&菲律宾裔移民的生活状况。

    The article reviews the immigration history , socioeconomic adjustment , acculturation and ethnic identification of Filipino Americans , and explores their life status in USA.

  24. 高等学校应当根据社会需求调整学科结构和专业设置,使高等教育更加适合经济和社会发展需要;

    Institutions of higher learning should adjust the major structure and course structure in order to match the request of the social and economic development .

  25. 这就需要发挥人的主观能动性,制定出切实可行的规章制度,发挥法律作为社会关系调整器的作用。

    Focusing on this process can put forward feasible regulations and system and function as an adjuster of social relations by giving full play to the initiative .

  26. 雇佣关系更多地倾向于民法的私法自治理念,而劳动关系在社会法调整下拥有更多的法律规制。

    The employment relationship has the conception of autonomy of private law , while with the conception of social law , the labor relationship has more legal regulations .

  27. 这就迫切需要制定一部统一的反家庭暴力专门法律,以满足现实社会关系调整之需和解司法实践之急。

    It is urgent need to develop a unified special laws against domestic violence , to meet the practical need of society relation adjustment of reconciliation judicial practice urgently .

  28. 分析地标在早期科学创造、建筑审美观形成上的科学意义和个人认同、自我界定、社会体系调整的社会学意义。

    It analyzes the effects of landmark in forepart science discovery and formation of architecture esthetics and the sociology significance such as self-identity , individual orientation , society system regulating .

  29. 民法、行政法、刑法等传统法律部门对经济生活中增量利益社会关系调整的漠视和乏力。

    Civil law , administrative law , and criminal law have been incapable of and indifferent to the adjustment of social relations formed in incremental benefits of traditional sectors in economic life .

  30. 今后,员工调职和换办公室必须出于自愿,1100名高层经理30%的薪水根据社会绩效调整。

    Job and office moves will become voluntary , and up to 30 % of the variable pay of the firm 's top 1100 managers will be tied to their " social " performance .